Page 57 - SAMENA Trends - May 2020
P. 57



        Digital Workspaces: Enabling the New Normal

           The  current  situation  has  changed
           the  way we operate  forever & so have
           the  enterprise  demands.  A  few weeks
           back, the  majority of discussions  were
           focused on productivity & cost. But, the
           moment the COVID-19 wave struck, the

           conversation changed into accessibility,
           security & performance for the maximum
           workforce while WFH.

        The unprecedented spread of COVID-19 has taken the world by
        storm. Everyone has felt its effects, regardless of their position
        on the economic, political, or sociological plane. Amidst the
        chaos, there is a particular way in which businesses have been
        affected, and this includes coming to a grinding halt, in some
        cases. This situation has taught that agile companies need to
        plan for a range of exigencies to ensure business continuity.
        The current situation has changed the way we operate forever
        &  so  have  the  enterprise  demands.  A  few  weeks  back,  the
        majority of discussions were focused on productivity & cost.
        But, the moment the COVID-19 wave struck, the conversation
        changed  into  accessibility,  security  &  performance  for  the
        maximum workforce while WFH. Enterprises had tough times   Ashish Chouksey
        executing the BCP’s because it was a first time experience and   Delivery Head – Infrastructure & Cloud Services
        the scenario simulation had never been fathomed.
                                                             Tech Mahindra
        Though Organizations have scrambled all the resources at their
        disposal, it took quite some time to re-calibrate the IT systems
        and  to  provide  desired  access  &  performance.  Businesses
        that were successful in ensuring little to no interruption were
        armed with a host of technology tools that allowed them to
        mobilize remote working models at breakneck speed.
        C-Suite Challenges in ‘’The New Normal’’
        Work from home (WFH) was never experimented & implemented
        on this scale. And, this is going to be – The New Normal.

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