Page 51 - SAMENA Trends - March 2020
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        Pekka Lundmark Appointed President and CEO of Nokia

                                                                                 over time. Pekka is an excellent choice for
                                                                                 Nokia. I look forward to working with him
                                                                                 on a smooth transition and wish him the
                                                                                 best success in his new role.” “On behalf
                                                                                 of the entire Board of Directors I would like
                                                                                 to thank Rajeev for his many contributions
                                                                                 to Nokia, where he  has served  with both
                                                                                 honor  and distinction,”  said  Siilasmaa.
                                                                                 “Rajeev’s  loyalty, commitment,  and deep
                                                                                 personal  integrity  have served as  an
                                                                                 example to all of Nokia. I know that Rajeev
                                                                                 will,  like  myself, always  have Nokia  blue
                                                                                 running through his veins.” Suri will leave
                                                                                 his current position on August  31, 2020
                                                                                 and continue to serve as an advisor to the
                                                                                 Nokia Board until January 1, 2021. During
        Nokia’s Board of Directors has appointed   so many talented people,” said Lundmark.   his tenure as CEO  of Nokia and  Nokia
        Pekka  Lundmark  as  President  and Chief   “Together we can create shareholder value   Siemens  Networks,  Suri  led  a  significant
        Executive  Officer  of  Nokia.  Lundmark   by delivering on Nokia’s mission to create   consolidation  of the telecommunications
        is  expected to  start  in his  new  role on   the technology to  connect  the world.  I   infrastructure sector;  a  fundamental
        September 1, 2020. Lundmark is currently   am  confident  that  the  company  is  well-  turnaround of Nokia  Siemens  Networks
        President  and CEO  of Fortum, a  leading   positioned for the 5G era and it is my goal   including the disposal of multiple non-core
        energy company based in Espoo, Finland,   to ensure that we meet our commitments   assets; massive growth in the company’s
        where he consistently  delivered robust   to our customers, employees, shareholders   highly profitable patent licensing business;
        total shareholder returns,  successfully   and other stakeholders.  Strong values,   the integration  of Alcatel-Lucent;  and
        renewed  the company’s  strategy, and   leading  innovation  and  unflinching  successful   diversification   into   new
        positioned  it  to be a  strong player in the   commitment  to  our customers have   software and enterprise  markets.  Under
        transforming  global energy sector.  Prior   always been core to Nokia and I want to   his leadership,  Nokia  became  one of the
        to Fortum, Lundmark served as President   put this even more at  our center as  we   top two  players in  telecommunications
        and CEO of Konecranes, a global material-  move forward.” Rajeev Suri, Nokia’s current   infrastructure, rising from a  number four
        handling technology leader,  and  from   President and CEO, indicated earlier to the   position, with the scope and scale for long-
        1990-2000  he held multiple executive   Board that  he was  considering  stepping   term success. “Pekka  is  the right person
        positions at Nokia, including Vice President   down  from his role at  some point  in   to lead Nokia  in the coming  years,” said
        of Strategy and Business Development at   the future, provided a  solid succession   Sari Baldauf, Nokia Board Vice Chair and
        Nokia Networks. Lundmark holds a Master   plan was  in  place. Nokia’s  Board  of   Chair nominee. “I look forward to working
        of Science degree from Helsinki University   Directors  has conducted  a structured   closely with  him  and Nokia’s  leadership
        of Technology. He will be based in Espoo,   process  for CEO succession  and has   team to build an even stronger company,
        Finland. “With  the acquisition  of Alcatel-  been working closely with Suri to develop   one well positioned for the future.” “I would
        Lucent  behind  us  and the world of 5G in   internal candidates  and  identify  external   also like to extend my personal thanks to
        front of us, I  am  pleased that  Pekka  has   candidates. That  process culminated   Rajeev,” continued Baldauf. “He has been
        agreed to join Nokia,” said Risto Siilasmaa,   on March 2, 2020, when Nokia’s  Board   at the heart of a dramatic transformation
        Nokia  Board  Chair.  “He  has  a  record  of   of Directors made  the decision to move   of  Nokia  into one of  the top players in
        leadership and shareholder value creation   forward with Lundmark’s appointment.   the telecommunications  infrastructure
        at large business-to-business companies;   “After 25 years at Nokia, I have wanted to   industry.  His  time at  Nokia  has  been
        deep  experience in telecommunications   do something different,” said Suri. “Nokia   characterized by significant achievements,
        networks,  industrial  digitization, and key   will  always  be part  of  me, and  I  want  to   a  relentless customer focus  and a  clear
        markets such as  the United States and   thank  everyone that  I  have worked with   commitment to building a company culture
        China;  and  a focus  on  strategic  clarity,   over the years for helping  make Nokia a   based on both performance  and respect.
        operational excellence and strong financial   better place and me a better leader. I leave   Rajeev leaves Nokia with my gratitude and
        performance.” “I am honored to have the   the company with a belief that a return to   appreciation  for all  he has done for the
        opportunity to lead Nokia, an extraordinary   better performance is on the horizon and   company.”
        company that has so much potential and   with pride for what we have accomplished

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