Page 86 - SAMENA Trends - November 2020
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                         In a press release, the Czech Telecommunication Office   3600MHz band, blocks of 20MHz ‘connected with the
                         (CTU) said it has successfully completed the auction   commitment to lease frequencies to support Industry
                         phase of bidding on particular auction blocks offered   4.0’ were won by O2 and CentroNet. Other successful
                         in  the  frequency  bands  for  future  5G  networks,  with   applicants in this band were T-Mobile, Vodafone and
        Czech            five  groups  winning  spectrum  allocations.  However,   Nordic  Telecom  5G,  with  the  CTU  noting  that  upon
                         the  government’s  long-held  desire  to  see  a  major
                                                                        completion  ‘all  the  offered  blocks  were  successfully
        Republic         new fourth mobile network operator (MNO) enter the   allocated  in  the  auction’.  Two  other  groups  –  PODA
                         market  appears  to  have  been  dashed,  with  the  bulk   and  Sev.en  Innovations  –  participated  in  bidding  but
                         of frequencies on offer going to the incumbents – O2   were not successful. With the government keen to see
                         Czech Republic, T-Mobile and Vodafone. The telecoms   new competition to drive down mobile prices that are
                         regulator confirmed that in total, the five firms agreed to   among the highest in Europe, Nordic Telecom has said
                         pay a total of CZK5.596 billion (USD250.7 million), with   it will look to offer mobile services to customers around
                         the existing MNOs each securing blocks in the 700MHz   the  country.  Commenting  on  the  auction  results,  the
                         band  suitable  for  building  out  national  networks.  In   country’s  industry  minister  Karel  Havlicek  said  on
                         the  700MHz  band,  O2  gained  the  2×10MHz  block   Twitter that ‘new players would increase competitive
                         connected  with  the  commitment  to  provide  national   pressure on existing operators  and industry  would
                         roaming and PPDR services for public emergency and   have better access to 5G after the auction’.
                         security bodies. Other blocks in the 700MHz band were   (November 16, 2020)
                         acquired by T-Mobile and Vodafone. In the 3400MHz-

                         Ethiopia  began  a  long-anticipated  tender  process   issuance of two new service provider concessions, and
                         for  two  new  mobile  licenses  in  the  country,  inviting   the sale of a 40% stake in incumbent Ethio Telecom.
                         international  operator  groups  to  submit  their  final   According  to  local  news  source  The  Reporter,  the
                         pitches  by  a  5  March  2021  deadline.  In  a  statement,   direction  was  made  at  a  meeting  held  last  week  (26
        Ethiopia         the  Ethiopian  Communications  Authority  said  the   October),  at  which  reports  were  presented  by  the
                         nationwide  licenses  would  be  awarded  through   Ethiopian  Telecommunications  Authority  (ECA),  the
                         a  competitive  bidding  process,  with  terms  and   Ministry  of  Finance  (MoF)  and  Ethio  Telecom.  Of
                         conditions provided to companies on request until 10   particular  note,  the  ECA  was  said  to  have  detailed
                         December. The authority hopes to tempt “world class   in its presentation the plans for what spectrum is to
                         telecommunications operators” to enter the market to   be  allocated  to  new  licensees,  with  it  confirming  its
                         compete with incumbent, and currently sole provider,   intention  to  assign  frequencies  across  five  bands  to
                         Ethio  Telecom.  During  the  first  application  phase,  a   both  new  players.  It  is  understood  that  the  two  new
                         total  of  12  players  submitted  expressions  of  interest   players  will  each  be  awarded  10MHz  blocks  in  the
                         including Orange; MTN Group; STC; Etisalat; and Global   800MHz and 900MHz bands, as well as 20MHz in the
                         Partnership  for  Ethiopia,  a  consortium  comprised  of   1800MHz  band.  By  comparison,  Ethio  Telecom  will
                         Vodafone Group, Vodacom and Safaricom. Privatization   reportedly  hold  a  10MHz  block  in  the  800MHz  band,
                         of the sector has been in the works since 2018, when   while  the  incumbent  will  retain  15MHz  and  35MHz
                         authorities raised the prospect of welcoming overseas   in  the  900MHz  and  1800MHz  bands,  respectively.
                         investment  into  Ethio  Telecom,  a  process  which  is   Meanwhile, all three operators – Ethio Telecom and the
                         running concurrently to the allocation of new licenses.   two new licensees – will reportedly be allocated 20MHz
                         Full terms for new entrants  were not disclosed  by   apiece in the 2100MHz band and further 20MHz block
                         the  authority,  but  various  media  reports  over  the   in  the  2600MHz  band.  Meanwhile,  information  was
                         last  two  years  have  speculated  these  could  include   also  forthcoming  regarding  coverage  requirements,
                         commitments  related to  using  domestic  companies   with  it  reported  that  the  two  new  operators  will  be
                         for specific infrastructure, and restrictions or bans on   tasked with reaching 25% population coverage within a
                         launch of mobile money services.               year of entering the country’s telecoms sector. Looking
                         (November 27, 2020)        further ahead, the duo will be expected to cover 40%
                                                                        of Ethiopians within two years, 55% in three years, 70%
                         The  Prime  Minister  Abiy  Ahmed  has  directed  his   in  four  years  and  80%  in  five  years,  with  an  ultimate
                         macroeconomic  reform  team  and  members  of  the   coverage  target  of  97%  set  for  15  years  after  their
                         Privatization  Advisory  Council  to  press  ahead  with   respective launches.
                         both the liberalization of the telecoms market via the   (November 4, 2020)

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