Page 67 - SAMENA Trends - Oct-Nov 2023
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        IoT Market in Qatar to Reach $2.72 Billion by 2028

        The Internet of Things (IoT) market in Qa-  tablished the ‘Tasmu  Digital  Valley,’  an   ute to major projects in the area. The report
        tar  is  projected  to experience  substantial   innovation cluster  fostering  collaboration   also notes the rise in smart home projects
        growth, increasing from QR2.88  billion   among startups, entrepreneurs, investors,   in Qatar, emphasizing their positive impact
        ($0.79  billion)  in 2023 to QR9.87  billion   researchers,  academics,  students,  multi-  on market growth. Additionally, the efforts
        ($2.71 billion) by 2028. This growth is an-  national corporations, and institutions. IoT   of market vendors  in  advancing 5G  con-
        ticipated to occur at a compound annual   constitutes 40 per cent of the Tasmu Smart   nectivity are expected  further to expand
        growth rate (CAGR) of 27.92 per cent be-  Qatar use cases, contributing significantly   the scope of smart homes in the country,
        tween 2023 and 2028, according to a report   to the country’s IoT market expansion. The   contributing  positively to market growth.
        by Research and Markets. The report high-  government is driving initiatives to support   Qatar has positioned itself as a global lead-
        lights Qatar as a technologically advanced   IoT market growth, exemplified by the Qatar   er in 5G network coverage, with high levels
        nation within the Arab world, showcasing   Mobility Innovations Centre (QMIC), the first   of internet  and smartphone  penetration.
        a high level of innovation in IoT, virtual re-  independent  innovation Centre in the re-  The extensive mobile connections in Qatar,
        ality,  robotics,  and 5G.  Qatar  is  actively   gion. QMIC, through Labeeb IoT, aims to en-  reaching 151.8 per cent of the total popu-
        embracing new technologies with a vision   hance and deploy smart mobility services   lation in January 2022 according to GSMA
        to become one of the smartest countries   and systems. The overarching objective is   Intelligence, indicate a conducive environ-
        in the Middle East. The Ministry of Trans-  to leverage locally engineered innovations   ment for major telecom players to drive 5G
        portation and Communications  has  es-  to address regional challenges and contrib-  deployment efforts.

        Libya Joins Medusa Submarine Cable Project to Boost Telecom Services and
        Digital Transformation

        The Libyan United International Company   with various Mediterranean  countries,   ceremony, conducted in Tripoli, witnessed
        (LUIC), a newly established private sector   including  Italy,  Spain, Portugal, Morocco,   the presence  of Ibrahim Rehab, LUIC’s
        entity specializing  in communications,   Tunisia,  Greece,  Egypt,  and Cyprus. The   Chairman,  Spanish Ambassador to Libya
        recently inked a contract to integrate Libya   LUIC  represents  a  consortium of Libyan   Javier Garcia-Larrache, representatives
        into the Medusa submarine cable project.   private  sector  firms  operating  in  the   from the Medusa submarine  cable
        This ambitious project interconnects Libya   communications  industry. The  signing   system in Spain, directors  from  several

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