Page 119 - SAMENA Trends - Oct-Nov 2023
P. 119


                         of France,  is  known to dispute KKR’s  EUR23  billion   home (FTTH) ‘or mixed fiber-copper fiber-to-the-cabinet
                         (USD24 billion) valuation of NetCo. The telco’s board   [FTTC]’, or, ‘in marginal cases, the mixed fiber-wireless
                         is due to discuss the proposals in a series of meetings   network (Fixed Wireless Access)’.  The major  batch
                         later this week. (October 30, 2023)  of  copper  exchange shutdown approvals  follows  an
                                                                        initial smaller tranche of 62 TIM exchanges previously
                         The Communications Regulatory Authority (Agcom) has   evaluated and approved  for decommissioning  by the
                         announced its approval of a plan by incumbent PSTN   watchdog. TIM  submitted  proposals for shutdowns/
                         operator Telecom Italia (TIM) to decommission 1,342   migrations in 2017 – covering over 6,000 of its roughly
                         copper fixed line network exchanges. The regulator’s   10,000 fixed telecoms exchanges, with Agcom finalizing
                         press  release  confirms  that  all  these  exchanges   rules governing  the process  in 2019.  TIM’s  FTTC/
                         complied  with  requirements regarding local next-  FTTH network footprint  covered  over 89% of Italian
                         generation access (NGA) network coverage and copper-  households by August 2023, with FTTH alone spanning
                         to-fiber customer migration rates, enabling TIM to begin   33% (up from 28% a year earlier). TIM’s majority-owned
                         the process of shutting down wholly copper-based fixed   FiberCop  last-mile  networks venture includes  rival
                         voice and xDSL  broadband internet  services in  each   ISP  Fastweb  and  US  investment  firm  KKR  as  fellow
                         exchange  area. The watchdog added that customers   investors.
                         will be migrated ‘in almost all cases’ to fiber-to-the-  (October 9, 2023) Agcom

                         Rakuten Mobile  announced  that  it  has received the   the cellco’s parent, Rakuten Inc., released a separate
                         necessary approval from the Ministry of Internal Affairs   statement  confirming  its  intention  to  invest  JPY54.4
                         and Communications  (MIC) to  forge ahead with  its   billion (USD362.81 million) to build out the new base
                         ‘special  base station deployment plan’ for 700MHz   stations, as it strives to invigorate the fortunes of its
        Japan            ‘Platinum Band’ spectrum. With the go-ahead secured,   mobile  phone  business  which  has so far struggled
                         Rakuten Mobile  plans to begin building  a  mobile
                                                                        to  make  inroads  into a  market  dominated  by  three
                         network utilizing the 700MHz band in order to provide   entrenched incumbents. Rakuten aims to deploy 10,661
                         ‘even higher-quality mobile service to customers. While   700MHz  base stations and expects  its  cellphone
                         the dates  set forth in the deployment plan take into   business  to  turn  profitable  in  2026.  The  company  is
                         account timelines for a range of preparations required   sticking to a plan to reduce capital expenditure by about
                         for operations,  preparations  are underway with the   JPY300 billion between 2023 and 2025, a spokesperson
                         aim  of launching operations  as  soon as  possible. In   is quoted as saying.
                         the wake of receiving  the green light from the MIC,   (October 24, 2023)

                         Plans  for a  secondary  allocation of 5G-suitable   intended to conduct a second invitation to tender (ITT)
                         spectrum have been delayed by the Jersey Competition   process this  year  for 5G  spectrum  for the frequency
                         Regulatory  Authority (JCRA). Earlier  this year the   package left over from the initial award process. Now,
                         JCRA accepted applications from JT Jersey and Sure   however, it has said that after ‘careful consideration’, it
        Jersey           Jersey for two of the three ‘Full Service’ 5G spectrum   has decided to delay this second ITT for 5G spectrum
                                                                        until after it concludes its examination of the proposed
                         packages it had put up for grabs, before in April 2023
                         recommending to British regulator Ofcom – which is   merger between Sure and Airtel-Vodafone. According to
                         responsible  for managing  Jersey’s radio spectrum  –   the JCRA, its decision to delay ‘will help avoid the risk of
                         that the two operators be awarded frequencies. In the   potentially inefficient spectrum allocation’.
                         wake of these developments, the JCRA had said that it   (November 2, 2023)

                         The National Treasury has announced that, following   following a decision by the private equity firm to exit
                         an  evaluation process, it  has  recommended  that   the telecoms operator. The government subsequently
                         Infrastructure Corporation  of Africa (ICA) acquire a   decided  to amend  the  transaction  to enable  another
                         majority stake in Telkom Kenya. The Kenyan government   private investor to acquire the 60% shareholding from
        Kenya            agreed to buy a 60% shareholding in Telkom Kenya from   Helios. A competitive process  to identify  the  new
                         Jamhuri Holdings/Helios Investment Partners last year,   investor was launched in January 2023, resulting in an

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