Page 36 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2023
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        startups in their growth stage. It aims to   local content and enable digital  cyber   startups in their endeavors by linking them
        help them grow  their business,  increase   projects, as it witnessed the organization   with  investors and venture capitalists
        revenues,  and improve their competitive   of several workshops and specialized   in  the  market.  The  value  of  the  free
        advantage in the market to achieve a   technical  advisory  sessions.  inspireU  is   services it provides startups is about 600
        prosperous and technologically advanced   a leading business accelerator  in Saudi   thousand  riyals.  In  addition,  the  program
        future based on strategic investments   Arabia, providing local entrepreneurs with   provides  entrepreneurs  with  office  space,
        and sustainable growth”. The ninth batch   a  network  of successful  entrepreneurs   promotes  their startups,  and provides
        of the program  included  a  special track   and mentors, logistical and  advisory   opportunities to participate in the most
        that  supports  startups  in  the  field  of   services,  financial  support,  and  access   important  events,  from workshops to
        cybersecurity in cooperation with sirar by   to an intensive training program provided   national  and  international  exhibitions.
        stc, the digital  provider of cybersecurity   by  experts  and consultants from  Silicon
        services.  This  track  aims  to  promote   Valley.  inspireU  accelerator  supports

                                             Arabsat Badr-8 Successfully Launched: Featuring
                                             Airbus’  Innovative  Optical  Communications
                                             Payload TELEO

        The   Airbus-built   Arabsat   Badr-8
        telecommunications   satellite  has
        been  successfully  launched  from  Cape
        Canaveral, Florida. Based on Airbus’ latest
        geostationary Eurostar Neo satellite, Badr-
        8 will provide connectivity for users across
        Europe,  Middle East,  Africa, and central
        Asia.  The  spacecraft  is  also  equipped
        with a world first, Airbus’ innovative space
        demonstrator  TELEO  to  provide  space  to
        ground optical communications at gigabit
        speeds. The TELEO demonstrator payload
        is designed to facilitate very highcapacity
        optical feeder link communications, playing
        a crucial role in Airbus’ development of a
        new generation of optical communications
        technology  in  space.  Jean  Marc  Nasr,
        Head  of  Space  Systems  said:  “Marking
        our third successful launch of the Eurostar
        Neo series and our eighth  spacecraft
        built  for  Arabsat,  Badr-8,  equipped  with
        the very innovative TELEO payload, is the
        latest major milestone  for our telecoms
        business.  Featuring  increased  payload
        capacity  and  more  efficient  power  and
        thermal  control  systems,  Badr-8  will
        replace  and  increase  Arabsat’s  capacity.
        Following  the successful  launch  and
        separation,  Badr-8  is  using  its  electric
        propulsion system to reach geostationary
        orbit at 36,000 km. The satellite will then
        undergo  a comprehensive testing  period
        in geostationary  orbit before  entering   achieved  more  than  1,300  years  of   supported  by  the  UK  Space  Agency  and
        full  service.  With  a  launch  mass  of  4.5   service  in  orbit.  Airbus’  Eurostar  Neo   other agencies across Europe. The TELEO
        tons  and  17.8  kW  of  power,  the  satellite   platform has been developed in the frame   demonstrator payload was developed with
        is  designed  to  operate  in  orbit  for  15   of  the European  Space Agency's  (ESA)   support from CNES.
        years. Airbus’ ultra-reliable geostationary   Partnership  Projects, together  with  the
        telecommunications  satellites  have  French space agency CNES, and strongly

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