Page 146 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2019
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by the NCCIR for failure to utilize the resource. mobile communication systems in 2020, which had
Furthermore, NCCIR Decision No. 528 (12 November) been sent to the regulator by the State Service for
approved ‘without comment’ the draft plan of Ukraine’s Special Communication & Information Protection of
Cabinet of Ministers for the implementation of 5G Ukraine on 25 October. (November 14, 2019)
Switching broadband is already fairly straightforward, current system, such customers need to contact both
but industry regulators Ofcom have been working their existing and new provider to co-ordinate the
tirelessly to make things even easier for consumers. In switch, and make sure there is no gap between the old
order to make the telecoms market as fair and uniform service ending and the new one starting. To address
United as possible, Ofcom is proposing even more regulations this issue, Ofcom is proposing that those broadband
providers gaining the new subscriber will be required
to make switching providers easier and to ensure
Kingdom customers always have access to the best broadband to lead the switchover, and offer a ‘seamless switching
services. The majority of UK internet service providers experience’, regardless of whether the customer is
operate on the Openreach network once owned by BT. moving across different fixed networks or ‘between
This shared network means that switching between providers of full fiber broadband services on the same
providers doesn’t require an installation process and fixed network’. In addition, the regulator has said that
the entire switch can be handled by whichever provider any loss of service that might occur during a switch
you’re moving to. This includes switches between BT, should not exceed one working day, while providers
EE, Plusnet, Sky, TalkTalk and Vodafone. The challenge will be required to compensate customers should
comes when switching to a provider that doesn’t anything go wrong during the process. Commenting on
operate on the Openreach network, such as Hyperoptic, the matter, Lindsey Fussell, Ofcom’s Consumer Group
City Fiber or Virgin Media, who all have their own cable Director, said: ‘Switching broadband provider should
network. These switches are currently a little more be quick, simple and hassle-free … Our plans would
complicated and can result in an overlap or gap in make it even easier to shop around – putting an end
service. But not for much longer. In their statement, to needless time and effort spent dealing with different
Ofcom quoted research which found that 43% of broadband companies.’ Meanwhile, alongside its plans
customers who decided not to switch did so because to make the broadband switching process easier,
they were worried about arranging two different Ofcom is also consulting on a proposal to introduce
services to start and end at the right time. What’s more, a ban on the sale of ‘locked’ mobile devices. While
37% were deterred from switching because they didn’t the regulator noted that O2 UK, Three UK and Sky all
want to speak to two different companies. Ofcom’s currently sell unlocked devices to their customers, it
proposed changes are in line with the new European pointed out that the likes of BT, EE, Tesco Mobile and
Electronic Communications Code which calls for EU Vodafone UK still sell mobile handsets that cannot be
member states to make switching telecoms providers used on other networks, until unlocked. Arguing that
easier. This would likely mean that new providers this practice ‘creates additional hassle and can put
would be responsible for managing the switch for someone off from switching altogether’, Ofcom has
all customers, whether they are switching between said it intends to ban the sale of locked mobile devices.
different networks or not. These new regulations would Ofcom’s consultation on both matters, entitled ‘Fair
also require providers to compensate customers if treatment and easier switching for broadband and
they have an interruption in their service for more than mobile customers’, is accepting responses until 3
one working day. Ofcom is planning to publish more March 2020. (December 18, 2019)
information about these new requirements early next
year, along with details of when they will be going into British telecoms regulator Ofcom has launched a
effect. (December 23, 2019) consultation on proposals for the rules and procedures
that universal service providers (USPs) should follow
The United Kingdom’s telecoms regulator Ofcom has to make a claim for any unfair costs involved in
said it is aiming to make the process of customers providing a universal service. Its decision follows a
switching between different broadband networks June 2019 announcement in which the watchdog
easier in future. While it noted that the process for confirmed that BT and KCOM had been designated as
moving between providers such as BT, Sky and USPs for the broadband universal service obligation
TalkTalk on Openreach’s infrastructure is already (USO), scheduled to come into force from 20 March
relatively simple and managed by their new provider, it 2020. The regulator noted that proposed procedures
highlighted the difficulties faced by those subscribers would apply to the broadband USO, but also to any
that wish to move to a different network, such as other universal service obligations. In terms of the
those owned and operated by the likes of CityFibre, proposals, the key elements include the ability for
Gigaclear, Hyperoptic or Virgin Media. Under the USPs to be able to request that Ofcom reviews its claim
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