Page 26 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
P. 26


        Etisalat Enabling the Future of Retail at GITEX Technology Week

        Etisalat  demonstrated the retail spaces
        of  tomorrow  at  GITEX  Technology  Week
        with   innovative   and   transformative
        showcases  that  can  be  enabled  on
        the  5G  network  paving  the  way  for
        future  growth  highlighting  how  smart
        technologies  are  becoming  an  integral
        part  of  the  industry.  During  this  year’s
        edition, the demonstrations were intuitive
        and  intelligent  featuring  technologies
        like  technologies  like  AI,  IoT,  RFID,  NFC,
        autonomous and robotics. The intelligent
        retail  experience  would  help  visitors
        witness  the  evolution  of  retail  and  at  the
        same time experience a connected store.
        Now with the 5G network, it will become a
        critical enabler of these futuristic use cases
        opening up a world of opportunities for the
        retail sector. This year at GITEX, retail has
        showcases including AI assisted shopping,   based solution ItemPiQ showcases highly   fashionistas,  the  new  connected  fashion
        connected  fashion,  IoT  self-checkout,   efficient  order  processing  solutions  for   concept  is  framed  in  a  realistic  look  and
        autonomous   vehicles,   robotics   and   single items and is designed for repeated,   feel with visitors being able to interact with
        advanced  payment  solutions.  The  Neolix   reliable  picking  of  a  wide  range  of  items   ‘Furhat’  the  robot  who  will  assist  you  in
        self-driving delivery vehicle helps track via   to  fulfil  fast  delivery  of  orders  at  low   your complete  shopping  experience,  the
        an app and simply use their smartphone   operating  costs.  The  AI  powered  robotic   zone  also  consists  of  dynamic  displays
        to access items once the vehicle arrives.   checkout  assistant  picks  items  at  the   and interactive experiences,  personalized
        Moby  Mart  is  staff-less  and  can  be  put   checkout  counter  and  identify  each  item   shopping,  product  customization,  offline
        anywhere: from a small village, to the city   being  picked  along  with  the  price.  At  the   pickup  for  online  purchased  orders.  The
        centers,  to  airports,  office  building,  etc.   same time there is  another  autonomous   retail area will also attract the foodies, with
        VICKI  is  an  IOT  self-checkout  solution   checkout  that  dismisses  barcodes  and   displays  from  ‘Natufia  Kitchen  Garden’,
        for  retail  understanding  her  customers’   recognizes  the  products  immediately.   originally designed for Michelin star chefs
        habits,  preferences  and  even  questions.   There is also a lot analytics on the stand   is  an  environmental  friendly  concept
        Caper, the autonomous shopping cart is a   with technologies conducting real time face   encouraging chefs to grow their own herbs
        self-service checkout on wheels that can   and body analysis. The advanced payment   and vegetables right in their kitchen. The
        with  the  help  of  built-in  sensors,  identify   demonstration  of  the  biocompatible  NFC   fully  automated  bread-making  machine
        every  item  that  a  customer  puts  into  it.   implant is a unique showcase completing   ‘Breadbot’,  worlds  first  smoothie  vending
        The complete shopping experience in the   the intelligent  shopping  experience  using   machine   ‘Alberts   Robotic   Smoothie
        retail  area  is  AI-assisted  utilizing state   the  microchip  implanted  in  the  hand.   Station’, and a disruptive coffee experience
        of  the  art  facial  recognition  systems  to   Imagine  a seamless digital interaction   with  ‘Robotic  Barista’  are  the  other
        identify  specific  users.  Swisslog’s  robot-  for  everyday  transactions.  For  the   attractions on the stand.

        Etisalat Focuses on Health and Empowers ‘People of Determination’ with
        Smart Mobility Solutions at GITEX 2019

        Etisalat  this  year  at  GITEX  Technology   equivalent for wheelchairs, made its world   communication for individuals with speech
        Week had a major focus on smart solutions   premiere  at  Etisalat’s  stand.  This  unique   disability.  This  wireless  glove  contains  a
        that focus on health and also empower the   smart  mobility  showcase  is  in  line  with   number of motion and position sensors that
        ‘People  of  Determination’  harnessing  the   its  long-established  corporate  social   gives feedback to a smartphone app using
        power  of  5G  and  innovative  technologies   responsibility (CSR) strategy of extending   machine  learning giving  users complete
        like  AI,  robotics  and  IoT  to  improve  their   its  reach,  offers  and  services  across  the   control  over  sign  language  libraries.  Dr.
        mobility,  independence  and  ultimately   community. BrightSign, created by Hadeel   Ahmed bin Ali, Group Senior Vice President,
        their lives. WheeM-i (Wheelchairs Mobility   Ayoub, a Saudi tech innovator and inventor   Corporate Communications, Etisalat, said:
        Interface),  a  bicycle-sharing  system   uses  assistive  technology  to  facilitate   “Our  commitment  to  CSR  has  always

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