Page 85 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2022
P. 85
Space and Air-Based Networks are Key to Reaching the 2.7 Billion People
Still Unconnected Worldwide
covered were the evolution of satellites
to provide fixed or mobile connectivity
directly to devices, and air-to-ground
technology capabilities to bring broadband
connectivity to airplanes. Future space-
and air-based technologies may require
additional radio-frequency spectrum
allocations, along with harmonized
standards and dedicated regulatory
frameworks. All these elements call for
accelerated collaboration across sectors.
Forum participants showcased a variety
of technological solutions that can provide
connectivity through airborne and space-
borne networks.
Build-up to the next World Radio-
communication Conference, WRC-23
Coming just over a year ahead of the next
World Radiocommunication Conference
(WRC-23), the forum emphasized the
need to undertake environmental impact
Advances in space and satellite technology developments and innovative business studies of new technologies. Participants
combined with evolving wireless models for aerial and space-based also highlighted the possible adoption
connectivity are essential to connect connectivity. It also highlighted how of green standards for information and
people who remain excluded from the regulators and governments are working communication technology to reduce
digital revolution, according to participants alongside industry to unleash untapped space debris and light pollution. “This
at the recently concluded “Connecting potential in today's 5G networks, as well forum raised some of the critical issues
the World from the Skies" forum. The as in the journey towards 6G. “Access to that ITU members will consider at the
forum, organized by the International affordable broadband connectivity should next WRC," said Mario Maniewicz, Director
Telecommunication Union (ITU) and be the norm and not a privilege," said of the ITU Radiocommunication Bureau.
Saudi Arabia's Communications, Space Mohammed Altamimi, Governor of the “Reaching the unconnected will require an
and Technology Commission, brought Communications, Space and Technology innovative combination of fixed, terrestrial
radiocommunication and space industry Commission. “More than ever, we need to and satellite networks, not only to provide
experts together to explore new ways to build bridges between industry and public service continuity but also to strengthen
enhance global digital connectivity. The sector, to enhance collaboration and service availability and provide ubiquitous,
three-day forum took place in Riyadh, Saudi leverage innovative technology to ensure seamless coverage everywhere." WRC-
Arabia, from 8 to 10 November. “Digital the global digital economy leaves no one 23 will take place in Dubai, United Arab
networks and technologies continue to behind." Emirates, from 20 November to 15
empower and enrich the lives of billions Policy and industry coordination on air and December 2023. At the conference in
of people worldwide," said ITU Secretary- space networks Dubai, ITU Member States will consider
General Houlin Zhao. “While many parts “Connecting the World from the provision of additional spectrum for new
of the globe are connected, there is still Skies" included participants from the applications and satellite systems, and
much work to do to bring in the remaining public and private sectors, including establish an international regulatory
third of the world's population. Innovative radiocommunication and space industry framework to allow satellite systems
aerial and spaceborne communication innovators, researchers, and policy makers to also deliver services to moving earth
networks have the potential to advance from national regulators and international stations irrespective of whether they
our efforts to bridge the digital divide at bodies. At the high-level opening session, operate on ground, air or at sea. WRC-23
country and global levels." Recognizing the technology ministers discussed the will also consider regulatory actions for
need to reach the 2.7 billion people still challenges and opportunities of delivering the provision for inter-satellite links and
unconnected around the world, the public- connectivity from the skies with policy will improve the regulatory procedures for
private forum focused on technological and industry leaders. Among the topics non-geostationary systems.