Page 61 - SAMENA Trends - May 2020
P. 61


                                                SATELLITE NEWS

        Justice Department Requires CPI to Divest Antenna Business to Complete

        The U.S.  Justice Department said that  it  is  requiring   but Justice Department documents say that the agreed purchase
        Communications  and Power Industries LLC (CPI)  to  divest its   price is $175 million. The Justice Department said that without
        ASC Signal Division for the company to proceed with its planned   CPI’s  divestiture  of  ASC Signal,  there  would be “substantially”
        acquisition of the satellite communications technologies business   less competition for large geostationary satellite antennas in the
        of General Dynamics. CPI’s deal for General Dynamics SATCOM   U.S. It says that the two companies are the only two “significant”
        Technologies was announced last August and was expected to   domestic suppliers of the large antennas and that the U.S. Defense
        close during 2019. Terms of the deal weren’t disclosed at the time   Department and other customers “prefer to avoid having foreign
                                                               suppliers for components in the transmission chain for sensitive
                                                               national security-related information.” As  structured, the deal
                                                               would give CPI a monopoly on the antennas in the U.S., Justice
                                                               Department said.  “The merger,  as  originally structured, would
                                                               have eliminated  competition  for large geostationary  satellite
                                                               antennas, an  essential  component  of government,  military,
                                                               and commercial satellite communication  networks,”  Makan
                                                               Delrahim, assistant attorney general in the Justice Department’s
                                                               Antitrust Division, said in a statement. “Today’s settlement  will
                                                               ensure that the Department of Defense and other purchasers of
                                                               large  geostationary  satellite  antennas  continue  to  benefit  from
                                                               vigorous competition in the design, manufacture, and sale of these
                                                               products.”  A spokeswoman for CPI  told Defense  Daily  that the
                                                               company “is taking the necessary steps to close expeditiously”
                                                               on  the  acquisition  of  GD  SATCOM  Technologies.  CPI  had  $500
                                                               million  in  sales  in  2019  and  GD’s  SATCOM  Technologies  had
                                                               between $200 million and $300 million in revenue last year. CPI is
                                                               a portfolio company of Odyssey Investment Partners.

        India’s Vestaspace Technology Plans for Constellation of 5G Satellites

        Vestaspace  Technology, an Indian small   Tech. LLC. The company wants to replace   video of with less than 34 ms latency with
        satellite manufacturing company, released   traditional  fiber  networks  with  satellite   the  speed of more than 400 Mbps. “Our
        plans on Tuesday to launch a constellation   constellations  and to  provide high-speed   Advanced AI-technology based unmanned
        of 35  or more  satellites  across  India   5G  network  connections  across  India.   satellites data will bring in-depth solutions
        with  the  intention  of  building  5G  speed   To this end,  it said it has installed eight   to the telecom industry and the common
        network connections and Internet  of   ground stations and 31,000 data receptors   people,”  Vestaspace Technology  Founder
        Things (IoT) functionalities. The company   across  India.  In  the company’s  concept   and CEO Arun Kumar Sureban said. “We are
        says  it  will  release a  beta version of the   of services,  any person  can uplink and   on a mission to make space accessible to
        next-generation  satellite  constellations   downlink data while browsing the internet   everyone who once thought satellites were
        in September,  in early 2021,  launch  its   by buying a token or directly partnering with   rocket science. Not only this, through our
        satellites into Low-Earth Orbit  (LEO)  and   Vestaspace. Vestaspace touts test results   secured connections a  common person
        Geostationary  Orbit  (GEO).  Vestaspace   with accurate antenna, tracking, seamless   can also access to the  satellites of their
        said it recently secured  $10  million in   beam and satellite handovers, which   choice and to get immersed in the world of
        funding  from U.S.-based  Next  Capital   resulted in reflected in a live-streamed HD   space.”

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