Page 141 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2019
P. 141


                         The  Federal  Antimonopoly  Service  (FAS)  approved   the  100%  Tele2  Russia  takeover  whilst  allocating
                         the  plan  of  state-backed  national  telco  Rostelecom   some of its own shares to existing Tele2 shareholders
                         to increase its stake in cellco Tele2 Russia from 45%   including  state-backed  bank  VTB.  The  approval
                         to  100%.  Kommersant  reported  the  day  before  that   conditions include measures ensuring the state retains
        Russia           the  government  has  approved  the  final  scheme  of   overall  control  of  Rostelecom  for  at  least  four  years.
                         consolidation under which Rostelecom will implement
                                                                        (November 13, 2019) Interfax

                         The Office for Regulation of Electronic Communications   operator  (MNO)  SWAN  Mobile,  which  trades  as  4ka,
                         & Postal Services (Regulacny Urad, RU) has opened a   will be given no advantage in the 700MHz sale, despite
                         consultation  into  the  award  of  5G-capable  spectrum   the  fact  that  it  currently  only  holds  frequencies  in
                         in the 700MHz band, as well as spare frequencies in   the  1800MHz  band,  while  its  three  larger  rivals  own
        Slovakia         the 900MHz and 1800MHz ranges. A report says that   licenses covering the 800MHz, 900MHz, 1800MHz and
                         the 700MHz spectrum will be awarded via competitive
                                                                        2100MHz ranges, while two firms also own 2600MHz
                         auction, with six 2×5MHz blocks being made available.   spectrum.  Frequencies  in  the  900MHz and  1800MHz
                         A reserve of EUR15 million (USD16.7 million) has been   bands will be allocated by December 2025. One block
                         placed on each block. The auction is expected to take   of 2×4.2MHz will be offered at 900MHz, with a reserve
                         place  in  the  first  quarter  of  next  year,  with  spectrum   price of EUR840,000, while three 2×3MHz blocks will be
                         to  be  allocated  by  end-June.  The  report  says  that   sold at 1800MHz, with a minimum price of EUR550,000
                         the  country’s  smallest  and  newest  mobile  network   per block. (December 20, 2019)

                         The Agency for Communications Networks & Services   hoped  to  sell  frequencies  in  the  700MHz,  1400MHz,
                         (Agencija za komunikacijska omrezja in storitve, AKOS)   2100MHz,  2300MHz,  3400MHz  and  26GHz  bands  by
                         in Slovenia has said it is being forced to postpone its   30  June  2020,  but  now  says  that  auction  terms  and
                         planned  5G  spectrum  auction  to  the  second  half  of   conditions will be published by that date, with the sale
                         2020  due  to  a  delay  in  adopting  the  updated  Radio   to take place by the end of the year.
        Slovenia         Spectrum  Management  Strategy.  The  regulator  had   (December 10, 2019)

                         The  Ministry  of  Posts,  Telecommunications  and   regulatory frameworks in order to achieve its intended
                         Technology (MPTT) has announced that the National ICT   goals.  Earlier  this year,  stakeholders  were  given  until
                         Policy and Strategy has been approved by the Cabinet.   31  May  2019  to  submit  feedback  on  the  guidelines,
                         The five-year policy provides the framework needed to   which were formulated with support from the ITU and
        Somalia          leverage the benefits of ICT to support the social and   the World Bank. Commenting on the matter, Minister
                         economic development of the country. It outlines the   for  Posts,  Telecommunications  and  Technology  Abdi
                         development and enhancement of ICT across Somalia   Ashur Hassan said: ‘We have a communications law, a
                         over  the  period  2019-2024  and  aims  to  promote   regulator and an ICT Policy and Strategy … that means
                         transformation,  growth,  inclusiveness,  sustainability,   the  sector  now  has  the  legal  and  policy  frameworks
                         innovation  and  partnerships  in  the  mainstream   that would allow it to develop further and attract more
                         economy,  while  recommending  institutional  and   investment.’ (December 2, 2019)

                         The Independent Communications Authority of South   municipalities,  full-coverage  roaming  services  are
                         Africa (ICASA) opened a consultation seeking views on   only offered by two operators, and only one operator
                         how to boost competition in the nation’s mobile market,   offers MVNO services”, the authority noted. “Vodacom
                         after a review pointed to barriers involving broadband   is  dominant  in  104  municipalities  by  itself,  MTN  is
        South Africa     services. In a call for comments, the regulator said it   dominant in 18 by itself, and MTN and Vodacom are
                         had discovered evidence relating to market share and
                                                                        both  dominant  in  two  municipalities”,  it  said.  To
                         retail pricing which pointed to a lack of competition in   address site access concerns, the regulator suggested
                         several areas. ICASA highlighted considerable barriers   more  detailed  guidelines  and  redrafting  of  leasing
                         to entering retail markets because wholesale services   regulations,  including  a  requirement  to  publish  site
                         were not supplied competitively. “The market for site   information online, a time limit for responding to access
                         access  in  particular  is  highly  concentrated  in  many   requests, and regulating when site sharing should be

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