Page 69 - SAMENA Trends - Oct-Nov 2023
P. 69


        CST Governor Awarded the Qualified Teams in the "Space Challenge Camp"

        with the Participation Of +100 National Cadres

        H.E.  Dr.  Mohammed bin Saud Altamimi,   organizing this  event CST is  committed   for the challenges faced by astronauts in
        Governor  of the Communications,  Space   to empower  national human capabilities   spaceflight missions. CST pointed out that
        and Technology  Commission (CST), with   in the space sector. The Space Challenge   the Space Challenge Camp was held over
        the presence of the CEO of Mohammed Bin   Camp introduced various subjects  such   10 days, providing  an exceptional learn-
        Salman City Nonprofit (Misk), has awarded   as space program management, the fun-  ing experience  with  the participation of
        the qualified teams in the "Space Challenge   damentals of human Spaceflight  mission   several experts in Space. The camp aims
        Camp". Which witnessed the participation   design,  design  skills,  problem-solving   to develop the knowledge and skills of the
        of more than 100 innovators of undergrad-  skills,  teamwork  skills,  and team  man-  participants, enhance national capabilities,
        uates  and  fresh  graduates  in  the  field  of   agement. It  also witnessed  participants   and build a creative generation by inspir-
        Space  Science  and Engineering; and by   competing to design innovative solutions   ing  them  to pursue  future opportunities
                                                                                 in the Space sector. The Space Challenge
                                                                                 Camp is part of the CST's role to regulate
                                                                                 the Space sector, in an effort to promote
                                                                                 innovation, inspire future generations, and
                                                                                 enhance  the Kingdom's aspirations for
                                                                                 leadership in the Space sector. The camp
                                                                                 also supports the adoption  of emerging
                                                                                 Space activities, the provision of expertise,
                                                                                 and the development of national organiza-
                                                                                 tional capabilities in the field.

        Morocco Leads Africa’s Technological Advancements

        Morocco  has emerged  as  the leader  in   implement 3G technology, although it is still   Focusing on Digital Infrastructure
        Africa’s  technology  sector, surpassing   preparing to transition to 5G. The country   Morocco  recognizes digitalization and
        countries  like South  Africa,  Egypt, and   has  rapidly  advanced in  internet access   internet access improvement as crucial for
        Kenya,  according to  Monkey  Insider.   and IT  infrastructure, ranking second  in   its social and economic development. The
        Based   on   the  World  Intellectual  digital transformation in Africa in 2021.  government has prioritized enhancing digital
        Property  Organization’s  data, Morocco’s   Global Network Readiness Index  infrastructure to meet  future challenges.
        impressive performance  in  information   In  the 2022  Portland  Institute’s  Network   Challenges in Financial Digitization Despite
        and  communications  technology  (ICT),   Readiness  Index, Morocco  ranked  79th   advancements, Morocco faces challenges
        knowledge  and technology  outputs,  and   out of 131 countries. The country excelled   in  financial  digitization.  A  2022  report  by
        high-tech manufacturing contributed to its   in e-commerce  legislation,  ICT service   Endeavor revealed that 98% of transactions
        top rank.                            exports, and high-tech  manufacturing,   in Morocco  are still conducted  in cash,
        Pioneering 3G and Digital Transformation  demonstrating  its robust  ICT application   indicating a lag in adopting digital financial
        Morocco  was  the  first  African  country  to   and impact on the economy.  services.

        Largest Data Center to Open in Jordan

        The  Aqaba Digital Hub is gearing up to   and empowering communities. Since  the   seamless data  interchange  with local
        unveil the largest data center in Jordan by   launch of this ground-breaking project, the   telecommunications firms, internet service
        the end of 2023, as reported by the Jordan   Aqaba Digital Hub has played a pivotal role   providers, and digital content  providers.
        News  Agency.  It  embraces everything   in  the community  by  creating 300  direct   This means quicker access times and
        from a mega  data center  and internet   and indirect job opportunities, fostering   reduced  data-sharing costs. The project
        exchange point to cloud platforms and fiber   economic  growth  and stability  in  Aqaba.   aims  to establish a  secure environment
        networks, among many more. The facility,   At  the heart  of our digital marvel lies a   for sensitive data,  aligning  with global
        valued at  JD100 million ($141  million),   cutting-edge  data  center  with a  capacity   standards. This facility will function as both
        stands as a testament to our commitment   of  6  megawatts.  It  has  been linked to  a   a primary and backup data center, ensuring
        to revolutionizing the digital landscape   neutral internet exchange point, facilitating   business continuity and disaster recovery.

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