Page 83 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2022
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        Internet More Affordable and Widespread, but World’s Poorest Still Shut Off

        from Online Opportunities

        The  cost  of Internet  services has  inched
        downward  across  the  globe  in  2022,
        according  to  Facts  and  Figures,  the
        annual worldwide overview on the state of
        digital  connectivity  from the  International
        Telecommunication Union (ITU).  The
        Internet  has  become more  affordable  in
        all  regions  of the  world  and  among all
        income groups, based on the assessment
        from  ITU, the  United  Nations  specialized
        agency for information and communication
        technologies (ICTs). Cost, however, remains
        a  major obstacle  to Internet  access,
        especially  in  low-income economies.  The
        current  global  economic  situation – with
        high inflation, rising interest rates, and deep
        uncertainty – could add to the challenge of
        extending  Internet  reach in  lower-income   the  Internet  from a smartphone.  The   in 2022 compared to 69 per cent of men,
        areas. “The Internet may be more affordable   affordability of this service has become a   according to Facts and Figures 2022. The
        overall, but for billions of people around the   benchmark for global  Internet  use,  since   gender  gap is  even  more  concerning  in
        world, it is just as out of reach as ever," said   it  provides  relatively  inexpensive  access   lower-income nations in which 21 per cent
        ITU Secretary-General  Houlin  Zhao. “We   compared to fixed Internet service. Still, for   of women are  online compared to  32 per
        need to keep Internet affordability moving   the average consumer in most low-income   cent of men, a figure that has not improved
        in  the  right  direction  even  as  the  global   economies,  the  cost  of  fixed  or  mobile   since  2019.  Overall,  the  world  has moved
        downturn cuts  deeper  into the  economic   broadband services  remains  too high.  A   closer toward gender parity over the  last
        prospects of many countries." ITU's Facts   basic mobile data plan in these countries   three  years.  Gender  parity  is  defined  as
        and  Figures  series  features  estimates  for   was found to cost on average 9 per cent of   when the  female  percentage  of Internet
        key connectivity  indicators for the  world,   average  income.  This  represents  a  slight   users  divided  by  the  male  percentage
        regions,  and  selected  country  groups.   decrease from 2021, but it remains many   stands between 0.98 and 1.02. The gender
        The  assessment  provides  context  on the   times  greater  than  the  cost of similar   parity  score  improved  from 0.90  in  2019
        evolving digital divide while also reviewing   services  in  higher-income  countries.  The   to  0.92  in  2022.  Generally,  regions  with
        progress  towards  closing  it.  Earlier  this   result  is  that  those  who can  least  afford   the  highest  Internet  use  also  have  the
        year, ITU reported that 2.7 billion people –   broadband  service  – and  that  could   highest  gender  parity  scores.  Conversely,
        roughly one-third  of the  global  population   benefit the most from  it – are paying the   many of  the  world's  least  developed  and
        – remain unconnected to the Internet. The   highest  amounts  in  relative terms. Earlier   vulnerable economies feature low Internet
        figure was an improvement from 2021 but   this  year,  ITU  and  the  Office  of  the  UN   use, a low gender parity score, and limited
        revealed  a  levelling  off from the  strong   Secretary-General's  Envoy  on  Technology   progress toward gender parity over the last
        connectivity  gains  made during  the  onset   announced ambitious targets for universal   three years. For the first time, ITU's Facts
        and  height  of the  COVID-19  pandemic.   and  meaningful  digital  connectivity  to be   and  Figures  features  global  and  regional
        “Access to the  Internet  is  increasing,  but   achieved by 2030. Affordability, defined as   estimates  for  mobile phone ownership,
        not as quickly and evenly across the world   the  availability  of  broadband  access  at  a   revealing that almost three-quarters of the
        as it needs to," said Doreen Bogdan-Martin,   price that is less than 2 per cent of monthly   global population aged 10 and over own a
        Director  of ITU's  Telecommunication   GNI per capita, was identified as a priority   mobile phone in 2022. Mobile phones are
        Development  Bureau  and  ITU  Secretary-  to  ensure  that  everyone  can  benefit  fully   the most common gateway to Internet use,
        General-elect.  “Too many people  still  live   from connectivity.  Among the  economies   with the percentage of ownership serving
        in digital darkness. Our global challenge is   for which data are available for both 2021   as an indicator of Internet availability and
        to commit the resources that would allow   and  2022,  more  countries  met  the  2  per   access.  Ownership  of mobile  phones,
        everyone  to  benefit  in  a  meaningful  way   cent  affordability  target  in  2022  across   however,  remains  higher  than  Internet
        from being connected." According to Facts   the  different  types  of services. Although   use,  especially  in  lower-income countries.
        and Figures 2022, the global median price   women account for close to half the world's   Reliance  on  mobile-cellular  service could
        of mobile-broadband  services  dropped   population, 259 million fewer women have   be a further  indication  of the  impact of
        from 1.9 per cent to 1.5 per cent of average   access to the  Internet  than  men. Only  63   costs,  with  overall  prices  for cellular-
        gross  national  income (GNI)  per capita.   per cent  of women  are  using  the  Internet   only  service  being  less  expensive  than
        Mobile broadband allows users to access
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