Page 30 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2023
P. 30


                                                          “Aiming to unite global action around the shared
                                                          principles and values, the GCF Institute will tackle
                                                          the most challenging cybersecurity issues facing
                                                          governments,  businesses,  and individuals,”  a
                                                          statement by the GCF Institute said, adding that it
                                                          will be a “catalyst for the exchange of ideas, driving

                                                          thought  leadership  and  developing  research  to
                                                          inform policy solutions and action.”

                                                       “Aiming to unite global action around the shared principles and values, the
                                                       GCF Institute will tackle the most challenging cybersecurity issues facing
                                                       governments, businesses, and individuals,” a statement by the GCF Institute
                                                       said, adding that it will be a “catalyst for the exchange of ideas, driving thought
                                                       leadership and developing research to inform policy solutions and action.”

                                                       Founded by the Saudi government's National Cybersecurity Authority, the GCF
                                                       Institute, which will be headquartered in Riyadh, will have an Advisory Council,
                                                       composed  of international  experts  carefully drawn from the government,
                                                       academia, think-tanks, and the private sector. The GCFI is an international
                                                       non-profit organization, with administrative and financial autonomy. To drive
                                                       the achievement of its objectives, the GCFI has an established governance
                                                       architecture. This includes a Board of Trustees, Advisory Council, and Chief
                                                       Executive  Officer  (CEO).  The  Institute  carries  the  objective  of  bringing  in
                                                       experts and decision-makers from around  the world over “to meet  and
                                                       discuss protecting the most vulnerable in cyberspace, while maximizing its
                                                       benefits for everyone."

                                                       The GCFI’s establishment comes ahead of the Global Cybersecurity Forum in
                                                       Riyadh in  November 2023,  during  which SAMENA  Council,  building  onto
                                                       discussions held on securing cyberspace and building digital trust during its
                                                       Leaders' Summit 2023 in May, will also contribute insights in representation
                                                       of the private sector.

                                        Saudi Arabia’s Cybersecurity Recognized Globally

          Kingdom  of Saudi  Arabia has secured   Saudi Arabia has cemented its leadership
          second place in the global Cybersecurity   position through several initiatives to build
          Index  in  the  World  Competitiveness   a  sound  and sustainable cybersecurity
          Yearbook  (WCY)  for  2023  by  the   ecosystem   in   the   Kingdom.   The
          Swiss-based  International  Institute  for   International Telecommunications Union
          Management Development (IMD). Saudi   (ITU) has also designated the Kingdom as
          Arabia also ranked 17th overall in 2023 –   a global leader in cybersecurity, ranking
          jumping by seven places from 2022 – in   Saudi Arabia second on its Global Cyber   and government  services and activities
          the overall competitiveness ranking.  Security Index.                 from  cyber  threats.  NCA  sets  the
                                                                                necessary standards for licensing the
          With  Saudi Arabia frequently  ranking   NCA is the primary national authority for   import, export, and use of hardware and
          among the top economies  in  the world   cyber concerns in the Kingdom. It works   software in terms of cybersecurity, while
          for cybersecurity,  the latest  recognition   to strengthen Saudi Arabia’s cyberspace,   ensuring  compliance  with  these
          by IIMD is a testament to the efforts of   enabling  it  to protect  national security   standards.  NCA’s work contributes to the
          entities like  the National  Cybersecurity   and  vital  state  interests.  The  Authority   creation of a secure and thriving economy
          Authority (NCA), one of Saudi Arabia’s key   defends   the   Kingdom’s   critical   that guarantees the prosperity of Saudi
          national security enablers.        infrastructure, priority economic sectors,   Arabia, and its people.

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