Page 138 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2019
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would contribute to the rapid rollout of 5G networks, of all spectrum covered by the auction, and this will
which require a greater density of base stations, the include the permit holder’s existing airwaves.
Ministry of Local Government and Modernization (November 17, 2019)
(Kommunal- og moderniseringsdepartementet, KMD)
noted in a press release. Digitization Minister Nikolai The National Communications Authority (Nkom) has
Astrup, meanwhile, added that the bill would help the specified what information local fixed line incumbent
government achieve its target of 90% coverage of Telenor Norge must provide for its wholesale customers
high speed broadband by the end of 2020. Separately, in areas where it plans to shutter its copper access
sector watchdog National Communications Authority network. In a press release the regulator noted that,
(Nasjonal kommunikasjonsmyndighet, Nkom) has under a decision it made in December 2018 designating
been granted funding to establish a central information Telenor as holding significant market power (SMP) in
service to get an overview of existing network the broadband market, the telco is required to issue
infrastructure and planned construction work. notifications regarding changes to its infrastructure to
(December 16, 2019) customers. In line with this, the watchdog said it had
sought to clarify exactly what information Telenor sends
Norway’s government is planning to give up its right to its wholesale customers. Included among the key bits
sell up to 20% of telecoms operator Telenor Group, the of information it has said must be communicated are:
Ministry of Trade and Industry said. Reuters writes that a timeframe for when wholesale access to copper will
the parliament authorized a plan back in 2015 to allow cease; information regarding what replacement product
the government to reduce its 54% stake in the group Telenor will offer at the wholesale level; the timetable
to 34%, with Minister of Trade and Industry Torbjoern for the introduction of this replacement product; and
Roe Isaksen quoted as saying: ‘The authorization has all technical parameters, and price terms, for the
not been utilized and, based on an overall assessment, replacement wholesale product. Meanwhile, the Nkom
the government sees no need to extend it … The state’s also confirmed that it had been advised by Telenor that
rationale for its ownership of Telenor is to maintain it has already sent information regarding its proposed
a leading technological and industrial company with network shutdowns to all of its wholesale customers.
head office functions in Norway. The state’s goal as With regards to these previously-sent advisory notices,
an owner is the highest possible return over time.’ The the regulator said it will consider whether these could
government said back in 2015 that having permission be considered to have met the requirements it has
to cut its stake in Telenor could make it easier for the now formally set out in a separate process. Feedback
company to conduct mergers and acquisitions. As on the regulator’s direction regarding the notification
at 30 September 2019 Norway’s government is the requirements is now being accepted, with it having set
largest shareholder in Telenor Group, with a 54% stake. a 25 November 2019 deadline for submissions.
The companies listed as major shareholders from (November 13, 2019)
beneficial ownership with 1% or more of Telenor Group’s
total outstanding shares were: Folketrygdefondet Norwegian telecoms regulator Nkom said it has
(5.0%); BlackRock Institutional Trust Company (1.6%); published new maps showing internet coverage in
The Vanguard Group (1.6%); DWS Investment GmbH Norway, enabling local and county administrations
(1.4%); JPMorgan Asset Management UK (1.1%); and as well as providers to see where there is a need to
Storebrand Kapitalforvaltning (1.0%). provide new networks or upgrade existing ones. The
(November 25, 2019) maps show internet coverage in June 2019. The map is
based on Nkom’s annual survey among municipal and
Norwegian communications regulator Nkom said it county councils. Nkom said this survey found that 86
will begin an auction of radio line frequencies on 6 percent of homes in Norway now have access to fast
May 2020, and the deadline for bidder registration is broadband. There are three types of map. One shows
12 March. In preparing for the auction, authorities and residential connectivity for indoor mobile coverage at
operators focused on the low frequency bands, which 20 Mbps, fiber, copper lines, cable TV and fixed radio,
means the 13 GHz band and those below. Nkom has but does not show satellite coverage. The second
decided to allocate spectrum in the high 6 GHz and 8 shows the same coverage except for copper landlines.
GHz bands under transmission permits, rather than via The third shows only fiber and cable-TV connectivity.
auction. There will be a 40 percent frequency ceiling for (November 9, 2019)
spectrum in the high 6 GHz, 7 GHz and 8 GHz bands,
as well as parts of the 13 GHz band. The cap applies The National Communications Authority (Nkom) has
between two transmission points. For the low bands announced that domestic telecoms service providers
that will be included in the auction, which means the Telenor Norge, Telia Norge and ice, which acquired
10 GHz band (split into high and low) and the 13 GHz 700MHz licenses at auction in June this year, were
band, there will be a separate frequency cap of 40 officially cleared to use the frequencies from 1 November
percent. There is also an overall ceiling of 40 percent 2019. In a press release the industry regulator noted
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