Page 136 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2019
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                         cap,  including  existing  frequency  holdings.  Proposed   following an investigation into 5G network security. The
                         minimum  license  bids  total  EUR900  million  (USD998   order  refers  to  potential  measures  to  ban  ‘unreliable
                         million)  while  the  draft  rules  say  5G  license  winners   suppliers’ from critical parts of telecom networks. Full
                         must achieve 98% area coverage of all municipalities   details  of  such  measures  are  yet  to  be  decided  on,
                         nationwide. Comments on the draft auction regulations   however. (December 6, 2019)
                         and license conditions will be accepted for six weeks.
                         The 3.5GHz 5G band is expected to be auctioned in early   Dutch  regulator  ACM  has  asked  telecom  providers
                         2022 and available for commercial usage by September   to declare their (relevant) net revenues for 2018. The
                         that year, although the frequencies in the north of the   information must reach the regulator by 31 December.
                         country must first be relinquished by the intelligence   The  numbers  will  be  used  to  calculate  how  much
                         services, which use them for a satellite communication   operators must pay the ACM for its supervision costs.
                         interception station. The government says its proposal   ACM  divides  providers  into  two  categories  based  on
                         to  move  the  station  to  another  European  country  by   their revenues. Those making less than EUR 2 million
                         mid-2022  is  feasible  ‘in  principle’.  In  related  news,   per  year  do  not  have  to  pay  a  contribution.  Those
                         the  Dutch  Ministry  of  Economic  Affairs  published  a   making  EUR  2  million  or  more  will  be  proportionally
                         ‘general administrative order’ on 5 December (see link)   taxed. (November 27, 2019)

                         The  New  Zealand  government  has  approved  plans   New  Zealand’s  Commerce  Commission  has  released
                         to  allocate  short-term  rights  to  160MHz  of  unused   its draft decisions on the design of the new regulatory
                         frequencies  in  the  3.5GHz  band  to  mobile  network   regime for fiber broadband networks. For Chorus, the
                         operators and the Maori community next year, reports   regulation  takes  the  form  of  a  revenue  cap,  which
        New Zealand      ZDNet.  Telecoms  minister  Kris  Faafoi  confirmed  an   will limit the prices consumers pay for broadband, as
                         auction  will  be  held  for  the  available  spectrum  from   well as minimum standards for KPIs such as service
                         the  middle  of  next  year,  with  the  rights  running  until   availability and network performance. Chorus and the
                         31  October  2022,  by  which  time  plans  for  a  longer-  other local fiber companies (Northpower Fiber, Ultrafast
                         term  allocation  of  the  spectrum  will  have  been   Fiber,  and  Enable  Networks)  will  also  be  required  to
                         finalized.  ‘Early  access  to  this  spectrum  will  allow   publish performance measures, such as profits, quality
                         the  telecommunications  industry  to  move  forward   of service, and expenditure. The Commission has made
                         in  their  development  and  deployment  of  5G  services   draft decisions on three key areas since its emerging
                         now,  rather  than  waiting  until  long-term  rights  are   views were published earlier this year. These include a
                         switched  on  in  November  2022,’  noted  the  minister.   new way of passing through to consumers the Crown
                         The government confirmed there will be a limit on the   subsidy for ultra-fast fiber broadband (UFB), and higher
                         amount of spectrum operators can purchase and that   allowances for risk in the allowed rate of return. The
                         it will be subject to minimum use terms. There will also   Commission will publish its final decisions on the input
                         be  no  guarantee  that  short-term  rights  will  provide   methodologies in mid-2020 before setting the revenue
                         long-term access. Short-term allocation of spectrum   cap and minimum quality standards for Chorus and the
                         will be made to the Maori community, and a support   information disclosure regime for all providers in late
                         program to build Maori capability in spectrum-related   2021. The new regime will apply from the beginning of
                         industries will be developed to maximize the benefits   2022,  by  which  time  most  New  Zealanders  will  have
                         of  this  opportunity.  Further  details  of  the  short-term   access to UFB.
                         allocation will be released early next year.   (November 19, 2019)
                         (December 16, 2019)

                         The government of Nigeria is developing the National   service providers in a stand-off between the operators
                         Broadband  Plan  2020-2025  to  increase  broadband   and  the  Minister  of  Communication  Dr  Isa  Ibrahim
                         penetration to around 70% across the country. A new   Pantami  over  data  fees.  Earlier  this  month,  telcos
        Nigeria          25-member committee has been set up to formulate   ignored an instruction from the Minister ordering them
                                                                        to decrease the price of data in the country within five
                         the  plan,  with  the  support  of  the  UK  government.
                         The plan will follow on from the National Broadband   days. The Minister had issued a statement claiming that
                         Plan  2013-2018,  which  achieved  its  aim  to  increase   Nigerians were not enjoying internet services because
                         penetration to 30%. (December 18, 2019)  of  the  high  cost  of  data  in  the  country.  Represented
                                                                        by  the  Association  of  Licensed  Telecommunications
                         The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has   Operators  of  Nigeria  (ALTON),  the  telcos  did  not
                         stepped  in  on  behalf  of  Nigeria’s  telecommunication   decrease  their  data  prices,  and  they  declared  the

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