Page 50 - SAMENA Trends - March 2020
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        Microsoft’s TV White Space Proposal Moves Forward

        The Federal Communications Commission   revise  the rules  to  provide flexibility for   channels to extend broadband in rural and
        (FCC)  on  Friday  proposed  updates  to  TV   these devices to more fully participate in   remote areas,” said  Michael Calabrese,
        white space (TVWS) rules in the name of   the IoT.  Microsoft President Brad  Smith   director  of the  Wireless  Future Program
        better  broadband for rural areas  of the   tweeted the company’s  response  to  the   at  the Open  Technology  Institute at  New
        country. It's a win for Microsoft, which last   news.  One of the criticisms with  TVWS   America. “The proposal to  allow  the use
        year had filed a petition seeking updates to   has been around the accuracy of the FCC’s   of unlicensed TV white spaces  to  extend
        the rules to advance its Airband Initiative.   databases.  Commissioner Mike  O’Rielly   internet connectivity to vehicles, including
        White spaces  operate  in portions of the   in his statement said improvements have   school buses and farm equipment, meets
        broadcast television bands that  are not   been made to ensure the accuracy of the   critical needs.  Opportunistic use of
        used  by television stations, and while   databases, and “we are finally in a position   unused TV spectrum will bring enormous
        Microsoft early on was met with resistance   where interested parties can determine   benefits  to  rural,  tribal  and  unserved
        from  the   National  Association  of  whether  there is  usable spectrum  in  a   communities.”  Connect  Americans
        Broadcasters (NAB), the parties managed   specific  area,  providing  them  with  the   Now (CAN)  consists  more than 270
        to  come  to terms  on a  number  of items.   needed  assurances  to invest and deploy   members, including Microsoft and groups
        Specifically, the FCC’s Notice of Proposed   systems.”   Other industry stakeholders   representing  agriculture,  education,
        Rulemaking  (NPRM) seeks comment     applauded  the FCC’s  move as  well.  The   veteran and telehealth organizations. In a
        on a  proposal to  permit higher transmit   FCC’s  TVWS order, through  its  increased   statement, CAN Executive Director Richard
        power and antenna height above average   power and tower height limits, makes the   Cullen said the action on TVWS can help
        terrain  for  fixed  white  space  devices  in   band  more powerful and useful, adding   more farmers and ranchers  capitalize on
        less congested geographic  areas.  How   an important new tool to unlicensed rural   advancements in precision agriculture and
        leading  manufacturing,  infra and service   providers employing it to serve customers,   improve access  to  telehealth  solutions
        providers are using edge  computing  to   according to Louis Peraertz, VP of Policy   for more seniors and veterans, among
        deploy innovative IoT solutions that drive   for the Wireless Internet Service Providers   other  things. “With so much  at  stake,
        business results. If adopted, the changes   Association  (WISPA). “This  is  a  good   we encourage  the Commission  to move
        would allow white space devices to reach   move for  services using TV White Space   swiftly  to  finalize  and  implement  rules  in
        users at  greater  distances,  resulting in   technologies,  and will  help more rural   2020 that support greater utilization of TV
        better broadband coverage. It also would   Americans get on the internet,” he said in   white space to enhance  the pace,  scale
        permit higher-power mobile  operation   a statement. “A unanimous FCC correctly   and cost-effectiveness of rural broadband
        within  defined  geographical  areas,  and   recognizes the potential to use vacant TV   deployments,” he said.

                                             Nokia        Completes          Acquisition          of     Elenion

        Nokia announced the successful completion of
        its  acquisition  of Elenion  Technologies,  a  U.S.-
        based company focusing  on silicon photonics
        technology.  The planned  acquisition  was
        originally announced February 19, 2020. Elenion’s
        technology expertise and unique design platform
        and services enable Nokia to expand its market
        footprint  by  addressing  the critical and rapidly
        evolving  optical connectivity  requirements  of
        5G, cloud and enterprise networking. Ownership
        of these key assets brings time-to-market and
        cost advantages to  Nokia’s  broad  portfolio of
        networking  solutions  by  applying the massive
        scale and economies  of silicon design  and
        manufacturing to the optical supply chain.

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