Page 131 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2022
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        Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has carried out an   PTA  field  teams  with  the  ultimate  aim  to  pursue  the  operators
        independent  Quality  of Service (QoS)  Survey in  15  Cities  and  8   for provision of better mobile services and to promote a healthy
        Motorways/Highways/Inter  City  Roads  of Punjab,  Sindh,  Khyber   competition among the operators. (June 22, 2022)
        Pakhtunkhwa, Balochistan and Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJ&K) in
        order to measure the performance and quality of Cellular Mobile   Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has received Rs 19.39
        Operators’ (CMOs)  services being  provided  to their  customers.   Billion (equivalent to USD 98.49 Million) against third instalment of
        During the survey, the licensed KPIs of voice, network coverage,   license renewal fee from two Cellular Mobile Operators (CMOs)
        SMS and mobile broadband/data were checked using state of the   Telenor Pakistan and Pakistan Mobile Communication Ltd. (Jazz).
        art  automated QoS Monitoring &  Benchmarking Tool. The  drive   The  amount has  been  deposited  in  Federal  Consolidated  Fund
        test teams selected survey routes in such a manner to cover main   (FCF). With this deposit, the total deposits by PTA in FCF during
        roads, service roads  and  majority of sectors/colonies  in  areas   the  current  financial  year  i.e.  2021-22  have  become  Rs.  102.5
        being survey. Based upon the compliance level of each KPI against   Billion (equivalent to USD 577 Million). (May 26, 2022)
        threshold defined in the respective licenses and QoS Regulations,
        CMOs  have  been  ranked  between  1st  to 5th  position  in  Mobile   To proliferate the usage of Internet of Things (IoTs) in Pakistan,
        Network Coverage  and  Voice  Services  as  per  compliance level   Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has started accepting
        in surveyed cities and motorways/highways. Similarly, in Mobile   applications for "Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN)" license.
        Broadband  Speed  segment,  the  ranking  is  with  respect  to  the   This license shall be valid for a term of 5 (five) years. Applicants
        highest  data  download speed.  The  survey  results  revealed  that   for  the  license  will  have to provide letter  of application,  CNIC
        CMOs  are  compliant  with  respect  to Broadband  Services  to a   along with other relevant details/documents. The complete list of
        great extent while SMS and voice KPIs have been found below the   information and requirements is available at:
        licensed threshold in the areas of Punjab, Sindh, KPK, Balochistan   pk/en/industry-support/home/iot-lpwan-license-090522.  This  is
        and  AJ&K.  Eventually,  necessary  instructions  have  been  issued   in pursuance to Rolling Spectrum Strategy 2020-2023 issued by
        to the operators for taking corrective measures so as to ensure   Government of Pakistan, and to facilitate introduction of futuristic
        improvement in the service quality upto the licensed standards.   technologies through automation in different industries.
        The  service  quality  monitoring  activity  is  being  carried out  by   (May 10, 2022)


        The  Minister  of Communications  &  Information  Technology,   the  amendments,  the  CRA  will  release  additional  spectrum for
        Mohammed bin Ali Al Mannai, has approved amendments made   expanding and upgrading 5G networks in the 3.5GHz and 26GHz
        by the Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA) to Annexure   bands  to Ooredoo and  Vodafone ‘by 2023’,  with  total  allocated
        ‘G’ related to Network Rollout and Coverage Obligations, to enable   spectrum bandwidth  potentially  reaching  ‘up to 1000MHz’
        the nation’s two mobile operators Ooredoo and Vodafone Qatar   depending  on  the  service  providers’  demands,  The  Peninsula
        to further improve  the  performance  of their  networks  and  the   reported. The amended license obligations state that 5G networks
        quality  of services  provided  to consumers, in  particular  further   must cover 99% of Qatar with minimum data speeds of 100Mbps
        facilitating the availability of 5G technology across Qatar. Under   by 2024. (May 23, 2022)

                                                                                               Saudi Arabia

        The  Communications  and  Information  Technology  Commission   The  Network Neutrality  Regulations  Document establishes
        (CITC) has published a public consultation on “Network Neutrality   common  provisions  to protect  consumers’ rights  to access
        Regulations Document” as part of its initiatives under the Digital   lawfully permissible  content,  safeguard local content  providers’
        Content  Council  which  aims  for  a  thriving  digital  economy by   non-discriminatory  access  to the  market,  promote healthy
        protecting consumers, safeguarding competition, ensuring reliable   competition, foster digital innovation, and ensure the continuity of
        services, fostering digital innovation, and promoting transparency.   the service providers’ control over their operations. CITC invites

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