Page 89 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2022
P. 89
Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC) confirmed licenses to access 5G frequencies, so each licensee is obliged to
that the license for "satellite Internet" services is available in launch 5G services commercially within a period not exceeding 18
Jordan within the legislations and instructions governing the TRC. months from the date it obtained the license. Each licensee has the
TRC expected, "Satellite Internet" services will be commercially obligation to provide 5G services, make them available to at least
operated initially by the end of the third quarter of next year, after the 50 percent of the population within a period not exceeding four
company formally submits licensing applications. Chairman of the years from the licensing date, and increase the coverage rate by 5
Board of Commissioners of the TRC, Bassam Sarhan, announced percent each year, until no less than 75 percent of the population is
on October 31, 2022, the success of the experiment conducted by covered. The government, represented by the Telecommunications
SpaceX in launching “satellite Internet” services through satellites Regulatory Commission (TRC), will receive 10 percent of the
in low orbits, recording high numbers and speeds in the average revenues from the 5G services and applications provided by
data download speeds, ranging from 100MB and 200MB. TRC the licensed companies. The incentive packages granted to
said that it is working to diversify telecommunications services in companies include exemption from sales tax and customs duties
the Jordanian telecom market with the aim of providing the best on the infrastructure components, devices and equipment for the
services to beneficiaries in accordance with the royal vision aimed 5G service networks, showing no partiality to any licensee, and
at developing and strengthening the sector, by continuing to work granting applicants for a license a one-time discount of 50 percent
to create a stimulating investment environment. "Satellite Internet on the proceeds from acquiring an additional frequency license.
services will target covering remote areas and areas with sparsely Any such future license will be approved only within the frequency
populated areas, including uses for mining and drilling sites and bands the companies are currently licensed for. The package
tourist sites", TRC added. SpaceX is one of the leading companies also includes extending valid licenses, with Cabinet approval,
in the field of providing Internet services by launching several for an additional 10 years, only for one time, provided there is
satellites for this purpose, according to TRC. compliance with the obligations stipulated in the agreement.
(December 8, 2022) TRC will then evaluate whether the licensees have performed in
accordance with the bases and performance indicators set forth in
Jordan’s Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (TRC) the agreement for the purpose of extending their licenses for five
has started work updating the methodology for calculating more years, and for one time only, in addition to ensuring that the
interconnection fees using a Total Service Long Run Incremental government’s annual revenues from telecommunications services
Cost Plus (TSLRIC+) model. will increase constantly in 2022, 2023 and 2024, or the renewal will
The watchdog notes that the update is intendent to stimulate not be granted. Revenues from the activities and services of 2G,
effective competitive by ensuring that interconnection fees are 3G and 4G will be modified in accordance with a previous Cabinet
based on the cost of those services for future periods and taking decision to become 6 percent instead of 10 percent. Meanwhile,
into account the higher efficiency standards within the market revenues from the provision of 5G services and/or any services
in calculating those rates. The project is being carried out with associated with, complementary to, or derived from the service,
assistance from Axon Consulting although the TRC adds that will stand at 10 percent. (November 13, 2022)
the joint team of regulatory officials and consultants will be in
a ‘continuous dialogue’ with licensed providers. The project is American aerospace company SpaceX has tested its flagship
expected to take around a year and will be implemented in several satellite internet service, Starlink, in southern Jordan, and recorded
phases. Interconnection fees were last reviewed in 2017 and download speeds of 100 to 200 Mbps, according to a statement
pricing models established at that time covered the period from released by the Jordan Telecommunications Regulatory
2018 to 2021. (November 21, 2022) Commission (TRC). According to TRC, this is the first test of its
kind for the American company in the Middle East, where the
Minister of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship Ahmad Starlink service is still unavailable. This satellite Internet service is
Hanandeh said that the three telecommunications companies currently available in the United States, Canada, much of Europe,
operating in Jordan are obliged, as per the term of an agreement Australia, Japan, and parts of South America, according to an
they signed, to introduce the 5G service in Jordan within 18 interactive map of the world on the Starlink website. TRC added
months, according to Jo24. Hanandeh added that the companies that it welcomes conducting technical tests of telecommunication
are currently preparing to modernize their networks, in compliance services in sparsely populated, remote areas where the Internet
with the conditions stipulated in the agreement, noting that if and communications are currently not available. SpaceX started
they do not do it within the specified date, the agreement will launching Starlink satellites in 2019. As of September 2022,
be cancelled. According to Hanandeh, companies are currently Starlink consists of over 3,000 mass-produced small satellites
selecting suppliers to modernize networks and introducing the in low Earth orbit, which communicate with designated ground
5G service to the Kingdom. The agreement grants signatories transceivers. (November 2, 2022)