Page 63 - SAMENA Trends - Oct-Nov 2023
P. 63


                                                REGIONAL NEWS

        Saudi Arabia Leads Global Discussion on Space Economy and Sustainability

        As a  leader  of the international  efforts   Commission (CST), revealed investment   startups entered Space market within the
        in  harnessing  Space  services  and  opportunities that will make Saudi Arabia   last ten years, with an investment value of
        sustainability  to  serve  humanity,  Saudi   an enabler  for Space  technologies,  with   more than $40 billion, as the global Space
        Arabia organized the “Future of the Space   Space market  value reaching  more  than   economy  is expected  to reach  $700B  to
        Economy” session on the sidelines of the   $400  million and  is  expected  to  grow  to   $1  trillion in the coming  years.  In  2022,
        World Radiocommunication  Conference   increase by 87% in the future. H.E. Altamimi   Space sector witnessed the largest number
        “WRC23”, with the presence of international   indicated that the new Space era is no more   of  satellites  launching,  with  an  average
        Space economy leaders from the public and   limited to few countries and organizations,   of 50  satellites  launched  per week.  H.E.
        private sector. During the session H.E. Dr.   but it became  a dynamic,  inclusive and   Altamimi  also  highlighted  Saudi Arabia’s
        Mohammed Altamimi, the Governor of the   rapidly evolving  market. More than 90   efforts in promoting  Space  sustainability,
        Communications,  Space  and Technology   countries invested in Space, and over 840   raising the Space sector's contribution to
                                                                                 the global economy through public-private
                                                                                 partnerships, and building its capabilities
                                                                                 in  satellite  manufacturing  by  owning
                                                                                 infrastructures  and  space-launching
                                                                                 capability  for Space exploration. Saudi
                                                                                 Arabia focuses on building national cadres,
                                                                                 encouraging  entrepreneurs,  supporting
                                                                                 startups and enabling investment through
                                                                                 an innovative regulatory environment.  It
                                                                                 also  relies on the development  programs
                                                                                 such as  the Space Entrepreneurship
                                                                                 Alliance, the Human Spaceflight Program,
                                                                                 and the Space  Accelerator  program to
                                                                                 achieve its goals.

        MTN On-Track for Afghan Exit as Talks on Other Sales Continue

        MTN Group used its Q3 update to highlight
        ongoing  efforts to complete  a number
        of deals,  with the  company  expecting  to
        be  out of Afghanistan  by the  end  of the
        year and targeting rapid progress towards
        finalizing  a  fintech  investment  from
        Mastercard. The operator cited completing
        the Mastercard investment as a focus for
        the current quarter. It also expects to finally
        exit Afghanistan  in the next two months,
        with that process currently with regulators.
        MTN added it remains in discussions over
        the “potential  orderly exit  of three of our
        smaller operations  in West Africa”,  with
        its units in Guinea-Bissau, Guinea-Conakry   rates  remained  volatile, especially in   a network resilience program designed to
        and Liberia on the block. CEO Ralph Mupita   Nigeria where “naira  devaluation had a   mitigate this.  MTN does  not provide net
        pointed to signs inflation was easing across   material  impact”. In  its  home  market of   profit  figures  for  Q3,  but  booked  revenue
        several of its markets during Q3, including   South Africa, Mupita said there had been   including  the impact of hyperinflation of
        in  South  Africa,  Ghana and  Uganda.   continued  issues with power  outages,   ZAR50.9  billon ($2.8  billion),  down from
        However, he noted  foreign  exchange   though  reported  “significant  progress”  in   ZAR53.5 billion in Q3 2022.
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