Page 148 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2019
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                         online  for  millions  of  people  across  50  cities  in  the   is not available today at speeds of at least 10 Mbps
                         country.  Next  steps  involve  the  FCC  voting  on  Pai’s   downstream and 1 Mbps upstream. Funding  went  to
                         plan, though further details are unavailable at this time.   the company that committed to deploying service at the
                         (November 19, 2019)          lowest level of support, with a weighting system used
                                                                        to favor bids to provide higher-speed or lower-latency
                         US  Federal  Communications  (FCC)  Commission   service.  The  areas  for  which  funding  were  awarded
                         Chairman  Ajit  Pai  outlined  plans  to  hold  a  public   were traditionally served by one of the nation’s largest
                         auction  of  spectrum  between  3.7GHz  and  4.2GHz   price cap carriers. Those carriers were offered funding
                         (C-Band), despite concerns a government-run process   to deploy broadband to those areas using a cost model
                         could delay the arrival of critical mid-band airwaves to   developed by the FCC, but some carriers declined the
                         market. A total of 280MHz of spectrum from 3.7GHz to   funding.  The  areas  that  were  declined  were  included
                         3.98GHz would be on offer, with an additional 200MHz   in the auction, along with what the FCC calls “remote
                         from 4GHz to 4.2GHz preserved for incumbent satellite   areas” – the costliest to serve areas, which were not
                         services.  The  FCC  recently  faced  political  pressure   part  of  the  offer  to  the  price  cap  carriers.  The  FCC
                         to hold a public auction despite repeated offers from   has made several previous announcements of CAF II
                         a  group  of  satellite  service  providers  known  as  the   funding authorizations and the majority of the funding
                         C-Band Alliance (CBA) to hold a private sale as soon   has now been authorized. Companies whose funding
                         as  Q1  2020.  Senior  FCC  officials  said  on  a  call  with   was announced today have until late 2025 to complete
                         journalists CBA was ultimately unable to demonstrate   deployments,  with  several  key  milestones  between
                         it  would  be  able  to  conduct  a  fair  and  transparent   now and then. The first milestone occurs three years
                         auction, pointing to concerns about price transparency   from now, when funding recipients are required to have
                         and smaller players’ ability to compete in a private sale.   reached  at  least  40%  of  target  locations  in  a  state.
                         The FCC is expected to vote on the proposed plan early   (November 14, 2019)
                         next year, with the goal of commencing the sale before
                         the  end  of  2020,  the  officials  said.  However,  telecom   The  US  Federal  Communications  Commission  (FCC)
                         analysts at LightShed Partners expressed doubts about   issued  formal  approval  for  T-Mobile  US  and  Sprint’s
                         that timeline, arguing in a research note the decision to   proposed  merger,  confirming  it  would  green  light  the
                         hold a public sale is “likely to complicate and materially   deal despite opposition from two of its five members.
                         delay the availability of spectrum that has been globally   In a statement, Chairman Ajit Pai said the regulator had
                         identified as a primary 5G spectrum band”. Specifically,   concluded the deal offered several benefits following
                         they noted it took a “material amount of time” for the   a review lasting more than a year. Specifically, the FCC
                         FCC to gain support and develop the auction process   expects the merger to advance US leadership in 5G, help
                         for its 2017 sale of 600MHz spectrum, which required it   close  the  broadband  gap  in  rural  areas  and  increase
                         to relocate and compensate incumbent licensees as it   competition. He noted structural remedies put in place
                         would likely have to do in the C-Band.         by  the  FCC  would  address  competitive  and  pricing
                         (November 18, 2019)        concerns.  The  announcement  of  its  formal  approval
                                                                        followed  a  vote  last  month  in  which  commissioners
                         The FCC has authorized nearly $13.5 million more in rural   Jessica  Rosenworcel  and  Geoffrey  Starks  objected
                         broadband funding for two companies that won funding   to  the  deal.  In  a  fresh  statement,  Rosenworcel  again
                         in the Connect America Fund CAF II auction. Just over   blasted  the  decision,  branding  the  merger  “blatantly
                         $1.9 million will go to Hankins Information Technology   anticompetitive” and claiming it will “end a golden age
                         for deployments in California, with the remainder going   in wireless that helped bring to market lower prices and
                         to Newmax, which operates as Intermax Networks, for   more  innovative  services”.  Rosenworcel  and  Starks
                         deployments  in  Idaho  and  Washington.  Companies   were among a number of politicians and critics which
                         are  authorized  to  receive  funding  after  the  FCC  has   pressed the FCC to delay its vote to give the public time
                         reviewed and approved their long-form application and   to  comment  on  conditions  imposed  by  the  regulator
                         after the company has submitted an appropriate letter   and the Department of Justice in exchange for approval.
                         of credit and bankruptcy code opinion letter. The CAF   Sprint and T-Mobile still face a lawsuit from 16 attorney
                         II auction used a reverse auction to award funding to   generals aiming to block the deal: a court case is due to
                         deploy broadband to certain areas where such service   begin on 9 December. (November 6, 2019)

                         Regulatory Unit of Communications Services (Unidad   del Uruguay (Movistar) leading the bidding, registering
                         Reguladora de Servicios de Comunicaciones, URSEC)   total  commitments  of  USD28.015  million.  Also
                         has announced the results of its auction of spectrum   successful were state-backed Administracion Nacional
                         in  the  1700MHz/2100MHz  (AWS),  1800MHz  and   de Telecomunicaciones (Antel, USD22.412 million) and
                         2600MHz  frequency  bands.  The  process  generated   America Movil-backed AM Wireless Uruguay (trading
        Uruguay          a total of USD65.427 million, with Telefonica Moviles   as Claro, USD15.0 million). The total breakdown is as
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