Page 115 - SAMENA Trends - Oct-Nov 2023
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                         from coverage  improvements  through  projects that   for regional  and remote  communities,  motorists and
                         are already approved and funded across the ‘Regional   tourists in 42 target areas.’ She added: ‘The [IMCR] is a
                         Connectivity Progam’ and ‘Peri-Urban Mobile Program’,   small part of our government’s work to improve regional
                         or through commercial  solutions. Commenting  on   communications, and comes in addition to our AUD1.1
                         the development,  communications  minister Michelle   billion Better Connectivity Plan – the most significant
                         Rowland said: ‘These  successful grant outcomes   investment in  regional communications  since the
                         will  deliver improved coverage  and quality of service   inception of the NBN.’ (October 23, 2023)

                         The  Board of Directors  at Brazil’s National   In doing so, the watchdog has increased the amount
                         Telecommunications  Agency  (Anatel) has  approved   of available  mobile spectrum  between  1GHz  and
                         the  allocation  of 120MHz  of spectrum  in the  4.9GHz   6GHz from 1060MHz to 1180MHz. Despite the move,
                         band for  5G  use.  The spectrum  in  question  –  which   Anatel counsellor Moises Moreira noted that there are
        Brazil           encompasses the 4830MHz-4950MHz range – will be   no immediate plans to stage an auction of the 4.9GHz
                         made available on a primary and non-exclusive basis.
                                                                        frequencies. (November 1, 2023)

                         The Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) of   723MHz/768MHz-778MHz (2×10MHz)
                         Bulgaria has issued a notification via its website on the   • one  license  covering  frequency  bands  723MHz-
                         issuance of three 15-year mobile licenses for the use of   733MHz/778MHz-788MHz (2×10MHz).
                         radio frequency spectrum in the 700MHz band, along   Alongside  this, the regulator  will  issue the following
        Bulgaria         with three licenses in the 800MHz band, all with national   allocations in the 800MHz band:
                                                                        • one  license  covering  frequency  bands  791MHz-
                         coverage. The awards are being carried out pursuant
                         to Art. 91, para. 1 and application with entry No. 08-  801MHz/832MHz-842MHz (2×10MHz)
                         01-436/18.10.2023, supplemented by entry No. 08-01-  • one  license  covering  frequency  bands  801MHz-
                         436-1/19.10.2023 (submitted by A1 Bulgaria), it said.   811MHz/842MHz-852MHz (2×10MHz)
                         In the CRC notification dated 24 October, the telecoms   • one  license  covering  frequency  bands  811MHz-
                         industry  regulator  stated: ‘With  this decision,  the   821MHz/852MHz-862MHz (2×10MHz).
                         Communications Regulatory Commission implements   In  April this  year  the CRC adopted the results of the
                         the provisions  of  Decision  No.  699/04.10.2023  of   public consultation held on the draft Position of the CRC
                         the Council  of Ministers  and creates prerequisites   regarding the prospects and conditions for using the
                         for the  implementation  of Reform 2 C7.R2.  Effective   free resources in the 700MHz and 800MHz frequency
                         use of radio frequency  spectrum  from the Recovery   bands. At  the time  it  noted  that  it  had received
                         and Resilience  Plan regarding  the allocation  of radio   comments from Yettel Bulgaria, A1 Bulgaria, Vivacom
                         frequency spectrum in the 700MHz and 800MHz bands.’  and Ericsson Telecommunications Bulgaria.  All three
                         In short, the CRC plans to issue the following bandwidth   mobile operators  expressed interest in acquiring
                         at 700MHz:                                     spectrum  in the 700MHz  and 800MHz  bands after
                         • one  license  covering  frequency  bands  703MHz-  conducting  tests in partnership with the Air Force  in
                         713MHz/758MHz-768MHz (2×10MHz)                 January and March 2023.
                         • one  license  covering  frequency  bands  713MHz-  (October 26, 2023)

                         The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications   the statistic  that  independent  wholesale-based
                         Commission (CRTC) has  issued a  decision  requiring   competitors served 47% fewer subscribers in Ontario
                         large fixed telecoms network operators in Ontario and   and Quebec at the end of 2022 than they did two years
                         Quebec to provide smaller competitors with access to   prior (partly  due  to several competitors  having been
        Canada           fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) networks within six months.   acquired by larger broadband providers). In issuing its
                                                                        decision on 6 November the CRTC stated that the six-
                         The CRTC is setting the interim rates that competitors
                         will pay when selling services over these networks, and   month  period  will ‘allow companies to prepare their
                         says that these rates ‘were chosen to allow Canada’s   networks, and to develop information technology and
                         large internet companies to continue investing in their   billing  systems’.  Major  telco  Bell Canada responded
                         networks to deliver high-quality services to Canadians,’   negatively  to  the announcement,  however,  issuing a
                         while noting that in Ontario and Quebec ‘competition   statement that it plans to cut capital expenditure and
                         has  declined  most  significantly’,  demonstrated  by   reduce high speed fiber internet expansion due to the

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