Page 93 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2022
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network quality, efficiency and throughput. TEMS Director acts as a data such as the success or failure rate on calls during moments
‘fleet management’ back-end, effectively managing the network of of peak traffic.
active probes, remotely pushing testing scripts to them to gather (November 2, 2022)
Saudi Arabia
The Communications, Space and Technology Commission researchers and academics from 34 universities, representing
(CST) announces the qualification of 4 applicants to participate 17 countries. The “Multi-Mode High Altitude Platform Station
in the upcoming Spectrum Auction in the 2100 MHz band for (HAPS) for Future Wireless Networks” ranked first, submitted by 4
Non-Terrestrial Networks, which is set to be held on the 30th of researchers form Saudi Arabia and Canada, the “Toward Equitable
November 2022. The auction has been designed to boost the 6G Access Service via Cloud-Enabled High-Altitude Platform
NTN deployment, promote investments in the ICT sector, raise Systems” ranked second, submitted by 4 researchers from Saudi
the spectrum usage efficiency in the Kingdom and emphasize the Arabia, while the third place was for the “Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles
Kingdom’s global leadership in enabling these technologies. CST Communications in Integrated Terrestrial and Non-Terrestrial
announced the qualified applicants as follows: Saudi Telecom Networks”, submitted by 3 researchers from Spain and France.
Company (STC), Echostar, Omnispace, Salam in cooperation with The papers contained a study and analysis of i) innovative ways
Iridium, AST Space Mobile and Airbus. CST further clarified that to provide broadband telecom services in challenging areas by
the qualified applicants would be participating in the spectrum integrating terrestrial and non-terrestrial networks, ii) development
auction to acquire a total of (2x30) MHz bandwidth in the 2100 mechanism for high altitude platforms technology (HAPS) to
MHz band for the provision of Non-Terrestrial Network services, include multiple operational solutions and communication
including Mobile Satellite Services (MSS), wireless connectivity on services in order to reduce costs and enhance service quality, iii)
aircrafts (A2G), Internet of Things through satellites (Sat-IoT) and an analytical framework design to provide telecom services via
hybrid 5G connectivity (5G CGC). (November 20, 2022) HAPS by cloud computing to meet the needs of future telecom
services and adopt it in the near future. Through this competition,
In collaboration with the International Institute of Electrical and the Commission aims to find innovative solutions that enable non-
Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the Communication, Space, and terrestrial networks, which are expected to be the foundation of
Technology Commission awarded the winners of the Competition the 6G future communication services, contribute in economy
on Non-Terrestrial Networks for B5G and 6G, which aims to support growth and diversity, and improve the services to bridge the digital
research and innovation in the future telecom networks field. The divide and provide ICT services to all.
competition consisted of 28 submitted papers by more than 100 (November 8, 2022)
Sri Lanka
The Telecommunication Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka would include the sale of 5G-suitable frequencies. In the interim,
(TRCSL) has informed the country’s parliament that the the TRCSL has granted some mobile network operators (MNOs)
necessary arrangements to start commercial activities related rights to use spectrum in the 3.5GHz band (e.g. Dialog Axiata) for
to 5G technology will begin in 2023. Speaking at the Ministerial pre-commercial 5G services, while SLT-Mobitel activated its first
Consultative Committee on Technology recently, officials from the 5G base station at One Galle Face in March 2020.
regulatory agency confirmed that moves are afoot to allow mobile (December 5, 2022)
operators and ISPs alike to develop full-blown commercial services
using fifth-generation technologies. Previously, in November 2021, Bharti Airtel Lanka CEO Ashish Chandra confirmed that a new
the TRCSL revealed its intentions to issue a tranche of telecom firm, Lanka Portability, has been established to oversee the
licenses via auction, including 5G spectrum frequencies. In a implementation of fixed and mobile number portability (FNP /
speech that month, the country’s then finance minister Basil MNP) in Sri Lanka. All of the country’s domestic operators hold
Rajapaksa outlined a shift away from the usual process of a stake in Lanka Portability, which is currently in the recruiting
awarding concessions to doing so via auction. Although details are stage. Chandra noted that Sri Lanka does not currently have the
patchy, the TRCSL plans to award a number of licenses for fixed local expertise required for the “big technical investment” of
voice, mobile, internet service provision and satellite broadcasting implementing number portability. Local outlets quoted him as
operations. Explaining the shift, Rajapaksa said the decision was saying: “It is a few million dollars which have to be put in and
made in consideration of the considerable CAPEX on telecoms implementation itself takes about two to three quarters. I do not
services made via issuing the licenses and confirmed the auction see it happening in the next two to three quarters, but work is