Page 48 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2022
P. 48


        line with our capital allocation policy.”
        Key Wins
        •  Tech Mahindra has won a deal with one
          of world’s largest growing ERP solutions
          companies to provide digital product en-
          gineering, support & consulting services.
        •  Tech  Mahindra  was  chosen  as  an  ex-
          clusive strategic partner to provide con-
          sulting  &  managed  services  in  Cloud
          Application  Services  by leading  global
          enterprise software provider.
        •  Tech Mahindra has  won a multi-year
          strategic  deal  with  one  of  the  world’s
          leading American software developer in
          the gaming industry, to help scale their
          content moderation business using our
          BPS capabilities.
        •  Tech Mahindra has been chosen by one
          of the  largest  omni-channel  solutions
          provider based  in  Europe, for  a multi-
          year  deal  to assist  in  the  migration  of
          its on-prem data centers to cloud, while
          delivering ITSM, Networks and Security
        •  Tech Mahindra was chosen by a leading
          American healthcare provider as a stra-
          tegic  partner  in  a  comprehensive  deal
          to assist digital migration of its existing
          platforms to a  cloud-native,  micro-ser-
          vices based architecture and offer a ro-
          bust end-to-end digital healthcare to its
          customers.                           with one of the largest players in wealth   ber Insights, powered by X-Analytics, to
        •  Tech Mahindra was chosen by one the   management  &  superannuation  space   deliver  advanced  Zero  Trust  cyberse-
          largest  defense  conglomerates  in  Af-  for  assisting  in  its  Core  System Trans-  curity solutions  and risk  management
          rica, as  a  strategic  partner  for digitally   formation and  multi-year  RUN  services   services.  Through  this  first-of-its-kind
          transforming its systems using SAP S/4   on the new digital platform      service,  Tech  Mahindra  will  break  new
          HANA.  The  multi-year deal  will  harmo-  Business Highlights            ground for enterprises in strengthening
          nise  client’s  business  processes, digi-  •  Tech Mahindra  partners  with  Google,   their cyber resiliency and help align their
          talize  its  manufacturing entities  using   to launch Google’s Street View in India.   cyber security decisions with successful
          IIOT  and  implement  centralized  data   The  partnership  will  leverage  output   business outcomes.
          governance & security.               from  Tech  Mahindra’s  ‘Gullyfy’  project   •  Tada  Cognitive  Solutions,  a next-gen
        •  Tech Mahindra has won a deal with one   and Tech  Mahindra  will  be  responsible   digital  twin-enabled  supply-chain  soft-
          of Africa’s largest  telecommunications   for  GIS processes  from  data  creation,   ware provider partners with Tech Mahin-
          operators  to  manage  digital  workflows   resourcing, insights generation and the   dra  to digitally  transform supply  chain
          for  their  enterprise  operations using   actual  collection  of the  street-level  im-  networks for enterprises in the US. The
          Tech  Mahindra’s  ServiceNow Cloud   agery.                               partnership will enable Tech Mahindra’s
          Computing platform.                •  Tech  Mahindra  partners  with  Union   customers to build real-time end-to-end
        •  Tech Mahindra was selected for a multi-  Bank of India to launch India’s first PSU   visibility across the entire supply chain
          year by a leading communications ser-  Metaverse Lounge “Uni-Verse” to deliver   network with more than 4X faster control
          vice  provider  in  Europe  to migrate  its   a  complete  interactive  and  immersive   tower implementations. It is expected to
          B2B  legacy Monitoring solution  to a   experience across banking services. The   further  enhance  collaboration  among
          new-age digital solution.            lounge will help Union Bank of India to   the various partners in the ecosystem to
        •  Tech Mahindra was chosen by a lead-  illustrate its digital savvy image to GenZ   build modular decision systems.
          ing  communications  service provider   customers and  encourage  them  to ex-  •  Quantre Solutions, a customer commu-
          in Asia for managing the NOC & Opera-  plore  the  bank’s  products and  services   nications  management  consulting  firm
          tions, Service Desk for supporting Enter-  in the Metaverse ecosystem.    in  the US partner  partners  with  Tech
          prise Customers of B2B Business.   •  Tech Mahindra partners  with  ColorTo-  Mahindra  to provide  next-Gen  digitally
        •  Tech Mahindra has won a strategic deal   kens  and  SSIC  to  launch  Strategic  Cy-  enabled  customer  communication  ser-

                                                                                           48  NOVEMBER- DECEMBER 2022
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