Page 79 - SAMENA Trends - November 2020
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        Minister  of  Transport,  Communications  and  Information   run  by Shabiba  FM. Al Mawali said plans for Oman to join the
        Technology  Said  bin  Hamoud  Al  Mawali  said  plans  for  Oman   world’s spacefaring countries had begun in 2006. He also said a
        to  join  the  world’s  spacefaring  countries  had  begun  in  2006.   key indicator for his ministry was the Sultanate’s space program,
        Oman  is  expected  to  launch  the  country’s  first  space  satellite   which is to be announced in 2021. We have to address the role of
        in 2024, Times of Oman has reported. The country’s Minister of   the private sector to this effect, and establish a company to launch
        Transport, Communications and Information Technology Said bin   the first satellite in 2024,” he said. “There are practical advantages
        Hamoud Al Mawali announced the date while speaking ahead of   here for our national space program, advanced technology, and
        the country’s 50th National Day on ’50 Golden Years’ radio show   artificial intelligence.” (November 17, 2020)


        Federal  Minister  for  IT  Syed  Amin  Ul  Haque  launches  Rolling   discusses current utilization and future frequency  spectrum
        Spectrum  Strategy  2020-2023  Federal  Minister  for  IT  and   outlook for mobile broadband services, broadcast services, fixed
        Telecommunication  Syed  Amin  Ul  Haque  launched  Rolling   services, aeronautical and maritime services, public safety and
        Spectrum Strategy 2020-2023. A ceremony in this regard was held   land communication systems, satellite services and unlicensed
        at the committee room of the Ministry of IT on Monday. Federal   bands for short range devices. (November 24, 2020)
        Secretary Ministry of IT and Telecommunication Shoaib Ahmad
        Siddiqui,  Chairman  Pakistan  Telecommunication  Authority   Pakistan  Telecommunication  Authority  (PTA)  has  published
        (PTA) Major Gen (R) Amir Azeem Bajwa and Executive Director   “Rolling Spectrum Strategy 2020-2023”, observing that C-band
        Frequency  Allocation  Board  (FAB)  were  also  present  on  the   (3.6 – 4.2 GHz) is a core spectrum band for 5G deployment and
        occasion. Addressing the ceremony, Federal Minister for IT Syed   recommended for a cost-benefit analysis to assess the optimum
        Amin Ul Haque said it is the major achievement of the Ministry of   approach for its release for 5G. The strategy stated that many
        IT and Telecommunication that it has finalized Rolling Spectrum   national regulators globally have either assigned this spectrum
        Strategy in consultation with all the stakeholders. Efforts of the   for  mobile  or  have  started  preparations  to  do  so.  PTA/FAB/
        Ministry of IT, Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) and   MoIT&T, in consultation with SUPARCO, should carry out a cost-
        Frequency Allocation Board (FAB) are laudable, he added. He said   benefit analysis to assess the optimum approach for the release
        the present government, in line with its vision of Digital Pakistan,   of  C-band  for  5G.  The  following  passage  highlights  the  PTA’s
        gave highest priority to the Telecommunications Sector issues,   new strategy. Since there are four mobile operators in Pakistan,
        particularly  Spectrum.  The  Federal  Minister  for  IT  said  that   it is recommended that the PTA/FAB consider 35 percent or 40
        Rolling Spectrum Strategy will be helpful to telecom companies   percent, a reference point. The PTA/FAB should in conjunction with
        for  formulating  their  business  plan.  Rolling  Spectrum  Strategy   the  Competition  Commission  of  Pakistan  (CCP)  ascertain  if  an
        will be also become basis for the 5 G technology in the country,   operator acquiring spectrum (whether through merger or through
        he said. He said that steps are being taken for the promotion of   an  upcoming  auction)  will  have  unfair  advantage  over  small
        IT and telecom sector in the country. He said that transparency   competitors. The evaluation will take into account the operator’s
        is  vital  in  the  auction  of  spectrum.  Syed  Amin  Ul  Haque  said   share of subscriber as well as the opportunity for other operators
        that  provision  of  the  broadband  services  in  the  country  is   to acquire spectrum through an upcoming auction. The MoIT&T/
        the topmost priority of the Ministry of IT. It may be noted  that   PTA/FAB may take a stance that the operator with a higher than
        the  Rolling  Spectrum  Strategy  provides  a  future  roadmap  for   35 percent/40 percent of all mobile spectrum to be barred from an
        spectrum allocation as well as spectrum-related policy reviews   impending auction. The Spectrum Master Plan provides a future
        that are anticipated to take place between 2020 and 2023. The   roadmap for spectrum allocation as  well  as  spectrum-related
        publication  of  the  spectrum  roadmap  will  help  commercial   policy reviews that are anticipated to take place between 2020
        operators with their network planning investments. The strategy   and 2023. The strategy revealed that there is a high chance that
        report discusses global trends around wireless communications,   devices will hit critical mass before 2020 and recommended that
        the  challenges  faced  by  spectrum  managers  and  spectrum   the Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication/
        management  needs  to  cope  with  these  trends.  It  stresses  the   PTA/FAB aim to allocate the band for auction. This band is also
        requirement  for  Spectrum  Sharing  and  Trading  and  adoption   crucial  for  Pakistan  operators  to  extend  the  coverage  to  rural
        of Spectrum Pricing – Administrative Incentive Pricing (AIP) to   areas since it has better propagation characteristics. The report
        promote efficient utilization of frequency spectrum. The strategy   revealed that the PTA/FAB was considering implementing an AIP-

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