Page 135 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2019
P. 135


                         A  group  of  Italian  telcos  have  won  a  legal  challenge   and were granted an extension to the validity of their
                         against the extension of licenses held by rival operators   permits. This move was challenged by TIM, Vodafone
                         in  the  3.5GHz  band.  The  Regional  Administrative   and Iliad, however, on the grounds that they had paid
                         Court  (Tribunale  Amministrativo  Regionale,  TAR)  of   considerably more for frequencies in the neighboring
        Italy            Lazio  has  accepted  the  appeal  entered  by  Telecom   3.6GHz  range  in  the  government’s  October  2018  5G
                         Italia  (TIM),  Vodafone  and  Iliad  against  the  six-year
                                                                        spectrum auction. Mondo Mobile Web reports that the
                         extension  of  3.5GHz  concessions  to  31  December   TAR has accepted their appeal, although it adds that
                         2029. 3.5GHz licenses held by Aria (part of Fastweb),   its finding does not rule against the extension itself but
                         GO  internet,  Linkem  and  Mandarin  had  been  due  to   solely the financial aspect of the renewal.
                         expire at end-2023, and in 2018 these firms requested   (November 27, 2019)

                         The  State  Committee  for  IT  &  Communications   assisting  the  development  of  the  Internet  of  Things
                         announced on its website that the State Commission   (IoT),  in  accordance  with  the  country’s  2019-2023
                         on  Radio  Frequencies  has  decided  to  allocate   Digital Transformation policy roadmap. The temporary
                         frequencies  in  test  mode  for  5G  mobile  network   licenses  will  permit  usage  of  spectrum  within  the
        Kyrgyzstan       operations  while  approving  proposed  measures  for   3300MHz-5000MHz range. (December 17, 2019)

                         The  Liberia  Telecommunications  Authority  (LTA)  has   National  Identification  Verification  Platform,  which
                         reportedly  launched  a  consultation  on  mandatory   was  announced  in  May  2019,  will  be  rolled  out  this
                         SIM  card  registration  with  telecoms  operators  and   week. If implemented, a SIM card registration scheme
                         other  stakeholders  in  the  country,  which  could  also   would require all telecoms service providers to use the
        Liberia          include  biometric  ID  provisions.  The  LTA  is  keen  to   national identification card as a prerequisite for issuing
                         stamp  down  on  cybercrime  and  other  illegal  activity
                                                                        mobile  numbers  to  new  and  (presumably)  existing
                         with the director of the National Identification Registry,   subscribers.
                         Tiah  Nagbe,  quoted  as  saying  that  the  country’s   (November 18, 2019) The New Dawn

                          The  Prime  Minister,  Xavier  Bettel,  has  promised  that   the  public  consultation.  The  Prime  Minister  said  the
                          5G-suitable spectrum will be allocated by mid-2020, in   Department of Media, Telecommunications and Digital
                          line with the European Commission’s timetable, reports   Policy is currently reviewing 29 projects submitted as
                          Paperjam. Speaking at the opening of the Luxembourg   part of the government’s 5G strategy, adding: ‘5G is not
        Luxembourg        5G Conference, Mr. Bettel also revealed that an extra   the technology of the future, it is ready for deployment.’
                          50MHz  of  spectrum  in  the  3.6GHz  band  would  be
                                                                        (December 12, 2019)
                          added  to  the  280MHz  originally  announced  during

                         The  Dutch  government  detailed  its  financial  goals   them. State Secretary for Economic Affairs and Climate
                         for  its  first  auction  of  5G  spectrum,  but  cast  doubt   Policy  Mona  Keijzer  said  the  action  would  “protect
                         on  vendor  participation  by  warning  those  deemed   networks  against  unreliable  suppliers”.  Specifically,
                         to pose a security risk would be blocked from future   a  vendor  will  be  banned  if  “suspected  that  it  can
        The              network builds. In a statement, the government said it   misuse  or  drop  out  the  Dutch  telecom  infrastructure
                                                                        and  services.  Or  if  there  is  a  close  connection  with
                         would  auction  frequencies  in  the  700MHz,  1400MHz
        Netherlands      and 2100MHz bands by 30 June 2020, predicting the   or legal control by foreign authorities or third parties
                         sales  would  raise  €900  million.  The  country’s  three   such as companies and intelligence services involved
                         largest operators, KPN, Vodafone Ziggo and T-Mobile   in espionage, influencing or sabotage, with this party”.
                         Netherlands, are all expected to take part. An auction   (December 6, 2019)
                         of  mid-band  3.5GHz  spectrum  will  follow  in  early
                         2022, as the band is currently being used for satellite   The  government  of  the  Netherlands  launched  a
                         communications  by  Dutch  intelligence  services.   public consultation on the draft plan for the country’s
                         Although  not  directly  naming  Huawei,  the  Dutch   700MHz/1400MHz/2100MHz  5G  spectrum  auction
                         government  stated  if  a  vendor  was  suspected  to  be   scheduled for May 2020. The government aims for at
                         an espionage risk, operators will be ordered to exclude   least three 5G licensees, with an individual 40% spectrum

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