Page 30 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2021
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leverage partner ecosystems. With the new and client advocacy. The new BlueMarble the agility to introduce new features and
BlueMarble, Comviva supports the entire solution provides organizations immense services rapidly, without affecting the rest
digital customer lifecycle from discovery, flexibility and technology choices by of the elements. Comviva’s BlueMarble
shopping, ordering, and billing to payment driving openness and interoperability,” solution has been awarded Platinum Badge
and care. It enables CSPs actively access further added Mohapatra. With the new by TM Forum for Open APIs Conformance.
to new revenue sources while accelerating BlueMarble, Comviva has introduced an The open APIs enable businesses to
time to launch and monetize new lines of extremely strong proposition for the CSPs monetize and launch bundled services,
business, such as 5G, Cloud applications, to drive their digital transformation journey. fast and seamlessly. It enables quick and
IoT and virtualized services. Speaking The solution has been built with modularity flexible integration among management
on the occasion, Manoranjan (Mao) in mind enabling a phased approach to add systems which makes it easier to build
Mohapatra, Chief Executive Officer at digital capabilities. Microservices provide complex services.
Comviva said, “We are significantly raising
the digital bar with our next generation
BlueMarble solution. Industry boundaries
have blurred and Communication Service
Providers today, are competing against
digital native companies at various levels.
The new BlueMarble solution represents a
major upward shift and will present whole
lot of new opportunities for the CSPs in this
5G era, driven by innovation and agility.
It shall help organizations quickly launch
new products, grow revenue, expand
partner ecosystems, and provide world-
class customer experiences.” “We are
intensely customer-focused, in our product
roadmaps, consultative led engagements
Eutelsat’s Konnect Africa and Vodacom Partner to
Bring High-Speed Broadband to Unserved Regions
of Tanzania
Eutelsat Communications (Euronext and counting over 15 million customers. Tanzania. With Konnect, Vodacom will
Paris: ETL) and Vodacom Tanzania PLC Vodacom Tanzania PLC’s strategy cover 100% of the country, connecting all
have signed a service agreement for incorporates inclusion for all while bridging regions, districts and villages no matter
packaged services to bring connectivity the digital divide gap. As a result, this how remote they are. With this service,
to underserved regions of Tanzania, partnership means a lot to Vodacom, as it we will connect everyone, this includes
leveraging Eutelsat’s EUTELSAT will serve people who have been without areas which are not covered today, giving
KONNECT high-throughput satellite. connection since independence. In service access to services up to 100Mbps.
Following a successful Proof of Concept since end 2020, EUTELSAT KONNECT is a Philippe Baudrier, Chief Executive Officer
trial, Vodacom will commercialize services new-generation High Throughput Satellite of Konnect Africa added: We are excited
on the EUTELSAT KONNECT satellite under offering unprecedented operational to partner with Vodacom, a leading pan-
its own brand, building out its service offer flexibility. Delivering significant resources African telecom operator, to extend the
to customers previously unreached by for broadband services with quasi- reach of its services in Tanzania. This
its existing infrastructure, notably in the complete coverage of Sub-Saharan Africa, agreement illustrates the unparalleled
B2B and hospitality verticals. Installation it addresses direct-to-user consumer resources of our powerful EUTELSAT
services will be undertaken by Konnect and enterprise broadband services. KONNECT satellite to satisfy the strong
Africa on behalf of Vodacom. Founded in Commenting on the agreement, Sitholizwe demand for connectivity in underserved
2000, Vodacom Tanzania, part of the UKs Mdlalose, Managing Director of Vodacom regions of the African continent and marks
Vodafone Group, is Tanzanias leading Tanzania PLC said: We are delighted to another success in the development of our
telecommunications company providing a incorporate satellite to our suite of services, distribution capabilities following recent
wide range of services for consumers and leveraging the state-of-the art EUTELSAT additions in Nigeria, South-Africa and
enterprise including voice, data, messaging, KONNECT satellite to fulfil our mission DRC."
financial services and enterprise solutions to deliver connectivity to all regions of
30 NOV-DEC 2021