Page 94 - SAMENA Trends - November 2020
P. 94


                         Ukraine’s Cabinet of Ministers has approved an action   (November 12, 2020)
                         plan for the deployment of 5G mobile networks, setting
                         a target of December 2021 for 5G consumer services   The regulator National Council has extended the DTT
                         to  become  available,  reports  quoting  an   multiplex  licenses  held  by  Zeonbud  for  an  additional
                         announcement  by  Minister  of  Digital  Transformation   10  years.  However,  Zeonbud,  which  is  responsible
        Ukraine          Mikhail  Fedorov  on  his  Telegram  channel.  Under  the   for  MX-1,  MX-2,  MX-3  and  MX-5,  will  have  to  fulfil
                         plan, a working group of specialized organizations and   a  number  of  obligations  or  risk  having  its  licenses
                         departments will be created this month to determine the   revoked.  Zeonbud  has  committed  to  putting  an
                         scope of any research and development work required   additional 47 transmitters in place for MX-1. Seven are
                         for 5G introduction as well as approve the state budget   already working full time, and Zeonbud  has signed a
                         for the project, with all research work expected to be   contract with Rohde & Schwarz for equipment for 14
                         completed by June 2021. In August 2021 the working   others. Frequencies for 26 transmitters will be released
                         group will prepare a draft resolution for approval by the   following complete analogue shutdown and Zeonbud
                         Cabinet of Ministers on the allocation of 5G frequencies.   has guaranteed they will then be put into service within
                         Meanwhile, a competitive process for the distribution   four months. Zeonbud has also guaranteed that it will
                         of 5G licenses is scheduled to begin in February 2021,   submit applications to change the modulation of the
                         and the winners of the tender should be given access   signal from 256 QAM and 64 QAM in January 2021.
                         to new frequencies in October.                 (November 1, 2020)

                         UK  regulator  OFCOM  has  confirmed  application   British watchdog claimed that the legal requirements
                         deadlines for companies planning to take part in the   for the case to be transferred to it had already been met,
                         upcoming  5G  mobile  spectrum  auction.  Bidding  for   while it also claimed that any impact on competition
                         spectrum in the 700 MHz and 3.6-3.6 GHz bands will   from the tie-up ‘will be limited solely to UK consumers.
        United           start in January 2021.                         (November 17, 2020)
                         (November 18, 2020)
        Kingdom                                                         The  telecoms  regulator  OFCOM  has  announced  the
                         The competition regulator the Competition and Markets   finalizing of regulations relating to the planned award
                         Authority  (CMA)  is  poised  to  take  over  the  review  of   of spectrum in the 700MHz and 3.6GHz-3.8GHz bands.
                         the  proposed  merger  between  O2  UK  and  multi-play   Having  previously  published  a  statement  setting
                         service  provider  Virgin  Media,  Reuters  reports,  citing   out its decisions for the release of frequencies in the
                         a person familiar with the matter. With the EC having   aforementioned bands in March 2020, at that date the
                         until  19  November  deadline  to  conclude  its  initial   watchdog  published  a  final  draft  of  the  regulations
                         investigation in to the tie-up, however, it has declined   which  would  implement  its  decisions.  Now,  in  its
                         to comment on the transfer of the case to the CMA.   most  recent  update,  it  has  confirmed  that  the  final
                         Meanwhile, a joint statement issued by the companies   regulations  which  implement  its  decisions  –  the
                         involved  was  cited  simply  as  saying:  ‘We  remain  in   ‘Wireless  Telegraphy  (License  Award)  Regulations
                         constructive dialogue with all relevant stakeholders at   2020’,  dated  3  November  –  will  enter  into  force  on
                         the EU and CMA and continue to work to the timeline   18  November.  The  regulator  said  it  will  now  proceed
                         of  completing  the  deal  mid-next  year.’  As  previously   with  preparations  to  hold  the  auction  ‘as  soon  as
                         reported by CommsUpdate, last month the CMA made   it  is  reasonably  practicable  to  do  so  in  light  of  the
                         a  formal  request  to  the  EC  requesting  that  the  latter   COVID-19  pandemic’.  To  that  end,  OFCOM  has  said
                         transfer the review of the merger to it. At that time, the   it  will  work  with  all  interested  bidders  to  ensure  the
                         CMA  noted  that,  while  the  planned  tie-up  fell  under   auction can proceed in a safe and secure way, while it
                         the remit of the EC to review, it can be transferred to   has suggested that, in light of the practical steps that
                         the  UK  authority  –  subject  to  the  agreement  of  the   need to be taken in this regard, it is currently aiming for
                         European body. In requesting the transfer, the CMA had   a formal start to the auction process in late November,
                         argued  for  this  on  the  basis  that  of  case’s  ‘potential   with a view to starting bidding in mid-January 2021.
                         impact on competition in several retail and wholesale   (November 6, 2020)
                         telecommunication  markets  in  the  UK’.  Further,  the

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