Page 16 - SAMENA Trends - October-December 2024
P. 16
F5.5G All-Optical 10Gbps and Premium Transmission Have Arrived
The commercial construction of F5.5G
gears up to embrace the imminent
intelligent world. In November 2023, the
European Telecommunications Standards
Institute (ETSI) released the F5.5G
standard. Innovative technologies like 50G
PON, Wi-Fi 7, FTTR+X, 400G, all-optical
cross-connect (OXC), and Hybrid ASON
have rapidly matured, showing that F5.5G
is in extensive commercial use.
The Industry is at a stage where
accelerating the commercial use of F5.5G
achieves experience enhancement to
stimulate intelligent applications through
all-optical 10Gbps; breaking connectivity
boundaries to expand new services for
homes and enterprises; and transcending
geographical limitations to connect and
collaborate immense intelligent computing Li Peng, Huawei's Senior Vice President and President of ICT Sales & Service, delivering a speech
power. Promoting Fast Network Evolution Towards F5.5G to Fully Embrace the Intelligent Era
enterprises.” In terms of architecture, Based on F5.5G all-op-
Bob Chen, President of Huawei Optical networks can be built from three aspects:
Business Product Line, has elaborated on tical 10Gbps and premium
the F5.5G target network and key product First, the 3D-mesh backbone computing transmission products
solutions, and shared successful F5.5G network. The 400G ultra-high speed and 3D and solutions, Huawei has
practices used by global carriers. He mesh architecture achieves non-blocking
said: “Facing the intelligent era, carriers bandwidth, and Hybrid ASON enables worked with global carriers
need an “All-Optical 10Giga + Premium 99.9999% availability. Second, the one- to carry out innovative
Transmission for Intelligence” network hop metro computing network. E2E OXC
that supports ubiquitous 10Gbps, 1 ms builds a 1 ms city latency circle to achieve commercial practices and
latency, and 99.9999% availability to low-latency computing access, and Alps- deployed 166 commercial
meet the intelligent application access WDM and metro 100G continuously reduce
and computing power interconnection computing costs. Third, the 10Gbps sites.
requirements of individuals, homes, and intelligent access network. 50G PON
supports 10Gbps access in all scenarios
and ensures deterministic experiences
through E2E slicing and intelligent traffic
Based on F5.5G all-optical 10Gbps and
premium transmission products and
solutions, Huawei has worked with global
carriers to carry out innovative commercial
practices and deployed 166 commercial
sites. New services bring with them new
revenue growth opportunities for carriers.
2024 has been the first year of commercial
5.5G, and F5.5G gigabit optical network
deployment has already begun. Synergies
across networks, cloud, and intelligence
are set to give rise to pervasive intelligent
applications and increasingly diverse user
Bob Chen, President of Huawei Optical Business Product Line, delivering a keynote speech experiences.
16 OCT-DEC 2024