Page 76 - SAMENA Trends - November 2020
P. 76


                           A SNAPSHOT OF REGULATORY ACTIVITIES

                                          IN THE SAMENA REGION


        More  than  14,000  government  emails  have  been  migrated  to   the cloud. The Microsoft 365 service package was also activated
        cloud  infrastructure  provided  by  Microsoft,  Information  and   in  the  process.  Under  an  umbrella  agreement  with  Microsoft,
        eGovernment  Authority  (iGA)  chief  executive  Mohammed  Ali  Al   45  government  entities  will  benefit  from  comprehensive  digital
        Qaed yesterday said. The move is in line with the government’s   solutions,  which  will  enhance  the  quality  and  security  of
        cloud-first  policy  and  represents  a  milestone  in  the  migration   government  services  and  help  to  improve  the  efficiency  of  the
        of information and data belonging to all government entities to   country’s IT sector. (November 7, 2020)


        The number of mobile phone subscribers rose 2.4 percent year-  sharp  focus  on  this  has  helped  create  the  largest  4G  network
        on-year  to  16.81  crore  in  October,  data  from  the  Bangladesh   in  the  country,"  Shahed  Alam,  chief  corporate  and  regulatory
        Telecommunication Regulatory Commission showed. It came at   officer  of  Robi  Axiata,  told  The  Daily  Star  yesterday.  "Coupled
        a time when the country's telecom operators are trying to stave   with network infrastructure development, we have been pursuing
        off the Covid-19 fallout. As a result of their efforts, the number   innovation in every aspect of our business," he said. Perhaps the
        of users has grown steadily since July. During the March-June   most telling sign of Robi's growing appeal can be found in the fact
        period, the industry lost around 30 lakh customers as the country   that 70 per cent of all mobile number portability users switched
        went into a full lockdown to prevent the spread of the Covid-19.   to the network. "So, the background to the surge in our subscriber
        But with October's uptick, 9 lakh new users were added in one   base  is  very  compelling,"  Alam  added.  Third-placed  Banglalink
        month, boosting the number well past its pre-pandemic high of   had 3.49 crore subscribers in October, down from 3.5 crore a year
        16.61 crore registered in February. Similarly, the number of internet   ago. The number of users of state-run Teletalk was 46.18 lakh
        users rose 10.25 per cent year-on-year to 11.07 crore in October. It   in October compared to 47.06 lakh in the same month in 2019.
        was 9.95 crore in the same month last year. However, the number   (November 21, 2020)
        of internet users dropped slightly compared to September, when
        it touched an all-time high of 11.11 crore. Currently, 10.21 crore   The  total  number  of  Bangladesh's  Internet  subscribers  topped
        subscribers use the internet through handheld devices, while the   108 million at the end of August, including more than 8 million
        rest rely on services provided by internet service providers and   new  users  in  the  first  eight  months  of  this  year,  showed  the
        public-switched telephone network operators. The total number   recently  released  data  by  the  country's  telecom  regulator.  The
        of internet users stood at 9.99 crore in February. But following   Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC)
        the  outbreak,  this  number  has  steadily  soared  as  people  are   data showed that of the Internet subscribers, some 99.62 million
        increasingly using  internet  to work and communicate  and get   are  mobile  Internet  users  and  8.57  million  broadband  Internet
        entertained  as  they  spend  most  of  their  time  indoors  to  avoid   users.  Mobile  phone  subscribers  totaled  some  166  million  in
        catching the virus. Market leader Grameenphone's total number   the country at the end of August. Bangladesh has currently four
        of mobile phone customers jumped 2.70 per cent to 7.81 crore   mobile  companies  in  operation,  three  of  them  being  foreign-
        in October from 7.60 crore last year. Robi Axiata, which crossed   backed  cellphone  operators.  The  number  of  subscribers  of  the
        the  5-crore  subscriber  landmark  in  September,  grew  4.27  per   mobile  operators,  Grameenphone,  Robi  Axiata,  Banglalink  and
        cent in October to reach 5.04 crore. During the same month last   Teletalk stood at 77.01 million, 49.78 million, 34.58 million and
        year, Robi had 4.83 crore in total. Robi attributed this rise in its   4.66 million, respectively, at the end of August, showed the BTRC
        customer base to its 4G network. "To prepare for the digital era,   data.
        Robi has always focused on bolstering its 4G network. Our razor-  (November 1, 2020)

                                                                                                    76  NOVEMBER 2020
   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81