Page 46 - SAMENA Trends - March 2020
P. 46


        5G Super Uplink: World's First Commercial Adoption, Enabling Conch Group
        to Achieve Smart Factory 2.0

        China Telecom Anhui has teamed up with   areas, factories,  and indoor  and outdoor   groups. It has been proactive in leveraging
        Huawei to successfully provide 5G Super   locations of a  subsidiary  cement factory   intelligent  technologies  to transform
        Uplink  services to Conch  Group, one of   of  Conch  Group.  The  verification  results   and upgrade traditional industries. It  has
        China's largest building material corporate   demonstrated  a  20%  to  60%  increase   successfully  constructed  China's  first
        groups. This is the first time the innovative   in uplink data  speed  in the areas close   full-process intelligent cement factory. In
        5G technology has been implemented into   to base stations and a maximum 300%   June 2019, Conch Group signed a strategic
        worldwide  end-to-end  (E2E)  commercial   improvement in the areas distant from the   cooperation  agreement  with  China
        operations.  The solution  has triumphed   base stations after Super Uplink was used.   Telecom Anhui to set up a 5G innovation
        in the  market, providing  strong support   This greatly  improves uplink perceived   lab  for smart  manufacturing.  The two
        for Conch Group to attain smart cement   rate  and  extends  coverage areas  for 5G   parties have jointly started 5G innovative
        factory  2.0  upgrade and transformation.   networks. Such leading network capabilities   application  pilots in its cement factories
        This was a trial adoption by Conch Group,   provide effective support  for continued   in Wuhui and Quanjiao of Anhui province
        where a miniature 5G customer-premises   safety operations, intelligent warning, and   in close collaboration with  Huawei,
        equipment  (CPE)  Pro  2  developed  on   real-time surveillance in mobile scenarios.   leading  for 5G smart  manufacturing  in
        HiSilicon's chipset was used, highlighting   This  is  conducive  to  overall  improving   Anhui.  The  group's 5G project  leader
        successful  E2E commercialization of   production  efficiency,  maintaining  safe   said: "Since  the signing  of the strategic
        5G  super  uplink.  Super  Uplink  was  first   and healthy  working environment, and   cooperation  agreement,  China  Telecom
        unveiled  as  a joint innovation by China   promoting  Conch Group's  smart  cement   and Huawei have been  deeply involved
        Telecom and Huawei at the Mobile World   factory development. China Telecom Anhui   in the construction of our smart cement
        Congress (MWC) Shanghai  in 2019.  The   boasts leading comprehensive information   factories, with a multitude of achievements
        innovative solution allows for 5G networks   service capabilities. In close collaboration   already implemented  in our  production.
        to increase uplink bandwidth while further   with Huawei, it has successfully explored   Based on 5G networks, we have already
        reducing  latency  through  TDD/FDD  a  number of innovative 5G  technologies   seen  significant  improvement  in  the
        coordination,  complementation between   and  services.  These  include  China's  first   operational  efficiency  across  a  full  range
        high and low frequency bands, and time-  5G-showcase  airport, 5G VR panoramic   of production processes in cement-related
        domain/frequency-domain  aggregation.  broadcast for Huangshan  Scenic Resort,   mining, transportation, and production.
        This  provides  strong  technological  self-driving field tests, and 5G telemedicine.   In particular, Super  Uplink helps us meet
        support  for 5G  industrial applications.   Conch Group is one of the world's leading   the high-performance  requirements in
        The trial  deployment covers a  full scope   cement production enterprises and one of   bandwidth,  latency, and coverage  of our
        of network scenarios, including the mining   China's largest building material corporate   key businesses on wireless networks."

                                             Standard Bank SA Accelerates Journey to Digital

                                             Enterprise with Microsoft, SAP

        Standard Bank  South  Africa  is moving   for Personal and Business  Banking  SA,   says  Nkwanyana.  Lillian  Barnard,
        its  core  SAP Cloud  Platform  services to   says leveraging the computing  power   Managing Director, Microsoft South Africa
        Microsoft  Azure  to  significantly  improve   of Microsoft and the product  innovation   says,  “The Project Embrace initiative
        the  experience  customers  have with the   capability of SAP demonstrates  how   between  Microsoft and SAP announced
        bank, while enabling  it to introduce  new   Standard Bank is embracing partnerships   globally  last year is centered  around  the
        solutions to market more efficiently. This   and  ecosystems  to  develop customized   customer  journey to SAP S/4HANA and
        accelerates  the digital transformation  of   solutions for its  clients.“  SAP  has  a   SAP Cloud Platform on Microsoft Azure.
        SAP customers to S/4HANA by partnering   deep  understanding  of our business   The work that we are doing with Standard
        with Microsoft and using jointly developed   requirements and how we want to ensure   Bank is the first local demonstration of this
        reference  architectures, roadmaps,  and   our customers are happy with our service   partnership, and another milestone in the
        industry best practices. Many enterprises   offering. This  partnership continues  our   journey Microsoft is on with Standard Bank,
        are looking to reduce  their reliance  on   focus on innovation by  leveraging the   to  bring  innovation into every  aspect of
        their own datacenters  and moving more   respective skills  of SAP and Microsoft   the bank’s IT system and enable enriched
        of their  core workloads to the cloud.   to  transform  the  digitization  and  interactions  with the bank’s  customers.”
        Sabelo  Nkwanyana, Standard Bank’s  CIO   personalization journey for our customers,”   The partnership brings together SAP and

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