Page 31 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2023
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                                       The 1 Billion Lives Challenge

        Achieving Digital Inclusion through the Power of Commitment, Innovation
        and Collaboration

        The 1 Billion Lives Challenge is open to   credible initiatives. The focus must align
        any organization or initiative that either   with one of the three focus areas above,
        makes an existing or new commitment   or tackle one of the three structural bar-
        to improve a quantified number of lives   riers: access, affordability, and usability.
        through  digitally inclusive services,  or   Many partners have joined the challenge
        provides a defined, verified, and material   and made sizeable public commitments
        resource  contribution  towards  an  to  improve  a  quantified  number  of
        initiative with a recognized commitment.  unique lives. They have recently reported   About the EDISON Alliance
                                           back the progress made against  their   The  EDISON  Alliance  is  a  global
        As such, the core metric is the outcome –   individual 2025 targets.     movement  of public and private sector
        a life improved through new adoption of                                  stakeholders  who are bringing  people
        a digital service. Members are requested   Since  January  2021,  EDISON  Alliance   online so they can access critical services
        to make a commitment on the number   partners have positively impacted  the   in healthcare, finance and education.
        of lives they aim to positively impact by   lives  of  454  million  people  around  the
        2025. Commitments must be backed by   world by activating over 250 initiatives   About  the  Device  Affordability
                                           across  90  countries.  This  represents   Workstream (Co-led by EDISON Alliance
                                           45% of the 1 billion target already, with   and GSMA)
                                           three full years left until 2025.
                                           EDISON partners also reported back on   •   Key  to using these critical digital
                                           how they have addressed  key barriers,   healthcare,  finance  and  education
                                           such as  affordability,  usability  and   services  is  connectivity.  Yet  around
                                           accessibility, in different  parts of the   3.2 billion people are not using mobile
                                           world.                                 internet  despite  living in areas with
                                                                                  mobile broadband coverage (3G+).
                               Key Messages for the Industry                     •   Device affordability  remains  one of
         While one-third of the 250+ partner   two regions with most lives improved   the key barriers to digital inclusion. In
         initiatives are pursuing online learning   by  EDISON  partners  are  South  Asia   many LMICs, handsets can cost over
         solutions, only 4% of the total number   (79%  of  total)  and  Africa  (10%)  and   70% of average monthly income.
         of lives were impacted through online   map to the two regions most in need.  •   This is a growing concern, particularly
         education.  The  low  conversion  ratio                                  for those with limited income to save
         demonstrates   the   difficulty   and   Four out of the five countries with most   or limited access to credit or financing
         resources needed to offer meaningful   lives improved are in South Asia (India,   options, that needs to be tackled.
         services such as  online  education  to   Bangladesh,Pakistan  and  Indonesia).
         underserved communities.          The combined population of these five   Solution
                                           countries totals over 2 billion people.  •   To solve the affordability challenge, the
         Digital literacy is a key priority, well                                 EDISON Alliance is working on a new
         covered  by  partner  initiatives  (40%   Out  of  the  10  countries  with  most   pillar to develop a global call to action
         of initiatives are  aimed at  increasing   partners activating commitments, two   to improve the affordability of low-cost
         digital literacy),  but it  also  requires   are high-income  countries  and three   handsets.
         time, capital and effort, which explains   are  upper  middle-income  countries.5   •   Co-led by the GSMA, this pillar aims to
         why  only  11%  of  the  total  number  of   Digital deserts in rural and urban areas   convene a range of ecosystem players
         lives  were impacted through  digital   and the lack of sufficient connectivity   to develop a breakthrough solution for
         skills training at this stage.    speeds  and skills  to meaningfully    low-cost smartphones.
         One of the key  barriers to closing   connect  are challenges  that  most   •   The  end  goal  is  to  produce  a  call  to
         the digital divide,  which remains   countries in the world face, irrespective   action, roadmap and a Playbook with a
         underappreciated, is affordability. The   of GDP levels.                 set of recommendations.
        Source: Extracted from the “1 Billion Lives Challenge” Impact Report by EDISON ALLIANCE, January 2023
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