Page 117 - SAMENA Trends - Oct-Nov 2023
P. 117


                         The Ministry of Information Technologies and Commu-  USD317.717 million reserve price for each of the four
                         nications  has issued Resolution 3947 of 2023 ahead   80MHz  blocks of 5G-suitable 3.5GHz  spectrum.  As
                         of the country’s multi-band 5G spectrum auction on 20   previously announced, the watchdog will auction spec-
                         December.  The Resolution  incorporates  adjustments   trum in the following bands: 700MHz (10MHz block),
                         made by  MinTIC after it  received almost  500  com-  1900MHz (10MHz), Extended AWS (30MHz), 2500MHz
                         ments from industry stakeholders in relation to its ear-  (30MHz) and 3500MHz (320MHz).
                         lier consultation. Notably, the new Resolution has set a   (October 25, 2023)

                         The Consumer  Protection  and Technical  Regulatory   is being prepared in order to use a frequency band that
                         Authority has  launched  a  public  consultation  to   will create an opportunity to create a separate Internet
                         discover if there is market demand  for spectrum   of Things network in Estonia. Through it, for example,
                         in the 410MHz-450MHz  range. The  watchdog  says   operators of energy, water, gas or other critical utilities
        Estonia          the band is  particularly suited for Internet of Things   could be offered communication services based on IoT/
                         (IoT)  applications. Depending  on the results of the   M2M technologies for operating, managing, managing
                         consultation,  the issuing  of frequency  licenses  is   the infrastructure, etc.  It  would also  be suitable for
                         initially  planned to be held  in 2024.  Erko Kulu,  head   communication networks that work with smaller data
                         of the  TTJA’s frequency  management  department,   volumes.’
                         commented: ‘With the discussion, a public competition   (October 20, 2023)

                         The Federal Network Agency (FNA) is considering issuing   by the December 2022 deadline, and also failed to fulfil
                         fines to the country’s mobile network operators (MNOs)   coverage obligations concerning federal traffic routes.
                         over their failure to meet coverage requirements of the   Previously, where these targets could not be fulfilled,
                         2019 multi-band spectrum auction. According to a letter   operators have blamed delays  on a  lack  of building
        Germany          from the FNA seen  by the Deutsche  Presse-Agentur   permits, a need for third parties’ involvement, a lack of
                         (dpa), the regulator initiated fine proceedings against   public acceptance for new cell phone sites, and nature
                         Telekom Deutschland  (TD), Telefonica  Deutschland   conservation requirements. The  companies  can now
                         (O2) and Vodafone Germany back in September. The   submit statements on the matter and a final decision
                         trio reportedly failed to supply 500 underserved ‘white   will be made by the FNA next year.
                         spots’ areas with mobile data speeds of up to 100Mbps   (November 23, 2023)

                         The Public Utilities Commission (PUC) has confirmed   of NP in Guyana as a ‘transformative step’ towards
                         that the implementation of number portability (NP) is   enhancing  telecommunications  services,  adding:  ‘It
                         progressing, with operators about to enter a final testing   empowers consumers and businesses by putting them
                         period  before  the service is  made available  to  the   in control of their telecommunications  choices,  and
        Guyana           public. The PUC explained in a statement that service   this will herald a new era of innovation and customer-
                         providers Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company   centric service within the telecommunications industry.’
                         (GTT), Digicel Guyana and ENet are working with the   Information for consumers regarding the new offer and
                         watchdog to ensure that the NP process is ‘seamless   any changes to their service will be distributed by the
                         and efficient’. The regulator described the introduction   trio of providers. (October 31, 2023)

                         The Department of Telecommunications  (DoT) has   in January with an approximate total value of INR2.65
                         made a decision on the country’s next multi-band 5G   trillion (USD31.83 billion), although the actual level of
                         mobile spectrum auction scheduled for January 2024,   bidding  interest from mobile  operators  is currently
                         apparently scrapping  previous proposals to add any   unclear. The report states that the Telecom Regulatory
        India            new frequency  bands, and keeping the same  base   Authority of India (TRAI) has declined to provide base
                                                                        bidding prices for any new frequency bands or fresh
                         prices  and conditions  as  the previous 5G auction
                         concluded  in August 2022.  Unallocated  frequencies   reserve prices for any of the spectrum bands already in
                         in bands including  700MHz,  800MHz,  1800MHz,   use by cellcos. The DoT had previously pushed for new
                         2100MHz, 3.5GHz and 26GHz are earmarked for sale   bands to  be offered via  the auction including  37GHz

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