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        broadband. According to Facts and Figures   middle-income  economies. Low-income   also  continue  to grow  steadily, but low
        2022,  youth  aged  15-24  years  are  the   economies feature the biggest generation   digital skills remain an obstacle that keeps
        driving  force  of  connectivity, with  75  per   gap,  with  39  per  cent  of  young  people   individuals from fully realizing the benefits
        cent of young people worldwide now able   using the Internet, compared to only 23 per   of being  online,  as  well  as  limiting  their
        to use the Internet, up from 72 per cent in   cent of the rest of the population. Among   ability to avoid its dangers. Detailed global,
        2021. Use among the rest of the population   other  findings  in  Facts  and  Figures  2022,   regional,  and country-level  analysis  for
        is  estimated  at  65  per cent.  Universality,   mobile-broadband subscriptions continue   five price plans tracked by ITU, as well as
        defined as more than 95 per cent Internet   to grow fast and are approaching mobile-  the full 2022 country-level dataset for ICT
        use, has already been reached among the   cellular  subscription  rates,  which  are   prices, will be released in 2023.
        youth 15-24 age group in high- and upper-  plateauing. Fixed broadband subscriptions

        World  Radiocommunication  Seminar  Shows  How  ITU  Radio  Regulations
        Drive Global Communications

        The  biennial  ITU World Radiocomm-  is  an excellent opportunity  to become   “The  Radio  Regulations  provide  an
        unication  Seminar  (WRS)  returned  to   familiar with  the  procedures  that  regulate   international regulatory framework for the
        Geneva for an in-person capacity building   and govern the use of the radio-frequency   introduction of new, innovative technologies
        program. At the event, participants received   spectrum and  satellite  orbits,"  said  ITU   while simultaneously ensuring that all radio
        hands-on  training  on  the  application  of   Secretary-General  Houlin  Zhao. “Capacity   systems  can coexist  without  receiving
        Radio  Regulations  and  the  equitable   building  remains  a key component  of   harmful interference. It is therefore critical
        access  to  the  radio-frequency spectrum   ITU's  engagement  with  all  our members   that  countries  understand  how to apply
        and  associated  satellite  orbits  for space   so  that  they  can  leverage  the  benefits   these  regulations  to build  robust  digital
        services.  For the  second  time,  the  WRS   of  information  and  communication  systems  that  benefit  people  everywhere."
        Plenary Sessions were open to everyone,   technology  and  advance  digital  The  WRS-22  Plenary sessions covered
        including entities that are not members of   transformation for all." The seminar covered   radiocommunication-related  matters,
        the ITU Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R).   topics related  to spectrum management   application  of ITU Radio  Regulations  and
        Overall, 427 individuals from 92 countries   at  global,  regional,  and  national  levels.   trends  in  various radiocommunication
        took part  in  activities  offered  during the   Participants  were  presented  with  an   services. Participants were also introduced
        week-long  event.  Together  with Regional   overview of the ITU Radio  Regulations   to the  activities  and  work  of the  ITU-R
        Radiocommunication  Seminars,  World  (2020  Version),  to help  them better   Study  Groups, the  Radio  Regulations
        Radiocommunication Seminars provide an   understand  the  regulatory framework  for   Board, the Radiocommunication Assembly
        opportunity to gain deeper insight into the   terrestrial  and  space  radiocommunication   (RA)  and  the  World  Radiocommunication
        Radio  Regulations  as  revised  by the  last   services  including  frequency allocations,   Conference  (WRC).  During  the  WRS-22
        World Radiocommunication Conference in   the  filing  process  for  obtaining  new   space and terrestrial workshops held over
        2019. These seminars, held every two years   frequency assignments, along with related   four  days, participants  received hands-on
        for ITU  members  worldwide, also  aim  to   software  and  tools.  Participants  were   experience with ITU notification procedures
        provide participants with essential technical   also  updated  on  the  current  activities   as well as with the software, databases and
        and regulatory background information to   and  hot  topics  being  undertaken  by  the   electronic publications  made available  by
        assist them as they prepare for the next ITU   ITU  Radiocommunication  Study  Groups.   the Radiocommunication Bureau to the ITU
        World Radiocommunication  Conference,   Regarding  the  importance  of World and   membership. Tailored  sessions  were  also
        to be held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates,   Regional  Radiocommunication Seminars,   available for both beginners and advanced
        from 20 November to 15 December 2023.   Mario Maniewicz, Director of the  ITU   users of BR software tools.
        “The  World Radiocommunication  Seminar   Radiocommunication Bureau, explained:

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