Page 82 - SAMENA Trends - November 2020
P. 82


        Minister  Sayan  said  that  it  is  Very  Important  for  Our  Youth  to   technology, contributing to the dissemination and dissemination
        Develop New Technologies. He emphasizing that it is essential   of the studies, increasing the quality and quality of the content
        for  the  parties  with  technological  knowledge  to  come  together   and  contributing  to  the  literature.  We  started  the  'Open  Source
        and produce products with high added value for the development   Digital  Content  Creation  Project'  in  order  to  provide  This  book,
        and prosperity of our country, Sayan said, “In order to develop new   which was prepared to increase the awareness of digital literacy
        technologies such as quantum technologies, we have to invest   and  digital  productivity  in  our  country,  was  presented  to  users
        in our youth for our future. We are very confident in the abilities   through,  which  is  owned  by  our  Secure
        of our children and young people as the guarantee of our future.   Internet  Center,  with  open  source  access  and  all  information
        We have no doubts that when the necessary training is given and   open to sharing. We work more determinedly as our work, which
        the opportunity is provided, they will add strength to our power”.   progresses  systematically  with  the  National  Technology  Move,
        Referring  to  the  issue  of  Digital  Literacy,  Sayan  said:  “About  1   yields its fruits. " Sayan ended his speech by stating that while
        year ago, contributing to the adoption of open source philosophy   evaluating  the  opportunities  of  technology,  it  is  necessary  to
        and  approach,  producing  rich  content  for  the  effective  use  of   calculate the risks. (November 25, 2020)

                                                                                 United Arab Emirates

        The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) concluded   participants on key points that can be developed to make these
        the  activities  of  the  virtual  brainstorming  workshop  “With  your   innovative ideas applicable and become successful projects that
        ideas, we design the UAE future for the next 50”, by discussing   contribute to achieving the UAE visions for the next fifty years, by
        39  innovative  ideas  presented  by  the  participants.  The  ideas   taking leveraging progress of the ICT sector and the innovative
        varied to serve the sectors of education, health, economy, food   projects provided by the government, such as UAE Pass, Bashr
        security,  youth,  sports,  culture,  tourism  and  entrepreneurship.   and  the  UAE  space  projects,  and  adopting  solutions  based  on
        The  workshop  is  in  line  with  “Designing  the  Next  50”  project,   artificial intelligence and big data. Commenting on this event, H.E.
        which aims to involve community members in shaping the UAE   Salem Al Housani, Acting Deputy Director General for Information
        future,  and  to  develop  the  pillars  and  components  of  the  UAE   &  E-Government  Sector,  said:  “The  workshop,  which  was  held
        Centennial  2071  Plan,  the  comprehensive  development  plan   over two days, demonstrated the great creative energies of the
        for the UAE for the next 50 years, announced  by His Highness   Emirati community, and the keenness of all community members
        Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and   to participate in shaping the bright future of our country. Through
        Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, and His Highness   the  ideas  presented  by  the  participants,  we  discovered  their
        Sheikh  Mohammed  bin  Zayed  Al  Nahyan,  Crown  Prince  of  Abu   great  capabilities  in  envisioning  the  future  and  how  to  take
        Dhabi  and  Deputy  Supreme  Commander  of  the  UAE  Armed   advantage of modern technologies to develop projects and ideas
        Forces, at the beginning of 2020. A group of competitors in the   that contribute to achieving sustainable development and more
        previous editions of the UAE Hackathon "Data for Happiness and   civilizational gains for our beloved country.” Al Housani stressed
        Wellbeing", participated in the workshop as well as creative and   that the UAE believes that all people, regardless of their job, are
        innovative community members. On its second day, the workshop   capable of creativity and innovation if the appropriate conditions
        discussed the projects and ideas presented by the participants,   are available for them. He said: “In the UAE, we have learned from
        their strengths and weaknesses, and how to develop them in line   our  wise  leadership  to  listen  to  all  members  of  society.  Every
        with the UAE Future Foresight Strategy, which aims to anticipate   individual in the UAE has a duty to contribute to strengthening
        early  opportunities  and  challenges  in  all  vital  sectors  in  the   the  position  of  the  country,  and  the  right  to  present  ideas  and
        country,  analyze  them,  and  develop  long-term  proactive  plans   opinions.  Accordingly,  TRA  has  been  keen  to  attract  all  ideas
        at all levels to achieve qualitative accomplishments to serve the   and  opinions,  and  study  and  develop  them.  Whether  through
        UAE’s interests, to be included in the digital platform for shaping   e-participation  initiatives  such  as  the  Sharik  portal,  or  through
        the future of the UAE. The education sector had the largest share   creative  initiatives  such  as  this  workshop,  the  UAE  Hackathon
        of the ideas presented, as the participants presented 11 inspiring   and others.” “Designing the next 50” project, is supervised by the
        ideas aimed at developing the educational process in the country,   Supreme Committee of “2020: towards the next 50”, headed by
        which reflects the great awareness of the UAE community about   His Highness Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the Deputy
        the  importance  of  education  and  its  development  in  order  to   Prime  Minister  of  the  UAE  and  Minister  of  Presidential  Affairs.
        create  an  educated  generation  capable  of  dealing  with  and   It aims to involve all community members in designing the UAE
        leveraging  latest  technologies  to  achieve  the  UAE  goals  and   comprehensive development plan that defines the features of the
        visions.  Speakers  in  the  workshop  exchanged  views  with  the   UAE’s next 50 years, from 2021 to 2071.   (November 11, 2020)

                                                                                                    82  NOVEMBER 2020
   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87