Page 52 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2022
P. 52



        Avaya’s Environmental, Social, And Governance

        Strategy — Creating Better Experiences Worldwide

        Avaya believes that we have a responsibility to help create better
        experiences not only for our customers, but also for our employees
        and  the  global  community. To that  end, we have developed  our
        environmental, social, and governance (ESG) strategy to align with
        the priorities of our employees and stakeholders.

        How We Developed our ESG Strategy
        We  started  by assessing  environmental,  social, and  governance
        topics, taking into account recent political, economic, and cultural
        shifts  that  alter the  way people  live  and  work.  After evaluating
        a range of topics, we created  a survey that  we distributed  to
        employees, customers, distributors, suppliers, and partners, asking
        them to rank the importance of topics.
           The     2030     Agenda      for    Sustainable

           Development,  adopted  by  all  United
           Nations Member States in 2015, provides
           a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity
           for people and the planet, now and into the
           future. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable
           Development  Goals  (SDGs),  which  are  an
           urgent  call  for  action  by  all  countries  —

           developed  and  developing  —  in  a  global

        We found that governance issues were the highest priority to both   Reeva Kymer
        our employees and our stakeholders, followed closely by several   Director ESG & Philanthropy
        environmental and social issues. With this in mind, we developed   Avaya
        an ESG strategy that focuses on doing the right thing for all our
        stakeholders.  Learn more in  our 2021  Corporate  Responsibility

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