Page 66 - SAMENA Trends - May 2020
P. 66


        Airbus Supplies EU with Satellite Communications

        Airbus has  won the new satellite  communications  framework
        contract  for military and civil missions of the European  Union
        and its member  states.  This four-year framework contract
        was  awarded by  the European Defence  Agency  (EDA) and  is
        estimated to be worth tens of millions of euros. “With this satellite
        communications program, Airbus contributes to the construction
        of joint capabilities for European defence and to its missions to
        preserve civil and military peacekeeping”,  said Dirk Hoke,  Chief
        Executive  Officer  of  Airbus  Defence  and  Space.  The  contract
        named  ‘EU  SatCom  Market’  will  allow  EU  member  states  to
        centralize their satellite communications requirements and obtain
        coordinated,  more economical  and effective access  to these
        services. Some 32 contributing members, including 20 European
        defence  ministries,  can  now  swiftly  and  efficiently  get  access
        to satellite solutions and services through EDA, which has been
        supplying the members of the ‘EU SatCom Market’ project with   bands), the sale and rental of terminals, as well as the provision of
        satellite communications capabilities since 2012. These satellite   ‘turnkey solutions’, particularly in theatres of operations outside
        communications  solutions can  be deployed worldwide. They   the  EU.  For this contract,  Airbus has teamed  up  with Marlink,
        play an essential role in European civil and military peacekeeping   which will supply some of these terminals and specific L- and Ku-
        and security missions, as  well  as  in  technical  and economic   band services. A forerunner in telecommunications solutions for
        development and cooperation missions. This is already the case   military and governmental  users,  Airbus  has unique  experience
        in several EU civilian and military missions and operations where   in supplying satellite communications on a global scale and in
        EU SatCom Market services have been successfully implemented   all commercial and military frequency bands (L, C, Ku, Ka, X and
        for several  years.  The armed forces of EU  member  states  also   UHF).  These  services  can  also  benefit  European  operators  of
        use these solutions. The ‘EU SatCom Market’ contract covers the   essential services.
        provision of satellite communications (in C, Ku, Ka and L frequency

        Intelsat Follows OneWeb into Chapter 11

        Intelsat became the latest satellite service   to adhere to a  Federal  Communications   of this  process, we  will  be on stronger
        provider to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy   Commission (FCC) order to free-up a total   financial  footing  for  the  future,  further
        protection in the US, a move made as part   of 280MHz of spectrum in the 3.7GHz to   enhancing  our industry-leading  portfolio
        of a broader financial restructure to see it   4.2GHz  bands  for  5G  services.  Intelsat   of space-based communications services
        through troubled waters around the release   said it had already secured a commitment   and paving the  way  for our continued
        of C-band spectrum to the government. In   around  this  financing  as  part  of  its   innovation and investments to benefit our
        a statement, Intelsat said the process will   restructure:  it  stands  to  to  receive  $4.87   customers”. Rival OneWeb sought Chapter
        likely result  in a  “substantial reduction”   billion in relocation payments from the FCC   11 protection in late March, a move GSMA
        of its legacy debt burden, while delivering   relating to  the spectrum  move.  Stephen   Intelligence noted raised questions around
        an estimated $1 billion in funding needed   Spengler, Intelsat CEO, said: “At the end   the LEO sector.

        Czech Satellite to Launch via SpaceX

        Another  Czech  satellite will  be  sent into   The  satellite,  built at  the Research and   position in the sky. It will provide farmers,
        orbit this year, launched  from a Falcon 9   Testing Aviation Institute, will take detailed   foresters and water management experts,
        rocket by the US company SpaceX of Elon   images of the earth’s  surface  and test   as  well as  those  researching climate
        Musk, the daily Mladá fronta Dnes reports.   a system for accurately  determining  its   change, with detailed overviews.

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