Page 147 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2019
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                          for compensation, as well as a requirement that USPs   and comes after Ofcom introduced regulations to allow
                          must  submit  ‘sufficient’  information  to  support  any   the use of specific types of mobile repeaters without
                          claim. Meanwhile, when carrying out any review Ofcom   a license. These new technical specifications support
                          would be required to determine the existence and level   increases to the maximum system gain permitted for
                          of  any  net  cost,  and  once  determined  the  regulator   repeaters in vehicles from 21 dB to 36 dB in relevant
                          would decide whether it would be unfair for the provider   frequency  bands  above  1  GHz;  increasing  maximum
                          in question to bear some or all of that cost. The closing   gain from 15 dB to 30 dB in frequency bands below 1
                          date for feedback on the proposals is 7 January 2020.   GHz; and extending the range of available frequencies
                          (November 6, 2019)          for  in-vehicle  repeaters  by  adding  the  2.6  GHz  FDD
                                                                        band  to  the  list  of  license-exempt  frequency  bands.
                          UK  regulator  Ofcom  has  announced  changes  to  the   The changes have been implemented by amending the
                          technical requirements for the use of in-vehicle mobile   Wireless  Telegraphy  (Mobile  Repeater)  (Exemption)
                          phone  repeaters.  The  action  is  designed  to  improve   Regulations  2018,  and  will  come  into  force  from  27
                          mobile reception without causing undue interference,   January 2020.(November 5, 2019)

                         The  US  Federal  Communications  Commission  (FCC)   the Universal Service Fund “must be forward-looking
                         has  confirmed  that  its  latest  sale  of  5G-suitable   and support the networks of tomorrow” to ensure rural
                         millimeter wave (mmWave) frequencies got underway   Americans  can  access  the  benefits  5G  is  expected
                         (10  December).  The  process  comprises  spectrum  in   to  deliver,  while  also  meeting  the  “unique  wireless
        United           the  upper  37GHz,  39GHz  and  47GHz  bands.  As  per   connectivity  needs”  of  the  farming  community.  “We
                         FCC documentation, qualified bidders include T-Mobile
                                                                        must ensure that 5G narrows rather than widens the
        States           US,  US  Cellular  and  Windstream.  In  addition,  it  is   digital  divide”,  he  commented.  The  5G  Fund  would
                         understood  that mobile giants AT&T and Verizon are   replace the $4.5 billion Mobility Fund Phase II, which
                         both  bidding  under  different  names:  AT&T  appears   focused on boosting LTE availability, but hit problems
                         to  be  using  the  FiberTower  Spectrum  Holdings  unit   relating  to  operator  coverage  maps,  prompting  an
                         it acquired in February 2018, while Verizon is bidding   investigation into the data they provided. Pai’s pledge
                         through Straight Path (also acquired in February 2018).   came as Chinese vendor Huawei commenced a legal
                         The US territories are also represented, meanwhile, with   challenge  to  a  move  to  prevent  operators  using  the
                         IT&E  (bidding  under  its  previous  name  PTI  Pacifica)   Universal Service Fund to purchase its infrastructure.
                         and DOCOMO Pacific also registered to take part. Both   (December 5, 2019)
                         telcos serve Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands.
                         The Auction 103 represents the third sale of mmWave   The  Federal  Communications  Commission  (FCC)
                         spectrum in 2019, following Auction 101 (28GHz) and   Chairman  Ajit  Pai  has  announced  that  he  will  direct
                         Auction 102 (24GHz). Auction 101 concluded in January   his agency to auction off the nation’s long-awaited 5G
                         this year, generating a total of USD702.6 million, and   spectrum. Details of the auction have yet to be released,
                         was  dominated  by  Verizon,  which  spent  USD505.7   however  in  letters  sent  to  lawmakers  Pai  noted  he
                         million  on  1,066  licenses,  followed  by  US  Cellular   wishes to auction 280 megahertz of C-band spectrum
                         (USD129.4 million for 408 licenses) and T-Mobile US   for  the  service.  A  debate  among  wireless  service
                         (USD39.3 million for 865 licenses). In contrast, AT&T   providers over the direction the auction will take has
                         was the big winner in Auction 102, paying USD982.5   begun, with Verizon supporting a private auction as the
                         million  for  831  of  the  2,909  available  licenses.  Next   fastest way to get the 5G spectrum to market. AT&T,
                         in  line  was  T-Mobile  US  (USD803.2  million,  1,346   however, has voiced concerns, saying in a recent FCC
                         licenses),  followed  by  US  Cellular  (USD126.6  million,   filing that it fears a private auction will become “mired
                         282 licenses). (December 11, 2019)  in legal challenges”, and could threaten the release of
                                                                        the spectrum to the public altogether. There is also the
                         US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chief   question  of  how  much  of  the  money  raised  through
                         Ajit Pai detailed plans to establish a $9 billion pot to   the auction will go to the U.S. Government. Republican
                         fund  deployments  of  5G  in  rural  areas,  which  would   Sen. John Kennedy and House Energy and Commerce
                         supersede a previous program covering 4G. Under the   communications subcommittee Chairman Mike Doyle
                         plan, monies from the country’s Universal Service Fund   have called for the proceeds to go directly to the U.S.
                         would be available to network operators and allocated   Treasury. Kennedy in particular has held meetings with
                         through a reverse auction. In a statement, the FCC said   Pai and given speeches in the Senate voicing concerns
                         the goal was to boost availability of 5G in “hard-to-serve   regarding a private sale. The news of progress in the
                         areas with sparse populations and/or rugged terrain”.   release of the 5G spectrum in the U.S. comes less than
                         At least $1 billion of the total would be set aside for   a week after China successfully flipped the switch on
                         the agricultural sector, the regulator said. Pai explained   a massive 5G rollout of its own, bringing the service

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