Page 65 - SAMENA Trends - Oct-Nov 2023
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        Saudi Arabia Unveils International Center for AI Research and Ethics

        The stage is set for the opening of a new   The proposal for the International Center   to Saudi Arabia where AI is expected  to
        artificial  intelligence  center  in  Riyadh,   for AI  Research and Ethics was  initially   contribute over $135.2 billion in 2030 to the
        dedicated to promoting ethics in advanced   submitted  to  UNESCO  in March 2022,   economy, equivalent to 12.4 percent of the
        technologies  and  contributing to the   garnering support from Kuwait and Oman.   gross domestic  product,”  said PwC  in its
        development of sector policies in the Gulf   As per the Saudi Press Agency, the center   report.  In June,  Saudi Arabia  established
        region. Saudi Minister of Culture Prince Badr   will  operate  with legal personality  and   the Global Cybersecurity  Forum Institute
        Bin  Farhan announced  the establishment   financial and administrative independence,   in Riyadh, aiming to harness the potential
        of  the  International  Center  for  Artificial   working  toward fostering  the  growth of   of cyberspace  and support global efforts
        Intelligence  Research and Ethics during   advanced  technologies  like AI within   to enhance  cybersecurity.  According  to a
        the 42nd  session of  UNESCO’s  General   the Kingdom. Earlier  this  year,  the global   report published by the SPA, the institute
        Conference  in  Paris  on November 11.   consultancy  firm  PwC  projected  that  AI   will host an annual global security forum,
        The initiative, approved by Saudi Arabia’s   would contribute $135 billion to the Saudi   bringing  together experts  and decision-
        Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman     economy by 2030, positioning the Kingdom   makers from around the world to discuss
        in  June,  aims  to  advance competencies   as  the  primary  beneficiary  of  technology   ways  to  protect the most  vulnerable  in
        and  legislative  frameworks  in  the  field   in  the Middle East.  “In  absolute  terms,   cyberspace  while  maximizing  its  benefits
        of AI  and other advanced  technologies.   the largest gains are expected  to  accrue   for everyone. As  Saudi Arabia continues
                                                                                 its embrace  of advanced  technologies,
                                                                                 Microsoft Chairman and CEO Satya Nadella
                                                                                 told in a recent interview with Arab News
                                                                                 that  the  country’s  push  toward  artificial
                                                                                 intelligence  has  significantly  increased
                                                                                 productivity.  “Especially with  the age of
                                                                                 AI  coming, this is  a  fantastic time for us
                                                                                 to bring world-class technology  to Saudi
                                                                                 Arabia  so  that  it  can create world-class
                                                                                 technology for the world,” he said. Nadella
                                                                                 added that  small  businesses  in  Saudi
                                                                                 Arabia could  become  more productive if
                                                                                 they leverage the advantages of AI.

        NTA to Implement MDMS from 6 November

        The  Nepal Telecommunications  Authority
        (NTA) states  that  it  is  implementing  the
        Mobile Device Management  System
        (MDMS) from 6th November.  With the
        implementation,  NTA may block phones
        that  are not registered in  MDMS.  The
        telecommunications  regulatory body  of
        Nepal  issued  a notice  on  October  21,
        2023, urging users to register unregistered
        mobile  phones  in the system within 15
        days.  The notice  stated that  phones  not
        registered  in  MDMS  within  the  specified
        15-day  period  will  not operate in  Nepal.
        According to the authority, as reported by
        Kantipur TV, for the first phase, the system   aims to reduce the import of ‘grey phones,’   the implementation;  however, it  failed to
        will  be  implemented  on  high-end phones   which are phones brought into the country   implement  the system effectively.  The
        worth more than 100,000 rupees.  Upon   through  unofficial  channels.  However,   recent  MDMS  implementation  seems
        the implementation of  MDMS,  illegally   Given Nepal’s past experiences with MDMS   confident.  The  system  is  also  sending
        imported  mobile  phones  will no  longer   implementations, doubts persist regarding   warning SMS to unregistered devices. Let’s
        be able to  use carrier services  from  any   the system’s potential  success.  In the   see  if today’s MDMS implementation  will
        service  provider  in Nepal. This measure   past, NTA issued many notices regarding   be successful.

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