Page 91 - SAMENA Trends - November 2020
P. 91


                         The  National  Communications  Authority  (Nasjonal   in  the  700MHz  band  (713MHz-718MHz/768MHz-
                         kommunikasjonsmyndighet,  NKOM)  has  announced   773MHz) for offshore use, while a further 2×5MHz in the
                         that  it  is  accepting  applications  for  spectrum  in  the   900MHz  band  (900MHz-905MHz/945MHz-950MHz)
                         700MHz  and  900MHz  bands  for  offshore  use.  In  a   is also being made available. For those companies that
        Norway           press release, the regulator noted that the inviting of   are successful in their applications for the spectrum,
                         interested parties to apply for frequencies comes after
                                                                        the allocations will be valid until 31 December 2033.
                         it received an application for 900MHz spectrum from   Interested parties have been given until 30 November
                         an unnamed company. In terms of the frequencies to   2020 to apply.
                         be offered, NKOM notes that it will allocate a 2×5MHz   (November 10, 2020)

                         Peruvian  telecom  sector  watchdog  the  Supervisory   different companies, as well as its IMEI checker, which
                         Agency for Private Investment in Telecommunications   lets  customers  verify  the  IMEI  code  of  their  device
                         (Organismo  Supervisor  de  Inversion  Privada  en   to  ensure  that  it  is  not  registered  as  lost  or  stolen.
                         Telecommuniciones,  OSIPTEL)  has  launched  an   The  application  also  features  the  regulator’s  ‘Signal
        Peru             application to assist customers with various services.   OSIPTEL’  service,  which  allows  users  to  check  the
                         According to the regulator, the app unifies into a single
                                                                        coverage  of  mobile  networks  in  towns  across  the
                         platform  the  various  tools  developed  by  OSIPTEL  to   country. OSIPTEL notes that the application is available
                         empower  customers.  These  include  its  ‘Comparatel’   for Android and iOS platforms.
                         tool,  which  enables  users  to  compare  the  tariffs  of   (November 24, 2020)

                         The Polish government has set a new deadline for the   Polish cellco Plus (registered as Polkomtel) is to pay
                         completion of the delayed auction of 3.7GHz spectrum   PLN21.6 million (USD5.7 million) to renew its license
                         for  5G  mobile  services.  Having  missed  its  original   in  the  420MHz  band  for  a  further  15  years.  The
                         target of 30 June 2020 due to a combination of factors   concession, which includes 2×2.5MHz of frequencies
        Poland           including  changes  to  legislation  and  the  COVID-19   (412.5MHz-415.0MHz   paired   with   422.5MHz-
                                                                        425.0MHz),  was  previously  held  by  Plus  subsidiary
                         pandemic, the government now wants the auction to be
                         completed by 27 August 2021. The country’s telecoms   Nordisk Polska, which paid PLN16.1 million for a 14-
                         regulator,  the  Office  of  Electronic  Communications   year  license  in  2006.  Nordisk  was  acquired  by  Plus
                         (Urzad  Komunikacji  Elektronicznej,  UKE),  is  hopeful   in 2009 and was merged into its parent last year. The
                         that a sale will take place in the first half of next year.   spectrum  is  used  for  CDMA-based  mobile  dispatch
                         (November 20, 2020)            and telemetry services, plus wireless internet access in
                                                                        rural areas with poor cellular coverage. (November 17, 2020)

                         Russian president Vladimir Putin has signed a decree   the  federal  budget.  Rospechat,  formed  in  the  same
                         ‘On  improving  public  administration  in  the  field  of   year,  provides  government  services  and  manages
                         digital  development,  communications  and  mass   state property in the field of press and mass media/
                         media’  abolishing  the  Federal  Communications   communications, including public computer networks/
        Russia           Agency (Rossvyaz) and the Federal Agency for Press   electronic  media  as  well  as  printing/publishing.
                         &  Mass  Communications  (Rospechat),  which  are
                                                                        TeleGeography  notes  that  the  Federal  Service  for
                         both  subordinate  agencies  to  the  Ministry  of  Digital   Supervision  of  Communications,  IT  &  Mass  Media
                         Development,  Communications  &  Mass  Media.   (Roskomnadzor) continues as a subordinate Ministry
                         An  announcement  from  the  Ministry  said  that  the   agency.  Roskomnadzor,  established  via  decree  in
                         integration of its subordinates will allow more efficient   December  2008,  holds  responsibilities  in  control  and
                         use  of  resources.  All  functionalities  will  be  gradually   supervision of electronic communications, IT and mass
                         transferred to the Ministry, in line with administrative   media/communications,  as  well  as  the  coordination
                         reforms to centralize state  management  announced   of radio frequencies. Licensing of telecommunication
                         by  the  prime  minister,  Mikhail  Mishustin.  Rossvyaz,   services  is  overseen  by  Roskomnadzor.  Additionally,
                         established  in  2004,  is  responsible  for  overseeing   the State Commission for Radio Frequencies (SCRF) is
                         universal  telecoms  service  obligations,  telecoms   an inter-agency coordinating body under the Ministry,
                         numbering  resources,  the  development  of  satellite   which  has  full  authority  in  the  regulation  of  wireless
                         communications  networks  and  the  execution  of   spectrum. (November24, 2020)

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