Page 49 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2022
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          vices  in  US and  UK.  The  combined ef-  tailor-made  solutions  for their  distinct   category by Herald Global in association
          forts will focus on modernizing the cus-  needs.                          with ERTC Media.
          tomer communications industry across   •  Tech  Mahindra  announced  a  strategic   •  Tech Mahindra recognized amongst the
          industries by employing cloud-native mi-  partnership with XY Retail. The partner-  “Most  Trusted Companies  of 2022”  by
          croservices including customer commu-  ship  will  combine the  power of  Tech   Var India. The listing aims to celebrate
          nication management (CCM), customer   Mahindra’s  deep  domain  expertise  and   and  appreciate  technology  brands  that
          experience  management (CXM), cloud-  system  integration  capabilities  with   have played an important part in India’s
          based ETL and data integration service   XY  Retail’s  cloud-based  unified  omni-  Information  Technology  (IT)  success
          and Functions-as-a-Service (FaaS).   channel commerce solutions to enable   story.
        •  Tech  Mahindra  launches  YANTR.AI, a   customers to build a seamless and per-  •  Tech Mahindra recognized as  Best  of
          transformational  cognitive AI solution   sonalized integration  of in-person and   Asia – Most Admired Brand 2022 at the
          to  enhance  and  simplify  field  services   digital experiences.        10th  White  Page  Leadership  Conclave
          which will  further strengthen Tech Ma-  Awards and Recognitions          2022.
          hindra’s  BPaaS  portfolio  and  provide   •  Tech Mahindra is recognized as a Con-  •  Tech Mahindra recognized for Best Em-
          end-to-end visibility, actionable insights,   stituent of the FTSE4Good Index Series   ployee  Experience at  ET Employee  Ex-
          and recommendations to enterprises for   June 2022.                       cellence Awards in The Economic Times
          better  planning  and  execution  of  field   •  Tech  Mahindra  was  recognized  for the   Employee  Excellence  Summit  2022
          services including address the demand   Best  Wellness  Programme in  People   which  aims  to  acknowledge  and  cele-
          & supply chain appropriately.        Matters and MediBuddy's wellness rec-  brate great employers and workplaces.
        •  Tech Mahindra launches end-to-end ESG   ognition initiative.          •  Tech Mahindra was recognized among
          portfolio  to help  businesses  achieve   •  Tech Mahindra wins  Frost  &  Sullivan’s   The Economic Times Best Tech Brands
          their sustainability goals. Through these   Technology  Innovation  Leadership  and among the Iconic brands for 2022.
          offerings,  Tech  Mahindra  will  enable   Award 2022  for Metaverse Technology   •  Tech Mahindra have been recognized as
          businesses  to  configure,  launch,  ana-  Services.                      a Leader in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for
          lyze, manage sustainability targets, and   •  Tech Mahindra recognized as the Brand   IT CSP for the 4th year in a row.
          help  them  achieve  ESG goals  through   of the  Decade  in  the  IT  &  IT  Solutions

        Tech Mahindra to Establish Its First Global Delivery Center in Egypt

        Tech Mahindra, a leading  provider of   led  by  its  SVP  &  Head  -Middle  East  &   and  provides  a  supportive  legislative
        digital  transformation,  consulting,  and   Africa, Mr.  Ram  Ramachandran  attended   framework  catching  up with  the  global
        business  re-engineering  services  and   the  signing  ceremony,  which  gathered   rapid  growth.  Our  plentiful  supply  of  tech
        solutions,  has  signed  a  Memorandum  of   multiple  global  tech  key  players.  Dr.  Amr   talent is all set and ready at a competitive
        Understanding (MoU) with the Information   Talaat,  Minister  of Communications  and   cost,  with  proven  experience  in  business
        Technology Industry Development Agency   Information  Technology sanctioned  the   services  delivery  for  global  firms  to  more
        (ITIDA) to establish  a global  delivery   agreement  inked with  Tech Mahindra,   than  100  countries with  20  different
        center  in  Cairo.  Tech  Mahindra  aims  to   as  part  of  several  agreements  with  29   languages.”  The  new facility  in  Cairo
        hire  more  than  1000  employees  over  the   multinational  companies,  creating  over   assists  Tech  Mahindra’s  clients  across
        next  three  years  to  serve  both  global   34000  jobs  directed  towards  exports   various sectors; namely, Telecom, Oil  and
        and local customers from  its  newly   through 35  global  delivery centers  with   Gas, BFSI (Banking,  Financial Services,
        inaugurated  center in  Cairo. H.E. Mostafa   export value worth USD 1 billion annually.   and  Insurance),  Energy  &  Utilities,  and
        Madbouly, Prime Minister of Egypt, Dr. Amr   On  the  momentous occasion, Dr. Amr   the  Public  Sector  by  leveraging  Artificial
        Talaat,  Minister  of Communications  and   Talaat,  Minister  of Communications  and   Intelligence,  Big  Data  &  Analytics,  Cloud
        Information  Technology  (ICT),  Egypt, Shri   Information  Technology  said,  "With  its   and  5G  technologies.  This  is  in  line  with
        Ajit  Gupte, Indian  Ambassador to Egypt,   unique central  location at  the  crossroads   Tech  Mahindra’s  commitment to expand
        senior  Egypt  government  officials,  the   between  3  continents,  Egypt  delivers  a   its global delivery centers and invest in the
        top management team of Tech Mahindra,   resilient  high-quality  digital  infrastructure,   upskilling  and  reskilling  of local  Egyptian

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