Page 27 - SAMENA Trends - May-June 2023
P. 27


        TMRW Foundation CEO Cevat Yerli Presents an Outlook on  "A New Digital
        World  of  Possibilities:  The  Internet  of  Life "  at  the  SAMENA  Council
        Leaders’ Summit 2023

        Cevat  Yerli,  the  Founder  and  CEO  of   communicate,  and in principle  how we   Accessible  through  any  browser
        The  TMRW  Foundation,  captivated  the   experience togetherness on the internet.  worldwide, this inclusive platform enables
        audience at the SAMENA Council Leaders’                                  billions of people to connect  without the
        Summit 2023 in Dubai on May 15th, 2023,   The  backbone  of  Yerli’s  Internet  of  Life™   need  for  additional  devices  or  artificial
        with  a  visionary  keynote address and   vision is  proprietary  technology  known   representations  of  themselves.  Although
        participation  in a  panel discussion  held   as  RealityOS®.  This  cloud-based  social   ROOM is available now, it serves as just a
        within the Digital Innovation Cluster. Yerli’s   3D communications platform, backed by   preview of the future possibilities that the
        keynote speech, titled “A New Digital World   hundreds of patents and thousands of man-  Internet  of  Life™  can  offer.  Yerli  shared
        of Possibilities: The Internet of Life®,” shed   years  of  experience,  provides developers,   further applications of the Internet of Life®
        light on his ambitious vision for the future   innovators, governments, and businesses   that have already been realized in the UAE,
        of communication and its potential impact   of all sizes the opportunity to shape their   KSA and beyond.
        on society.                          unique visions for the Internet of Life®.
                                                                                 Yerli  emphasized  that  technology  alone
        Yerli,  a  trailblazer  in  the  gaming  industry   In  Yerli’s  view,  the  Internet  of  Life®   does  not shape the future; instead,  it  is
        whose former venture Crytek revolutionized   represents the third evolution of the internet,   the collective efforts of people utilizing
        the gaming industry and 3D graphics   following  the  first  phase  of  information   technology that create meaningful change.
        technology  in the early 2000s, focused   sharing and the  second  phase  of global   He stressed the importance of responsible
        his talk  on the future of communication,   connectivity. Its purpose is to bring people   technology  development,  ensuring that
        highlighting the upcoming transformation   together in ways that transcend traditional   decisions align with the needs of society
        from two-dimensional web pages to    online experiences. The first manifestation   and future generations.
        interconnected three-dimensional spaces.   of this vision is  an application called
        He  introduced  his  vision  for  this  next   ROOM, a revolutionary 3D communications   During  the panel discussion  at  the
        generation of the web, the Internet of Life®,   platform that  brings virtual  spaces to  a   SAMENA  Council  Leaders’  Summit  2023,
        as a socially responsible mission aimed at   new  dimension.  ROOM  is  inspired  by  the   CEO Cevat Yerli also shared his perspective
        empowering  individuals  and contributing   natural ways  people  interact,  collaborate,   on the distinction between the metaverse
        positively  to  the  planet.  This  mission   and communicate, aiming to foster deeper   and the Internet of Life. Yerli emphasized
        draws inspiration from the immense power   levels of togetherness.       that,  while  the  Metaverse is  centered
        of reality, the way we meet,  collaborate,                               around entertainment and  escapism,
                                                                                 the  Internet  of  Life®  represents  the
                                                                                 future of communication  and real-world

                                                                                 Yerli concluded his keynote by inviting the
                                                                                 audience  to  join  him  and his  team  in
                                                                                 pursuing  the immense  ten  trillion-dollar
                                                                                 opportunity  presented  by  the  Internet  of
                                                                                 Life®: “It’s about connecting people. In this
                                                                                 case,  it’s  about  bringing  people  together.
                                                                                 For me, the Internet of Life®’s sole purpose
                                                                                 is to enhance relationships between people
                                                                                 across  the  world.  Because  we  need
                                                                                 communication. If you don’t get together,
                                                                                 we  can’t  build  a  better  world,  it’s  so
                                                                                 fundamental  to  our  DNA.  We  are  social
                                                                                 animals. When we are alone, we deteriorate,
                                                                                 but when we get together, we improve and
                                                                                 thrive. That’s human nature.”

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