Page 89 - SAMENA Trends - November 2020
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                         concerning  Operational  Provisions  and  Licensing   in  2017  Telkom  subsidiary  Telkomsel  invested  IDR1
                         Procedures for Radio Frequency Spectrum Usage’, the   trillion (USD70.6 million) for an additional 30MHz block
                         government intends to award three 10MHz blocks of   of spectrum at 2.3GHz. It estimates that if it seeks a
                         spectrum. It confirmed that only MNOs already holding   further  30MHz  block,  it  might  have  to  ‘pay  twice  the
                         a  Cellular  Mobile  Network  Operation  License  will  be   upfront fee and frequency BHP’ from the price it paid in
                         able to participate in the process. The paper notes that   2017. (November 24 2020)

                         The  Italian  government  has  reportedly  agreed  to  the   saying that the government will approve the transaction
                         acquisition  of  a  minority  stake  in  Telecom  Italia’s   on the condition that KKR agrees to a plan to create
                         (TIM’s)  last-mile  networks  unit  FiberCop  by  US   a  single  national  broadband  network  by  merging  the
                         investment firm KKR. The deal between TIM and KKR   assets of TIM and wholesale operator Open Fiber. KKR
        Italy            was agreed in August, and sources suggested at the   has offered EUR1.8 billion (USD2.1 billion) for a 37.5%
                         time that authorities in Rome would be favorable to the
                                                                        interest in FiberCop.
                         tie-up. Reuters  now cites  three unnamed  sources  as   (November 16, 2020)

                         The  Jamaican  government  is  considering  a  proposal   since  before  our  involvement  with  Hurricane  Katrina
                         from  US  firm  Rivada  Networks,  which  would  see  the   in 2005’. It says that its network solutions have been
                         vendor deploy a 5G network free of charge, in exchange   deployed  225  times  in  the  last  five  years,  often  in
                         for  a  share  of  the  eventual  revenues.  According  to   response  to  natural  disasters.  While  the  company’s
        Jamaica          the  Jamaica  Observer,  which  quotes  remarks  by   international  vendor  experience  remains  unclear,
                         Donald  Tapia,  the  US  Ambassador  to  Jamaica,  the   TeleGeography  notes  that  Rivada  was  previously
                         proposal has been on the table for some time, but the   disqualified  from  Mexico’s  Red  Compartida  open
                         authorities remain undecided. According to its website   access 4G network tender in 2016, for failing to meet
                         ‘Rivada has been in the business of providing tactical   the necessary financial obligations to compete.
                         communications solutions to the federal government   (November 6, 2020)

                         The  Liberia  Telecommunications  Authority  (LTA),   creation of a  reliable database of subscribers  by
                         working with the National Identification Registry agency   operators. The new regulations will now enter a three-
                         (NIR)  and  the  country’s  mobile  network  operators   month  testing  phase  (November  2020  to  January
                         (MNOs)  –  Lonestar  Cell-MTN  and  Orange  Liberia  –   2021),  and  after  the  results  are  evaluated  (February
        Liberia          have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU)   2021)  full  implementation  is  expected  to  begin  in
                         on  new  SIM/RUIM  registration  regulations.  The  local
                                                                        March  2021.  Edwina  C  Zackpah,  Acting  Chairperson,
                         Daily Observer newspaper reports that under the plan,   LTA, said: ‘We all know that there are a lot of crimes
                         the NIR will join the LTA and the MNOs to implement the   that are committed using the telephone, and one of the
                         new regulations which they hope will: improve national   first places that the police will go when investigating
                         security;  establish  a  platform  for  e-communications   a  crime  is  the  cellphone;  what  were  the  last  sets  of
                         services such as mobile money transfer and other such   numbers you called and who is associated with those
                         services; make it easier for subscribers to replace their   numbers? You may never know who committed such
                         SIM cards in the event of loss; minimize the opportunity   a  crime  if  the  SIM  card  they  are  investigating  is  not
                         for  communication  frauds  (e.g.  grey  routing  of  calls)   properly registered. So this is a significant milestone
                         as operators are mandated to activate only registered   for the country.’
                         SIM/RUIM  cards  on  their  networks;  and  ensure  the   (November 4, 2020)

                         The  Communications  Regulatory  Authority  (Rysiu   ongoing sale process of MEZON, the retail broadband
                         Reguliavimo  Tarnyba,  RRT)  has  issued  a  statement   and IPTV business of state-owned Lithuanian Radio &
                         on its preliminary plans for auctioning 5G frequencies,   Television  Centre  (LRTC,  also  known  as  Telecentras),
                         tentatively scheduling a sale of spectrum including the   having received requests from operators to postpone
        Lithuania        700MHz  band  for  the  first  quarter  of  2021.  The  RRT   spectrum auctions until the transaction is completed.
                         highlighted that its schedule must take into account the
                                                                        In  August,  Lithuania’s  Competition  Council  received

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