Page 73 - SAMENA Trends - Oct-Nov 2023
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        and extend the reach of its optical network,   Furthermore, the partners also highlighted   to meet  both current and future needs.
        while additional software management and   that  by  further strengthening  its  global   Cybernet offers internet, EVPN and MPLS-
        control functions from Nokia’s WaveSuite   footprint through the establishment of its   based  services  at its international PoPs.
        service enablement automation  software   international points of presence (PoPs) in   Cyber Internet Services, which  operates
        will support Cybernet in further increasing   MC-1 in Barka (Oman), MRS-2 in Marseille   under the Cybernet and StormFiber brands,
        operational  efficiencies.  ‘Broadband  and   (France), SmartHub in Fujairah (UAE) and   is  part  of Pakistani  conglomerate  the
        enterprise  customers  can  also  benefit   SG1 in Singapore, Cybernet  is providing   Lakson Group, and is the nation’s largest
        from low latency, superior  quality of   its global peering  community  members   provider of FTTH  services with nearly
        services and an  enhanced  customer   with  its  advanced IXP  platform  powered   367,000 subscriptions  across over 20
        experience,’  the statement declared.   by the Nokia 7750 SR and 7250 IXR routers   cities at mid-2023.

        Saudi  Arabia  Advances Transport Sector  Through  AI  and  Technological

        In a sweeping move to revolutionize
        its  transportation and logistics sector,
        Saudi Arabia  is  embracing  technological
        advancements  and  artificial  intelligence,
        asserted Saleh Al-Jasser, the Kingdom’s
        Minister  of  Transport  and  Logistics.  The
        minister’s  statements came during  his
        address  at  the  fifth  Smart  Transport,
        Infrastructure, and Logistics Exhibition
        and Conference  for the Middle East
        and Africa held  in Cairo.  Minister Al-
        Jasser   emphasized   the   significant
        strides Saudi Arabia is undertaking to
        enhance  performance  efficiency,  support
        sustainable development, and bolster the
        economy  through  a  series  of structural
        reforms and institutional transformations.
        Central to this  transformative agenda
        is  the Kingdom’s  Vision 2030, which
        envisages Saudi Arabia becoming a global
        logistics hub that contributes to economic   330 million  passengers  yearly, boosting   taxis, volocopters, and autonomous pods
        diversification  while  improving  the  living   port  capacity  for 40  million containers,   for personal and goods transit. Supporting
        standards within its  cities. The National   and elevating safety in transportation   these futuristic endeavors, The Helicopter
        Transport and Logistics  Strategy, as   modalities.  Achieving these objectives,   Co., backed by the Public Investment Fund,
        explained  by Al-Jasser, aims  ambitiously   he noted,  hinges  on integrating  modern   is establishing a comprehensive rotorcraft
        to  double  the sector’s  GDP  contribution   technologies,  switching  to alternative   industry, offering services ranging from
        and place Saudi Arabia among the top 10   fuels, adopting  eco-friendly  vehicles,   construction  to  filmography  and  private
        countries  in  the Logistics Performance   and promoting  shared  transportation   charters. The  conference,  inaugurated
        Index. Integral  to this strategy is the   modes. The Kingdom is also progressing   by Egyptian Prime Minister Mostafa
        increase in public transportation usage,   towards integrating  autonomous  mobility   Madbouly, welcomed  transport ministers
        exceeding 15 percent of total travel, and the   technologies into its transport framework.   from across  the Arab world and featured
        reduction of carbon emissions by 2 percent   Pioneering projects like NEOM and Red Sea   over 300 specialized transport companies
        per capita annually. Al-Jasser highlighted   Global are being developed with sustainable   from approximately 50 countries, marking
        ambitious  targets  such  as expanding   and automated transportation solutions in   a  milestone gathering  for regional
        airport  capacity to accommodate over   mind, including innovative options like air   transportation dialogue and collaboration.

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