Page 106 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2021
P. 106


        all these policies were developed in coordination with the Ministry   government strives to disseminate open data in order to encourage
        of  Finance and National  Economy,  the Economic  Development   cooperation and involvement of all segments of the public, which
        Board, the Telecommunications  Regulatory Authority, the   will  result  in innovative solutions that  seize opportunities and
        Legislation and Legal Opinion Commission, the Central Bank of   overcome the challenges facing everyone in order to improve the
        Bahrain, and the National Communication Centre. He pointed out   quality of life. Dr. Al-Khaja also touched on digital policies, which
        that the participation of these  various entities has contributed   include  the  digital  services  policy  first,  the  digital  government
        to covering  many aspects  necessary in order  to formulate   policy as a right guaranteed to all, and the single data entry policy.
        advanced policies that lead to achieving their desired goals, such   He pointed out that through these three policies, the government
        as encouraging innovation, attracting investments, ensuring the   seeks to achieve higher  levels of transparency, openness  and
        security and privacy of user information, and increasing customer   inclusiveness in government operations, establish a data-based
        satisfaction with government services. He added that the iGA is   culture within government  agencies,  as  well  as  encourage  the
        keen to achieve more progress in the United Nations e-government   integrated  government  approach and encourage  participation
        index,  so it  formed  a  committee  to study the readiness  of the   in the design of public service delivery and the development of
        Kingdom of Bahrain in the United Nations e-participation index   policies. Dr.  Al Khaja  reviewed the e-participation policy, which
        report, the next version of which will be issued next year. These   highlights the government's commitment to providing traditional
        digital policies  have been  introduced  and linked to the report's   means of participation electronically and enhancing social media
        indicators,  in order to make progress in it.  Al-Qaed explained   channels, in addition to achieving a quantum leap in the use of
        that  these  policies  are  based  on  the  government's  confidence   e-participation. He added  that the iGA, during  its  policies,  has
        in spreading  a  government  approach  based  on comprehensive   been keen to learn about the Gulf and international experiences, to
        digital orientation  for all  sectors in the Kingdom,  in line with   obtain the best terms and principles presented, and employ them
        the latest  global trends. He  added  that  the iGA is  working in   in line with the e-transformation  movement  in the Kingdom  of
        cooperation with various authorities in the Kingdom to develop   Bahrain Over recent years, the expectations of different audiences
        implementation  plans for these  policies,  stressing  that the   about the quality of public services have doubled, with technical
        importance of community awareness of them, so that future trends   innovations increasingly permeating most details of their daily
        are based on the provision of services in accordance with these   lives day  by  day  which prompted  the government  to promote
        policies  based on cooperation  between  government  agencies   modern technologies as an essential component of any services
        and  the  beneficiaries  of  their  services.  Deputy  Chief  Executive   it plans to develop, implement, and launch so that these services
        of Electronic Transformation Dr. Zakaria Ahmed Al Khaja spoke   keep these services in line with the needs of the public and meet
        about the open data policy, explaining that it urges government   their requirements efficiently. The comprehensive e-government
        agencies to make their data available through the Bahrain Open   initiatives  implemented  by  the Kingdom over the past  decades
        Data Platform and update them periodically. The government of   have helped to empower government agencies and direct them
        the Kingdom of Bahrain considers data sharing with the public a   towards improving the levels of effectiveness of their operations
        crucial step towards enhancing transparency and accountability   and the efficiency of service delivery.
        with regard to governance. He pointed out that to this end, the   (November 6, 2021)


        Bangladesh joined more than 60 other countries as it rolls out   at  a  program at  the Radisson hotel in  Dhaka,  according to  an
        the  fifth-generation  (5G)  of  mobile  internet  connectivity  on  12   invitation of the telecommunication division. But the launch
        December 2021. State-run mobile phone operator Teletalk will be   comes at a time when Bangladesh is yet to benefit from its 3G and
        the first to launch the super-speed technology, while the private   4G technology deployments. The reach of mobile networks has
        operators are expected to jump on the bandwagon next year after   expanded with 95 per cent of the population covered by 4G mobile
        the auction for spectrum  in March. Teletalk will  introduce  the   broadband networks. Still, only 28 per cent of the mobile phones
        updated service on an experimental basis in six areas: the Prime   are connected to 4G, while 25 per cent use 3G and the rest 47 per
        Minister's Office, Parliament, Secretariat, Bangabandhu Museum   cent 2G, said the GSM Association, an industry organization that
        on Dhanmondi 32, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's birth   represents the interests of mobile network operators worldwide,
        place Tungipara in Gopalganj, and the National Martyrs' Memorial   in a  report in March. Bangladesh  has 12.92  crore internet
        in Savar, said its Managing Director Md Shahab Uddin yesterday.   subscribers as of October. Of them, 11.91 crore access internet
        So, Teletalk's 65 lakh mobile phone subscribers will have to wait   through  mobile  phones  and the rest through  internet  service
        for more days as the operator is yet to get the clearance for its Tk   providers. "It  was in the election  manifesto of the government
        235 crore project to set up equipment at 200 points. Subscribers   that it would launch 5G by 2021," said Subrata Roy Maitra, vice-
        of  the private  mobile phone  operators will  have  to  wait  until   chairman of the Bangladesh  Telecommunication  Regulatory
        the spectrum auction. The trial  run of 5G will  be inaugurated   Commission. He  says  4G and 5G services are not the same.

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