Page 78 - SAMENA Trends - November 2020
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        the authority's efforts and the many vital organizational initiatives   locate it internationally certified On four basic axes for evaluation
        and  projects  that  we  have  adopted  during  the  past  year  The   represented in the powers and tasks assigned to the regulator, the
        results of the global regulatory survey issued by the International   nature of the services that are organized, in addition to managing
        Telecommunication Union for the year 2019, which was published   the resources of the communications and information technology
        at  the  end  of  September  2020,  showed  the  progress  of  the   sector and finally the framework used to regulate the competition,
        Telecommunications  Regulatory  Authority’s  classification  to  an   where the tracking tool sets different weights / marks for each
        advanced level referred to in the countries classified within the   of those axes, all of which constitute 100%. The Chairman of the
        fourth generation of regulation, at a rate of 91% to be the first in   Board of Commissioners of the Telecommunications Regulatory
        the Arab world alongside the Kingdom Saudi Arabia is followed by   Authority,  Dr.  Eng.  Ghazi  Jabour,  said  that  this  progress  is  due
        Morocco, Bahrain and Oman. The International Telecommunication   to  many  vital  organizational  initiatives  and  projects  that  the
        Union relies in its classification of the ranking of regulatory bodies   Authority has adopted during the past year, which contributed to
        globally  on  the  scientific  and  analytical  methodology  followed   its progress in this classification than it was during the year 2018,
        through  the  Regulatory  Tracking  Tool  or  what  is  known  as  the   and also enabled it to move from the third generation to the fourth
        ICT Regulatory Tracker,  which collects and analyzes information   generation after achieving the points of the optimal organizational
        related  to  the  regulatory  bodies  annually  and  in  cooperation   environment.
        with the member states of the Union as it works to analyze and   (November 11, 2020)


        Kuwait-based  Zain  Group  handed  over  the  management  of   operators – Touch (MIC 2) or Alfa (MIC 1). The statement said
        Lebanese  mobile  operator  Touch  to  a  new  management  and   a strategy to re-enter the Lebanese mobile sector would be on
        board, appointed by Lebanon’s telecoms Ministry, on 30 October   the  condition  that  a  clear  business  plan  was  developed  within
        2020. A company statement to Boursa Kuwait, reported by Zawya,   an agreement with the ministry. Zain also confirmed that there
        confirmed  the  move,  while  adding  that  Zain  would  reapply,  if   was  no  material  or  financial  impact  for  the  group  due  to  the
        permitted, to manage one of Lebanon’s two state-owned mobile   management exit. (November 2, 2020)


        Around  22.8  million  of  the  population  across  the  country   182,585  4G  users.  According  to  NTA,  there  are  over  11  million
        now  have  internet  access.  Among  the  total  users,  56  percent   3G users in the country. The MIS report has also mentioned that
        of  internet  users  are  using  mobile  data,  according  to  Nepal   Nepal Telecom has a total of 11.4 million subscribers, while Ncell
        Telecommunications  Authority  (NTA).  As  per  the  Management   has 6.5 million users. The report has further revealed that even
        Information System (MIS) report of NTA, there are a large number   after four years of launch of 4G service in the country, the growth
        of 4G and fixed broadband users in the country. Around 5.7 million   of  4G  users  has  not  been  as expected.  The  mobile  networking
        users  are  using  fixed  broadband  for  internet.  Of  them,  918,000   service  providers  are  still  not  being  able  to  give  their  services
        are using ADSL, while the remaining 4.8 million users are using   in  most  of  the  remote  areas  in  the  country.  Recently,  internet
        private  sector’s  cable  or  fiber-to-thehome  internet  services.   consumption  has  also  increased  due  to  COVID-19  pandemic.
        According  to  the  MIS  report,  fixed  broadband  has  19  per  cent   In the meantime, Min Prasad Aryal, spokesperson for NTA, said
        share  in  Nepali  internet  market,  while  wireless  broadband  has   that the aforementioned internet penetration rate may not be very
        76 per cent market share. Meanwhile, mobile broadband has the   accurate as a single person may be using more than one SIM.
        highest market share in the country. A total of 56 per cent users   Similarly, towards the fixed and wireless broadband users, single
        are using mobile data in the country. Among mobile networking   fixed internet connection allows numerous users to connect to
        service providers, around 1.6 million users are of Nepal Telecom,   the internet at the same time.
        while 3.7 million users are using Ncell. Meanwhile, Smartcell has   (November 22, 2020)

                                                                                                    78  NOVEMBER 2020
   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83