Page 116 - SAMENA Trends - Oct-Nov 2023
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                         CRTC decision ‘that discourages network investment’.   target to 8.3 million locations. Furthermore, Bell called
                         Bell says it will reduce planned network investment by   the CRTC’s order to open up fiber networks in Ontario
                         over CAD1 billion (USD732 million) in 2024-25, including   and Quebec but not in western Canada ‘arbitrary’, given
                         a minimum of CAD500 to CAD600 million next year ‘as   that ‘there are over three million fiber locations passed
                         a direct result of the CRTC decision’, which it claims   in western Canada’ (led by rival telco Telus), arguing that
                         ‘leaves access to high speed fiber internet at risk for   if the intent of the decision was to benefit consumers,
                         millions of Canadians in rural, suburban  and urban   then it  was  ‘capricious  to  leave western Canadian
                         communities’. The reduction  is  in  addition to  Bell’s   consumers behind.’ In March 2023 the CRTC issued a
                         earlier decision to decrease its 2023 CAPEX budget by   decision  lowering  certain  wholesale  fixed  broadband
                         CAD100 million in anticipation of the CRTC ruling. Bell –   internet access fees by 10%, whilst launching a public
                         currently operating a fiber broadband network covering   consultation to reassess wholesale rates more broadly,
                         over seven million homes and businesses – notes that   with the aims  of supporting increased  competition,
                         its near-term plan was to extend direct fiber access to   more choice for end users and lower retail prices. The
                         nine million premises by the end of 2025, but it will now   regulator’s review remains ongoing, with public hearings
                         reconsider pending builds in all communities where it   scheduled to start on 12 February 2024.
                         had planned to expand, and will reduce its 2025 build   (November 7, 2023)

                         The Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications   the  ‘anarchic’  deployment  of  fiber  infrastructure  in
                         and Post (L’Autorite de Regulation des Communications   the capital, N’Djamena, by ISP and mobile operators.
                         Electroniques  et des  Postes,  ARCEP)  has suspended   ARCEP added that new fiber rollouts are subject to its
                         the  deployment  of  fiber-optic  cable  throughout  the   approval following a review of the proposed plans for
        Chad             entire country until further notice. The regulator issued   the deployment. (November 10, 2023)
                         a direction on the subject in late October after observing

                         Telecom regulator Subtel has published the outline of   will be evaluated and given scores. Subtel says: “This
                         a new 5G public tender that, it says, “seeks to continue   evaluation aims to determine which of all the competing
                         providing better  connectivity  to  the country  and be   applications offer the best technical  conditions  that
                         a contribution  to the reduction  of the digital divide”.   ensure optimal transmission or excellent service, which
        Chile            The sale will be of a number of blocks that add up to   will be measured by the deployment time of the network,
                                                                        the population benefited, the coverage (communal and
                         50 MHz in the 3.5GHz band. There will be one to five
                         public  telecommunications  service concessions  of   complementary) committed and the new infrastructure
                         not less than 10 MHz each. The concessions will have   installed.” However, a  tie will  be resolved through  a
                         a duration of 30 years. The airwaves do not make up   bidding mechanism. This is, of course, a short version
                         a  continuous  block. Thus, Subtel  will  rearrange  the   of the rules, which take up many pages of the Subtel
                         3400MHz-3600MHz band upon the completion of the   website. Companies have a few months to read them,
                         tender so that the blocks awarded in the auction are   however.  Interested  companies  can apply from 16
                         "continuous,  and that  the rest of the blocks granted   January 2024 but, presumably, before 24 January when
                         in  [this]  band are  left  with  the least  dispersion  and   applicant envelopes will be opened.
                         greatest possible continuity".  As for winners,  it’s not   (October 19, 2023)
                         a  matter of who bids the most, it  seems. Applicants

                         The Ministry of Information Technologies and Commu-  is earmarked to commence on 20 December. According
                         nications has announced that it has verified four would-  to unconfirmed press reports, Sociedad Futura Telecall
                         be bidders ahead of its planned multi-band spectrum   Colombia is an affiliate of Rio de Janeiro-based B2B op-
                         auction. The registered bidders  are as  follows: Claro   erator Telexperts Telecomunicacoes (Telecall). The Bra-
        Colombia         Colombia;  Partners Telecom  Colombia (WOM);  the   zilian Telecall, which operates fiber-optic backbone net-
                         network-sharing JV between Tigo and Telefonica; and   works in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, launched MVNO
                         Sociedad  Futura Telecall Colombia. The auction  will   services in 2019 and went on to deploy an MVNA plat-
                         comprise spectrum in the 700MHz, 1900MHz, Extended   form, which has supported the launches of more than
                         AWS, 2500MHz and 3500MHz bands. The participants   30 virtual operators.
                         will be rubberstamped on 4 December and the auction   (November 15, 2023)

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