Page 17 - SAMENA Trends - October-December 2024
P. 17


        Value-Creation and New Growth Increasingly Require Operators to Build AI-
        centric F5.5G All-Optical Networks

        As ultra-broadband (UBB)  and AI industries  go from strength to   For  Operators  using the  network+AI,
        strength, the number of gigabit fiber broadband users worldwide   Huawei believes that the  “Four New”
        has  exceeded  300  million, and  the average speed  of  home
        broadband packages has reached 570 Mbit/s. There are over 1,300   strategy, encompassing  New Hub, New
        AI foundation models and more than 30,000 AI-related enterprises   Services, New Experience, and New Oper-
        globally. The UBB industry and AI industry are mutually reinforcing,
        driving the wide adoption of gigabit broadband.             ation, is key to unleashing more business
        For Operators  using the network+AI, Huawei  believes that  the
        “Four New” strategy, encompassing New Hub, New Services, New
        Experience, and New Operation, is key to unleashing more business   Fixed broadband must provide premium services. Based
        value-creation.                                          on  optical  fiber  connections,  fixed  broadband  provides
                                                                 deterministic  and  guaranteed  service experiences  for every
        At  the 10th Ultra-Broadband  Forum (UBBF  2024), Bob Chen,   user.  Globally,  there  are  three  monetization  modes  for  fixed
        President  of Huawei  Optical  Business Product  Line, delivered   broadband:  coverage  monetization,  bandwidth  monetization,
        a  keynote speech that focused on AI-Centric  F5.5G  All-Optical   and experience monetization.
        networks for achieving new growth. Bob Chen noted that in the AI
        era, some carriers will transform into AI all-service providers, and   1.  First, coverage monetization. Currently, no fiber connection
        some carriers will cooperate with third parties to provide services   is available to more than 28% of global users. Therefore, fiber
        such as  AI  computing  and AI  applications. For carriers, building   coverage needs to be accelerated to seize the demographic
        robust infrastructure networks and “enhancing  computing  with   dividend. Huawei solutions including QuickConnect ODN and
        networks”  will  be  the key to business success  in the AI era. AI   all-scenario AirPON can help carriers achieve fast and low-
        device-cloud  synergy and intelligent  computing  training  require   cost network construction.
        high network bandwidth, low latency, and high reliability. Huawei   2.  Second, bandwidth monetization. First, some carriers have
        is  continuously  innovating F5.5G in optical transmission, optical   deployed fiber broadband, but their package rates are only
        access,  and management  and control platform,  helping  carriers   dozens  of  Mbps.  As  a  result,  the  value  of  optical  fibers  is
        build AI-centric all-optical networks.                     not unleashed. Therefore, we recommend that packages be
                                                                   gradually upgraded to provide more competitive broadband
        "The next decade will witness the fast popularization of AI,” Bob   services. Second,  some carriers  have offered  gigabit
        Chen stated. “Huawei hopes to work with industry partners to build   packages, but the experience is poor and video freezing often
        an AI-centric F5.5G all-optical network, extending optical switching   occurs. The root cause is that GPON is used to provide gigabit
        to data centers and metro edges, building premium networks for   packages. Therefore, GPON should be upgraded to 10G PON
        optical access by monetizing coverage, bandwidth, and experience,   as soon as possible to provide better network experiences.
        and fully injecting AI capabilities to the management and control   3.  The last  is  to  monetize  experience. Now,  the industry  has
        platform.  In  this  way,  we  can accelerate  AI  popularization  and   a  consensus  on  the  evolution  from  FTTH  using  one  fiber
        achieve new business growth together in the intelligent era!"  to FTTR using  one  network. FTTR networking  can ensure
                                                                   optimal  experience  for  everyone anytime  and anywhere.
        In the optical transmission field, Huawei's leading optical switching   So far, the number of global FTTR users has exceeded  30
        technology  is extended  to data centers  (DCs) and metro edges.   million. In addition, Huawei is accelerating the innovation and
        First, with optical switching, DCs support the scale and efficiency   upgrade of FTTR+X to help carriers innovate AI applications,
        improvement of  AI  computing.  Huawei's  DC optical switching   including AI plus storage, home guard, and healthcare. Our
        solution supports  the expansion  of intelligent  computing  from   ultimate goal is to support one smart home based on one
        1000  cards to millions of cards  based on ultra-dense  ports  and   FTTR network.
        ultra-low power consumption. Compared with traditional solutions,
        the optical module-free deployment mode reduces the failure rate   Huawei uses digital twin and AI foundation models to improve
        by about 20%. In addition, with all-optical switching at metro edges,   user experience and O&M efficiency in premium broadband and
        Huawei helps carriers build 1 ms, 5 ms, and 10 ms latency circles   premium transmission solution scenarios. Huawei's Premium
        through mesh networking, and all-optical one-hop connection for   Broadband solution uses automatic fault locating to implement
        end-to-end all-optical switching from the backbone to the metro,   minute-level network  fault diagnosis  and proactive poor-QoE
        ensuring ultimate AI experiences. Up to now, more than 50 carriers   rectification,  slashing  user  complaints  by  30%.  Its  Premium
        around the world have extended optical switching to metro edges   Transmission solution  uses automatic online  planning  to
        and built 1 ms metro networks.                           shorten the new service TTM from months to hours.

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