Page 58 - SAMENA Trends - May 2020
P. 58


           There is no silver bullet         Provisioning   WFH   for   entire/partial   Business Challenges:
                                                                                 •  Higher CAPEX & TCO
                                             workforce would need meticulous planning,
           to  overcome  the  current        a  relook  to  our  Business  Processes,   •  Vendor Lock-In issues
           challenges at one shot, and       Workforce Productivity, real-time decision   •  Existing Investment ROI
           we would  need  to  dissect       making, sudden  change  in the volume   Technical Challenges:
                                             &  IT  Systems  Resilience  (Capacity  &
                                                                                 •  Security threat & Compliance
           the problem and manage it         Performance,  NW  &  Sec,  Monitoring  etc.)   •  Inconsistent User Experience
           in parts. The market today        &  all  of  this  would  undoubtedly  need   •  Performance  Issue (Application,  Data,
                                             additional investment.
           has plethora  of solutions                                            •  Expertise in a custom solution
           around  WFH  / remote             Enterprises are going through challenging   To overcome  the  above challenges,  we
           access etc. Standard build        times  and  are  under  financial  pressure.    need the best of both worlds. Which means
                                             Yet, the ‘’CIO’’ office would be expected to
                                                                                 Flexible OPEX  driven Virtual  Workspace
           under         pay-as-you-go       achieve                             delivery, which is  high of performance,
           Model,  Or Custom-built           •  Near 100% WFH (Build vs Buy)     secure, leverage  existing investment, no
                                             •  CAPEX & TCO Reduction
                                                                                 vendor  Lock-in,  cloud-ready  &  achieve
           on-premise          solutions.    •  Data Security & Regulatory Compliance   overall TCO reduction
           Both having their own pros        •  Enhanced User Experience         Tech M Solution – WaaS NxT
                                             •  Innovation  &  Digital  Transformation
           and cons.                           (Intelligent  Automation,  Cloud  Tech  Mahindra  R&D  labs  &  CoE  has
                                               Readiness etc)                    envisaged  this almost  seven years back
        As  businesses juggle a  range  of  new                                  and launched  its own Digital Workspace
        systems  priorities and challenges under   Quest for Solution  to Outmaneuver   Platform  ‘’WaaS  NxT’’.  It  is  designed  to
        the  immense  pressure of the  pandemic   Uncertainty                    deliver the highest level of security using
        crisis, the teams  at  the frontline have   There is  no silver bullet to overcome  the   hybrid  workspace  delivery model  that
        also observed numerous grey areas    current  challenges  at one  shot, and we   leverages Virtualization, Enterprise Mobility
        around  People,  Process  &  Technology   would need  to dissect  the problem and   and Context-Aware Security. It delivers all
        and therefore, the complex and business-  manage it in parts. The market today has   Workspace resources as a Universal Single
        critical services  that  are handled  by   plethora of solutions around WFH / remote   URL to consolidate all end-user computing
        global operations must be reassessed   access  etc. Standard build  under  pay-  services. This model will bring all services
        and restructured to achieve desired   as-you-go Model, Or  Custom-built  on-  under a single window to avoid duplication
        productivity.                        premise solutions. Both having their own   of investments and improve end-user
                                             pros and cons.                      experience.

                                                      Key Differentiators

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