Page 22 - SAMENA Trends - October-December 2024
P. 22


                                             e& and PPF Close €2.15 Billion Deal

        Czech  telco  group  PPF  has completed   PPF’s  telecom  experience  in Central and   Investment, making PPF the sole owner of
        the sale of a 50% plus one share stake in   Eastern  Europe with  e&’s  global  tech   CETIN Czech.  “Together, we have created
        its  telecom  assets  in  Bulgaria,  Hungary,   resources to boost telecom services in the   a platform to drive value creation in fast-
        Serbia,  and Slovakia  to Emirati-based   region.   PPF will retain full ownership of   developing telecommunications markets,”
        telco e&. In doing so, the companies have   its telecom assets in the Czech Republic,   said PPF CEO Jiří Šmejc in a press release.
        formed a new joint venture called e& PPF   including  O2  Czech  Republic  and CETIN   “Our  partnership  with  e&  testifies  to  the
        Telecom Group. The deal is valued at €2.15   Czech, which are outside the partnership’s   quality of PPF’s industry expertise and
        billion,  with a  potential earn-out  of up to   scope. Additionally, PPF is set to acquire a   local knowledge. In return,  PPF’s telco
        €350 million. The joint venture combines   30% stake in CETIN Group from Roanoke   teams will benefit from the global scale and
                                                                                 technology know-how of e&, enabling us to
                                                                                 meet our ambitions for further growth,” he
                                                                                 continued.  Earlier this year, the European
                                                                                 Commission (EC) opened an investigation
                                                                                 into the deal, over concerns  that  it  has
                                                                                 been “granted foreign subsidies that could
                                                                                 distort the EU internal market”.  Concerns
                                                                                 stemmed from discussions  that  e& may
                                                                                 have received financial support from UAE
                                                                                 banks and the national government, which
                                                                                 would have given PPF an unfair edge in the
                                                                                 EU market according to newly introduced
                                                                                 competition rules that came into effect in
                                                                                 July last year.   Earlier this month, the EC
                                                                                 unanimously approved the deal.

        e& UAE Claims World’s Fastest Aggregated 5G-A Speed of 62 Gbps

        e& UAE  aggregated multiple  carriers   individuals  and  organizations  today  a  5G  commercial  network  for  the  first
        across high-band and low-band over   but also  paving  the way  for ultra-high   time in the  Middle  East  and Africa. The
        simplified  architecture,  reaching  a  new   download speeds in the future, amplifying   technology  was demonstrated  through  a
        record speed  of 62 Gbps. The  telco  said   their overall experience,” Murshed added.   cloud gaming showcase conducted on e&
        it  used “cutting-edge” hardware and   In  a  separate announcement,  Ericsson   UAE’s 5G Standalone commercial network
        “sophisticated”  algorithms  like  MU-  and e& UAE claimed  the  successful   on the sidelines  of GITEX  Global  2024,
        MIMO (multi-user, multiple input, multiple   implementation  of Low  Latency, Low   where L4S resulted in reducing the latency
        output)  to achieve this record speed.   Loss,  Scalable  Throughput  (L4S), a time-  to less than half and perfectly maintaining
        Khalid Murshed, chief  technology and   critical communication technology, in   it within a predefined range, Ericsson said.
        information  officer  (CTIO)  at  e&  UAE,
        said: “We are thrilled  to announce  e&
        UAE’s achievement of the world’s fastest
        5G-Advanced (5G-A) network speed. With
        the target of 10Giga nation, we are poised
        to unleash the boundless  potential of
        technology,  empower innovative services
        and applications  that will transform the
        fabric  of society and the  economy.” e&
        UAE also noted it is “harnessing the power
        of  artificial  intelligence  (AI)”  to  deliver
        personalized experiences  to  customers
        and to  “spearhead” intelligent  energy-
        saving  initiatives. “By adopting the  latest
        5G-Advanced  solutions,  we are not only
        delivering  unparalleled  experiences  to

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